User talk:Hindleyite/Archive6

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Its content is not current, nor is it currants. Warning, may contain raisins, nuts, or even cheese.

Aye up boyyo[edit source]

Any news on t' pickle? --Testostereich(ballsack) 15:18, 3 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Aye, I've read all the articles so yeah, the judges need to get together on IRC to discus [sic]. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:28, 3 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
I'll poke seppy --Testostereich(ballsack) 16:29, 3 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
We need a third judge, it's a bit hit and miss as to whether Nerd will be around much, him being in a different time zone and all. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:04, 5 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Awesomeland/Sorry[edit source]

Hey, thanks for editing Awesomeland. I changed it because I decided to save it because I had to leave for an hour or something. Yeah, I'm sorry about the British comments in it. I was trying to make a joke. If you were offended, I'm sorry. I really don't hate the British.... that much..... Yeah, so I hope you laughed and also, tell Testosterich I'm sorry too. --->T3<--- 18:12, 5 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

One is not amused. Well, actually I am. I took it in good humour --Testostereich(ballsack) 18:18, 5 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
I'm not offended, I thought it was fairly funny. Not sure about all the vanity bits though... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:02, 5 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

NUTRI BRAIN![edit source]

This is i felt like it?

:P --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 00:41, 7 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Oh YEAH!! I wonder if they do Nutri Brain medicine? I do need a new brain though, so thankye very much for this template thing! 'Tis indeed very purple. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 09:17, 7 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Unmeta and such[edit source]

Hello Hindleyite, i've made you admin on UnMeta. Lets go ahead with the plan. see my talkpage there. Also i would like to talk with the people here (seppy & testostereich et al about hosting & stuff. got to go now. be back later. D. G. Neree 03:47, 7 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

& please archive you talk page dude ;p D. G. Neree 04:10, 7 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
OK, see yas later. I am in the process of posting the message at the Uncyc village dump. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 09:20, 7 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

wikiHowl[edit source]

Hi, we love the Illogiblog mention!

As we search your articles over the coming months to see what we might like to use on our site, can we just go ahead and pop in the {{wikihowl}} tag on each how to article, as you have done here? - Wikihowl 13:04, 8 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Well, I created the WikiHowl tag as an alternative to the {{HowTo}} one, which already mentions Wikihowl in its blab. You could place it on a few of the more 'serious' HowTos if you like. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 09:04, 9 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Very nice! We will see that each of the How-tos gets one tag or the other! Thanks very much.Wikihowl 13:26, 9 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

I added pics![edit source]

I saw your post on Toast's talk page. I added 2 pics. I had a couple pics for it but they wouldn't upload correctly.

gee mister[edit source]

I just started apocopedia and i forgot how to get into the user rights management page. HUGE BOB formerly binclin Fdx.jpg 11:08, 13 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

gee mister, could you help us make a nice Main Page? Pweeese? --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 11:27, 13 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Bob: user rights management is in the special pages in the part for admins only. DX: I will see if I have time, not really feeling in a formatting mood today. Glad to see you succeeded in getting Wikia to come round! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:02, 13 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
thanks, i begged em for it :) No more requests for me now, I'm all requested out. --HUGE BOB formerly binclin Fdx.jpg 13:05, 13 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Can you help us now? --HUGE BOB formerly binclin Fdx.jpg 09:33, 18 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
I made a start on a new front page design (based on the IllogiNews page) but Apocopedia is running really slowly at the moment so I'm going to leave it for a while. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:34, 18 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
thanks --HUGE BOB formerly binclin Fdx.jpg 12:06, 18 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

The Wiki's System[edit source]

If you have Jumbly for July and Ergust for August, how about adding a little more mayhem to the wiki? You know how you have "Save Page" and "Show Preview" buttons? You might want to change them to something like "Shave Page" or "Mow Preview." What do you think you Magigggulialar Rubdintergibbit? XXXXX Talk to me OR ELSE! 02:42, 16 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

The OMG Nomination[edit source]

Thanks for the nom Hindle! Oh, also, I'm a guy so you can stop putting "man/woman" stuff. Thanks! --->T3<--- 23:26, 22 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

:-D -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:55, 25 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

IllogiTV! SO MUCH POTENTIAL! (sry, caps...)[edit source]

I know I posted this on the forum but I think IllogiTV has so much potential but it's like the forgotten project. I think if you were to put it on the main page more people would contribute. I am currently working on some videos for it. Well... Lemme see.. In England its.... 2AM.... crap....

That's great! The thing about IllogiTV is that I recently cleared all my videos from my computer to an external hard drive, so I haven't been doing much video editing of late. Problem with the project was nobody else is interested, at all - you are the first (well, second after Testicles) to mention the project! If you wanna revive it, yeh, I'm up for it - I have a couple of works inprogress taht I could donate to IllogiTV. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:45, 23 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Hey! I made a video and clicked the "Email it to Hindleyite" button and I can't attach the file. Can you e-mail me at so I can get your e-mail and e-mail it over Yahoo! so I can attach the file? --->T3<--- 02:54, 24 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Seems like illogicopedia is slowing down and deteriorating --HUGE BOB 13:58, 24 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Why would you say that? --->T3<--- 18:05, 24 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
@T3: I can email you my email, but then I could just give you the username and password for the YouTube account so you could upload it yourself. Or would you prefer me to upload it for you? Either is fine.
@Bob: Well, you might think that but the last few months have been extremely busy so I guess it's just a bit of a comedown from that. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:53, 25 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
I'll upload it. Just send me username and pass. --->T3<--- 18:01, 26 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
I've emailed you them. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:10, 27 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Yo Home Dawg[edit source]

I'm Back. In IraqBlack. Etcetera.... Anyway, "G", what's been hanging during my annual holiday? --Testostereich(ballsack) 15:26, 23 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Not much, the Pickle still needs to be judged. I went on IRC but Seppy had gone to see Batman. Apart from that, yeah, nowt. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:49, 25 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Hurro dare.[edit source]

Ah m bak from my stay at Apocopedia. No-one's been working on eet four a wail, so i figured i'd best come 'ere. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 06:21, 24 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Glad to see you back my friend! I'll try and hop over to Apoco a bit later. Also, it was my birthday yesterday so I was takin a break from my computer. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:55, 25 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Icy. As in "i see"? Geddit? A HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH AHA NOT FUNNY. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 08:54, 27 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

I saw your post on my talk page...[edit source]

...Thanks. I'm sorry about posting "I'M A VANDAL" on his page. I was REALLY frustrated. --->T3<--- 20:33, 29 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

I don't remember you doing that.... :-| -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:24, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

I am having troubles.[edit source]

would you please check out Missyweedia This user is beginning a flame war with me when I alerted her to not blank and replace pages. So... maybe we should get missyweedia in their place. Check out the conversation on my talk page and her (his?) talkpage. Thanks.--Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg 23:05, 29 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Hmm, I was wondering if it was the Beetus vandal again trying to piss us off, but I think it was a genuine error on the part of Misswedia, who mistook Illogico for a serious, straight laced wiki. I've put a message on their talk page about it. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:23, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

So I made an IllogiTV template...[edit source]

Here it is:


What the? This article is an IllogiTV video! It can be found here!


The code is {{IllogiTV}}

I'm thinking of setting up a reward for making an IllogiTV video. Maybe a userbox or an award...

The OMG Scary Alien.PNG -->T3<--The OMG Scary Alien.PNG Talk?..I'm bored | articles? | email? 02:57, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Yeah! Now we just need some actual IllogiTV videos... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:26, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

HEY[edit source]

i know its not logical but still posting mean stuff is wrong. so dont tell me what i did wrong-you are wrong. Missyweedia 13:30, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

You are wrong and you know it. Because you know what YOU are doing is wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. At least TRY and understand what is going on instead of looking at a post quickly and then going BLAH BLEH BLAH BLAH BLEH. --Ryan u|t|c Здравствуйте 15:37, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
@Missyweedia: If you think Illogicopedia is wrong, so be it. But you don't quite get it - it's supposed to be 'wrong'. I suggest you ignore Illogicopedia completely. Thanks for your contributions but maybe you should go to Encyclopedia Dramatica instead. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 15:59, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Zaaap! You got it goin' on Hindley's --Testostereich(ballsack) 16:03, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
He may have done this because he was in the opinion that the article was insulting Wikipedia. However, "telling the truth" doesn't work because this is not supposed to be a serious place. It's a place for randomness, nonsense and total weirdness. You could describe our content as word salad. Some WHAT!? (talk) (contribs) (edit count) 21:15, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Lol, this person clearly can not ascertain what is serious and what is tongue in cheek. Er, if Missyweedia has Asperger Syndrome I retract the Lol. Nothing funny about an illness. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:53, 31 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for the IllogiBlog Mention[edit source]

Thanks. I know it's not that good. I just wanted to put out an IllogiTV video. I'm gonna start working on some higher quality stuff. I'll probably post something after 6:00EST cause that's 12:00 in IllogiTime and you know what that means... The OMG Scary Alien.PNG -->T3<--The OMG Scary Alien.PNG Talk?..I'm bored | articles? | email? 17:48, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

BEER TIME?! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:54, 31 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

once more.[edit source]

Look at what she/he said


I hate to say it, but this may call for a ban. If I were an admin Id put missyweedia to a 1 week ban. Or worse. --Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg 20:28, 30 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

OK, right. I am convinced this is either a) a prank account or b) the user has Asperger Syndrome or something. I lean towards the former, so a longer ban is on the way. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:50, 31 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Video Collab[edit source]

I just use Windows Movie Maker. Nothing special. The program I used for the .gif was called Pivot 3.0 beta. All of my stuff is free software. All I used for The OMG Scary Alien Rap was Notepad, narrator, Audacity, two pictures, and Windows Movie Maker. I'd be up for a collab so... yeah. T3 <--My siggy

Sorry for 2 straight messages but...[edit source]

I'm gonna make an IllogiTV video called "The Illogi Dance Contest". It will be a random dance contest with users represented by stick figures. I have three questions:

  • 1. Would you like to be in it?
  • 2. If you do, what color would you like to be (all available).
  • 3. What music? I don't have much. Mostly alternative rock/rock. I do have I think one Hip-Hop song.


T3 <--- My Siggy

Ooh, sounds cool. I'll talk to you about this on IRC, dude -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:07, 1 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Well Done[edit source]

Just saying the blog is looking more active and cooler as each day goes by; have yourself a mint imperial --Testostereich(ballsack) 06:48, 2 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Saying that, if there's anything you would need me for/have any ideas but are too lazy to follow up involving the blog, or in general.... --Testostereich(ballsack) 06:52, 2 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Cheers, wow, I dunno why I didn't see this comment earlier. There's been a burst of posts due to the increase in popularity of IllogiTV, which is good to see.
Yeah, if you are inclined, feel free to write anything you want, just hit the 'new post(editors only)' link and put your password in. If you copy/paste your text there you get credit for making the first edit, even if it's just a few words. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:48, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

u R WPRTHY[edit source]

Flub Nugget Award

FLub NUggetCloseUp.JPG

Raggle Fraggle King acclaims, "Huzzah! YOU, my brother and/or sister, have proved your yourself wprthy! I hereby award The Flub Nugget Award to you for your services to all randomness! NOW COME JOIN US AT THE OVALISH ROUND SHAPED TABLE, you might want to watch out for the wobbly chair leg though

--Ragglefraggleking 14:21, 2 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Thanks dude, nice new pic of Flub. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 16:49, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

hey look![edit source]

Ok. Well Remember a long time ago when you reviewed one chipmunk not a rodent? Well you said you'd like to see more images. And you said maybe one of him in a bar. Then you said that you thought it reminded you of a black and white film. Put all of those together and what do you get? Another picture... of a chipmunk in a bar in clack and white!! This is my best edited picture ever! check it out.

Chipmunk in bar.jpg

--Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg 20:35, 2 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Hah, cool. Did you use Paint for that? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:10, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Blender[edit source]

Hows that goin? if you want, i can show you the ropes or something see, im still learning how to do armatures myself, but i can pass on what i already know, also, IRK! --Seppy 11:46, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

I can't seem to get the hang of it. Maybe I could do storyboarding or something? I dunno, I might have another go later. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:48, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Are you talkin' about what I think you're talking about? If so, there couldn't be anyone worse than me at using the crap. --Ryan u|t|c Здравствуйте 11:57, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

hey[edit source]

have u read my latest work WHERE'S YPUR COOKIE? iT'S QUITE RANDOM. Also have you heard my forum post? I am making a training video on how to unleash your inner idiot. it will be a ?pedia production and it mays feature references and or text from well known articles. --Ragglefraggleking 16:49, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Where's Ypur cookie was fun, I laughed out loud at a lot of it such as him eating the cat and the random appearances of pandas and llamas. I added a couple of links for you but I reckon some pictures would go nicely, I might be able to find one or two on the wiki if you like. Then, I will nom it for feature, if you remind me to!
The video: looking forward to it. What video editing program you gonna use? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:00, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Window movie maker i s all i got but i do also have creation station thing where i will film some live footage for the video.--Ragglefraggleking 17:09, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

its done! how do i put it on ?pedia?????--Ragglefraggleking 17:45, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

I've emailed you the password for the Youtube channel. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:03, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
did u watch it --Ragglefraggleking 21:30, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC) ps the cat ninja was me in a cheap homemade ninja costume with one of my dog's toys in my hand.
Yeah, I saw it - it's mental. Cheap homemade stuff is the way to go! I'll probably buy the video when it comes out... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:52, 4 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
About what you said about finding some images for WHERE'S YPUR COOKIE. iT WOULD BE NICE IF YOU DID SINCE IT NEEDS SOME IMAGES. ILL TRY TO FIND SOME MYSELF. THANKS--Ragglefraggleking 14:48, 6 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Can I get a star?[edit source]

Can I please get a star for Toast's feature. Not to sound needy...

BTW can the caption be "and for making the best french Toast ever."

T3 21:27, 3 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Will do. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 14:26, 4 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Peanut Butter?[edit source]

I have no idea how to fit in do I? Anyway, hello sir.  :-) I noticed you editing you collaboration template on RC, and wondered if you guys have something like u:User:MrN9000/Collaboration here? You probably do. It's a central point where people can put a template on their article, and have it appear on the one list. It requires DPL. I will probably get around to advertising it a bit more over at Uncyc, but wondered if something like this might be handy for Illogic also? Oh, sausages. No? Hmm... MrN9000 20:54, 4 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Oh, glad to see you make the long trip over from Uncyc, Mr N! I wouldn't worry about fitting in, nobody else here does. Yes, we've got something like the collaboration project you mentioned, even if it isn't that popular. There's our Article Improvement Drive, which still hasn't properly been launched (waiting for the right moment) and articles tagged for community work go in Category:AID. Maybe streamlining it by putting a positive slant on things would be the kick up the backside it needs? I kind of like the idea of a collabs project, something alerting people to what's being worked on. We're always talking about "how we can bring the community together" and collabs are brilliant way of doing this, methinks. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:28, 5 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

SBA-M[edit source]

I added you to the google group we created for it, i sent the invite to your hotmail address, i guess you dont use that one regularly then :P --Seppy 12:02, 5 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, I pretty much don't check it at all these days :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:04, 6 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Well, you should join the group, its were all discussions are going for it.--Seppy 14:01, 6 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
OK. Well, I applied for membership cos when I clicked the email link it said I need to be a member to view it. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:49, 7 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Well, i think you did it wrong, cus its not there to accept :( --Seppy 17:53, 7 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Weird, are you the manager? I tried to resend the application but got "Your subscription to this group is still pending.". -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:57, 7 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
It just came through ¬_¬ Took long enough for google to take their finger out their butt :P --Seppy 17:59, 7 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Im back, hi[edit source]

Im back from my hols. Whats new beeyacht? --HUGE BOB 13:12, 7 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Bee yacht, that's got to be an article... nowt is new as such, only some bananas have exploded as usual. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:50, 7 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Nice! Roll my balls into soup now, im off to spain! --HUGE BOB 19:57, 7 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Ooh, bollock soup, sounds nice. Get me a bull or some paella or something! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:08, 8 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

I have a question[edit source]

Hey this is mwow513 here and I to make my sig a picture like you, mrmetalflower and such. I keep trying to copy and paste of sigs with pics and changing them around and stuff but I can't seem to get it to work. Can you help me? This is what I have. Maybe you can tell me what I did wrong {{:User:Mwow513/sig}} 01:13, 9 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC) If you can get back to me soon on my talk page it'd be great. thanks

I got there first, Hindley :P MetalFlower.jpg

I'm using this heading because I'm lazy, now here's another one of my CWAZY DOODLES you can use it on templates and such, oh and don't forget to request images from me, I might be able to pull it off! --HUGE BOB 10:47, 9 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

"Hiya, I'm your slave master for today!"
Thassa pretty mint pic. If you can think of some cool ideas for cartoons or something maybe we could have a weekly IllogiToon column. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:04, 10 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I would happily do a weird offbeat cartoon strip. Swap ideas with me on this section of yer talk page please. I'll put my pic for the template Isms below and let me know what you think. --HUGE BOB 20:08, 10 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)


Cartoons[edit source]

Oh and here's the proposed cartoon strip in question. Turnips no.1


and turnips no.2


Yay for me, I crammed it into this already over filled talk bag! --HUGE BOB 10:05, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Wow, those are really good! Just mucking around with the isms template now... cheers for the pic. I'm thinking of the best way to bring the cartoons to the general attention of the Illogicopedian public... the blog? Or maybe we could squeeze them somewhere onto the front page since nobody uses IllogiNews. Turnips!-- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:09, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

How about a new turnips every week? --HUGE BOB 10:20, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, that would be awesome. I'm gonna post the toons at the blog now, but methinks a new project page for IllogiToons is in order. Also, you need to make some sort of personal gallery for the images you've created and uploaded! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:22, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I'll make a section on my user page. Just tell me the next deadline --HUGE BOB 10:25, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Whenever you feel like it dude. Maybe you could do a load at once and then give us one each week, or perhaps take on some current events for topics, like the atom smasher machine in Switzerland and stuff like that. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:29, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
on the front page then? --HUGE BOB 10:31, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Maybe, but we'll make Illogitoons first then see where it goes. Maybe a link on the sidebar too. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:35, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Oh yeah, toons are on the blog. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:35, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Oh and just one more thing, can I be a blogger? I've been on here longer than T3 haven't I? --HUGE BOB 10:38, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Sure, anybody can become an Illogiblogger at any time, really. Email me your email address so I can email you an invitation :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:42, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I clicked on apply to be an editor, so I think I've sent it now. --HUGE BOB 10:58, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I don't think it will since you haven't assigned an email address to your account (I clicked on 'email this user' for on your userpage and it gives an error). Just open up your email program and send me a message that way, that would be fine. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:07, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Sorry, whats yer email address?? --HUGE BOB 11:09, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Check PMs. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:31, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Done and done! Did you recive it? --HUGE BOB 11:23, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Not yet. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:59, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I'm working on illogitoons now! --HUGE BOB 12:02, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Excellent! I'm now going to get some lunch. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:04, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Whats lunch? --HUGE BOB 12:09, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
A chicken sandwich and packet of Tesco crisps. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:16, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Email received and invitation sent. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:31, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Can you?[edit source]

Can you not mark the IllogiCountry article with {{stub}}?

T3 00:22, 10 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

OK, just trying to help out man. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:03, 10 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Bob That Head[edit source]

Wow you're good. User:Fire When Ready is indeed a sock of User:BobThatHead. And guess what, so am I. That's Numberwang! 15:44, 10 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Hmmm, this guy seems to be rather persistent. Can't wikia do anything about it? --Testostereich(ballsack) 17:27, 10 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Not sure if there's much I Wikia could do but it might be worth an inquiry. This guy must really hate Illogicopedia. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:34, 10 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Fur is murder seems like another sockpuppet of User:BobThatHead. He changes articles' names into Grawp. He's persistent, isn't he? --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 10:46, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Meh, he'll get bored. Meantime, pie? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:09, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Yes, some meantime pie. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 12:05, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Ban this IP adress: for vandalism, please. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 12:17, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
I was hovering over the block button at the time, but MMF did it for me. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:22, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Fur is murder is not one of my socks. Not at all. However, User:Song for the Life is. Song for the Life 18:45, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Congratulations!![edit source]

Congrats! You've won the Awesome user box. This user box is only for awesome users. You can put it on your page if you'd like.

Awesome!!.PNG This user is AWESOME!!!

Awesome-a Bin Laden! I mean, er... (notices it's 11th Sep...) thanks. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:15, 11 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Could you...[edit source]

Add apocapedia to Illogicopedia's sister projects? Thanks, meester. --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 01:10, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Dude[edit source]

you're beating me to reverting everything, lol. great job. and we SERIOUSLY need to appoint an extra admin or two. MetalFlower.jpg 11:32, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

And we need to get some checkuser stuff going on so we can rangeblock that vandal. MetalFlower.jpg 11:36, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Hah, I just right click/new windowed all the 'ghost' links in his contribs. Did you see what he did to the main page? It was quite cool :D -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:37, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
hehe. yeah, we can't say we don't get imaginative vandals... well imaginative to an extent, it was rather repetitive and did use /b/tard memes :P MetalFlower.jpg 11:39, 13 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)