The other debate

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My dog keeps biting my toes -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!

That's weird, my dog's been doing that too --Testostereich(ballsack)
What on earth is going on? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!

I got an Uber dog! --T3

Why did DR love leave the tap on? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!

I am officially debating. —rms talk

Debate? What is this? --T3
THIS IS A DEBATE!! -- Testostereich(ballsack)
Wait, wut? -- MetalFlower.jpg
What a retard.... -- Huge bob
ZOMG! Sorry, a giant whale just crashed through my window. -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 18:00, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
HOLY SHIT!! HAXXORZ FTW!!! -- Galanoth
Hey, I didn't write that --Galanoth 18:32, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)

THE REAL DEBATE[edit | edit source]

Donuts anyone? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!

No thanks --T3
No thanks hindley -- —rms talk


wibble -- Galanoth

I don't want to get on anyone's tits but I think my pressure cooker blew up -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!

Really? Lol u got pressure cookah! --T3
Everyone has one these days t3! Get one -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
oh, ok then --T3
Hindley? -- —rms talk
Dont speak to me. I'm slapping a toddler around the head -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
JESUS BABY P!! -- —rms talk
Oh! A religion reference. I'm deleting this. --Nerd42eMailTalkUnMetaWPediah2g2
Oh nerd. —rms talk 18:32, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
Oh no! I don't have time to delete it! Sci-Fi Channel is having a Star Trek marathon! -- Nerd42eMailTalkUnMetaWPediah2g2
Oh damn! I have to watch it! —rms talk 18:36, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
Oh no! I would have watched it had I been aware of its existence! --Galanoth 18:37, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
I still have DONUTS! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
Well I have a brain! —rms talk 18:39, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)

Lost and found[edit | edit source]

I found something in my faeces --Nerd42eMailTalkUnMetaWPediah2g2

What, like, irking? or workin? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
Lets not go nuts --Nerd42eMailTalkUnMetaWPediah2g2
What the frak do you mean nerd? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
I found something in my faeces --Nerd42eMailTalkUnMetaWPediah2g2


I found it, actually. -- Ben Blade
Don't look then. --Galanoth 18:46, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
I once found a toy soldier in my feces. -- Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW!
WHY DO YOU PEOPLE EXAMINE YOUR FECES? --Galanoth 18:50, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
I once found a zebra in my faeces but you don't hear me moaning -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
I once found a person in my feces. They hopped out of the toilet and walked away. I think they stole my bathroom doorknob. -- T3
I once found a feces in my feces. Beat that. --Galanoth 18:55, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
I don't want to beat anything. I HAVE GOT LARGER BALLS THAN MORTALS -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
If by mortals you mean microscopic organisms, then yes. You do. -- JonTehSexyMoFo

does god exist?[edit | edit source]

Truly. —rms talk 19:01, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)

Jerry Springer is here! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
Jesus! My head is turning into scallops! —rms talk 19:03, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
Wait hold on wut. No. Yes. Maybe. LOLOLOLOLBBQLOLOLOLOLNOLOLOLOYESLOLOLOL wut? The Sith Lord Of Illogicness! 01:53, 14 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)

LOl. Of course I exist! -God aka "Ryan"

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?[edit | edit source]

Discuss. --Galanoth

Wood. -- T3
I think about eigthy-eight sticks. —rms talk
And that's why you're a faggot Readmesoon. -- Ben Blade
Yup. And you aren't; Bennie Blade. -- JonTehSexyMofo
Good point, Jon. —rms talk
Agreed. --The preceding unsigned comment was left by Galanoth (talk | stalk), see the past frenzies page for posting time
This is not a flamewar! —rms talk
Oh. --Galanoth 19:25, 12 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)

I am the ILLOGIC KILLER[edit | edit source]

I r back and I r goin 2 make this wiki fucking shit so fuck off becuz ur not a admin ben so u cant tell me wat 2 do!!1Eiffel Tower.jpg|2 Times| The Eiffel Tower|Eiffel Tower.jpg

Bant --Seppy
Epic :p--Testostereich(ballsack)
lol --Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
That prick needs to stop coming back. --Ryan u|t|c
Fuckk off i am back and theres nothing U can do so ha im goin 2 be lauging when this wiki is DED --Toby DEmail Me
Faggot Ben Blade
No swearing, Mr Blade. This is a family wiki. This wiki isnt what it used to be.Nerd42eMailTalkUnMetaWPediah2g2
STFU Nerd --Seppy
Yeah piss off. Ben can go away too.----Sir Asema Politics Complaint Inbox or Outbox
Go away ben. Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg
Yea. No one likes you. -- T3

Which came first?[edit | edit source]

The chicken or it's feathers? --Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!

The chicken. --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW!
The egg. --Galanoth
You stupid prick! There is no egg! Fock off! --Seppy
This idea sucks. I will not participate. --Ben Blade
Fock off, then. --Seppy

What time is it?[edit | edit source]

It's that time. (Of the month lololol) --—rms talk

It's PBJ time. --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW!
It's Pimms 'O Clock! --Ben Blade
Faget-- T3
STFU or Get Banned, both of you --Seppy
No. --Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg
YES YES YES YES YES YES oh.... no *+++|User|+++*
Who are you? Noob. THE
Shag me. --Galanoth
OK! --—rms talk
This Idea sounds crap. Im not going to bother even going near this.--Ben Blade
So, What time IS it?--Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW!
Bennie Blade is such a fucking rebel he wont tell anybody the time.
No u --Ryan u|t|c
Hey, Ryan, actually write something worth reading and then we'll talk. -- Some WHAT!? (talk) (contribs) (edit count)
Oh and your only two features are Letters to the Editor which was like 95% T3canolis and Mini Ketchup which is absolute shit. So shut the fuck up. -- Ryan u|t|c
Suddenly, a hammer drops out of a sky and stops everything. --Jessica C. Duck, the Oddity
Shut The fuck Up why the hell would that happen, stupid cunt --—rms talk
Why did your mom happen?--Jessica C. Duck, the Oddity
She didnt--Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW!
Who keeps having Readmesoon with the wrong sig? --Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
It's me --THE

What time is it really?[edit | edit source]

Hammer time. --Ryan u|t|c

OMG! TH1S 1S L13K T3H B357 AR9UM3N7 3V4R!!111!11!!!11 --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW!
OMFG newb --Ryan u|t|c
Thats what you said to your mom last night T3
That was your mum --Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW!
No. Shes in prison --T3
EPIC! --Ryan u|t|c
Thats not a prison. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!
Touch my nipples. --Ryan u|t|c
No thanks. --Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here!

The post-modern world[edit | edit source]