User talk:Cubix The Dragon Slayer Three
So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be an admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":
The rules, such as "ROFL KILL THE BABIESN'T PLZN'T (notn't)" are here. People breaking the rules will have a koala thrown at them, and may also possibly receive a Chinese burn. So, that's all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.
Noticed you have been here for awhile, we do need some minks, and also slayers. XY007 ⊡ talk ⊡ contributions 02:16, 12 Arply 2015 (UTC)
- Look who's back from the real world.
Whether it's through compulsory community service for crimes we won't go into or just personal choice, you've just joined illogicopedia. First and foremost, may I take your coat *rifles through the pockets*. This greeting if not nailed to your forehead (or applied forcefully with No More Nails) is most likely from an admin/werewolf/Jonas the Happy Vandal/Sysop which makes it excellent, so RELAX. Now we're all relaxed, I'll quickly get through the bits you need to know (rules and where to go etc, and my bribe of course):
Happy editing!
01:24, 22 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- If you're American, why are you asking for pounds? Naughty.
~ Good tidings! ~ 11:38, 22 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- The word is 'stoat'. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 01:27, 22 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- Hello Cubix. We appreciate your illogic, but it would be best that you make more meaningful edits to Illogicopedia. We'll let you pass with DEDIT, but please try to make more meaningful edits life aforementioned. Thank you.
02:47, 22 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
Since you don't have a userpage...[edit source]
Here's a template to start you off.
You've picked up something obscure and may have given Decks a case of mild cardiac arrest. Tell me again why I should do this. |
Unlike those other guys, I found your nitrogen-fuelled ramblings highly entertaining. Though I never even knew SB:SD YouTube Poop existed up until you mentioned it. Somewhat terrifying stuff. As a disgruntled member of the Commonwealth, my favourite YTP will likely always be this one. I'm guessing you're Australian also? ~ Good tidings! ~ 10:01, 22 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- Are we talking about nitrous oxide?
(kaizum me)
03:12, 24 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- Congratulations, you are the second recipient of the Rev. Zim_ulator Userpage Prize Award! The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 03:53, 24 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
Are you broken?[edit source]
Are you made of a "number of cubes"? There may be someone here able to repair robots. I have no idea. So I made you a user page with custom, spontaneously generated quotes. Watch out for the rancid peccaries; they're undead zombie porcine killers of men. And women. Whichever you are.
Pies and cheese are right out, so put them out of mind. Perhaps a nice slab of venison. Maybe kung pao chicken? Asparagus jet fuel, Plato's back deck with a view of the Acropolis, swamp gorilla-raptors. Sing the body pneumatic. Buy replacement parts for an Abrams battle tank. Throw pretzels at Volvos parked near a helicopter. Induce termites to attack deer in the banking industry. Did you eat a measuring tape? 04:24, 24 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- You should improve the Splatoon page to make it less mindless repetition, and more illogical.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 01:38, 19 Farbleum 2016 (UTC)
- You should improve the Splatoon page to make it less mindless repetition, and more illogical.