User talk:Hindleyite/Archive12

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Its content is not current, nor is it currants. Warning, may contain raisins, nuts, or even cheese.


Indeed it was I who corrected the vote template redlinking, the duplication however is as illogical as anything here. Maybe one of the switch cases is failing, I'll look into it. It doesn't seem to be duplicating on the main page though, so we should be good there --(ƒî)» 14:38, 16 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, it's not a major thing but it just looks weird. I believe it was Fluffalizer that originally coded the thing, but alas we haven't seen him in a while. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 14:53, 16 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)


You. Soak up my presence because it won't last long. Tell me. Is it time? Do you know why. BE HASTE!--Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg 00:08, 19 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

IRK, nao. ALso stay, we're cool and have cool stuff going on (check the stuff on rc and site messages) Testostereich(ballsack) 00:10, 19 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, welcome, Fonchster! I thought you'd gawn ferever! Thy hast is beard, sir. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:19, 19 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)


Wow, well done with, though the website would appeal to me more if it included a team from a football town, not a rugby one :P. Btw I stumbled across it in a trance of boredom.--Ben Blade 00:36, 23 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

Wish I had more time and motivation to work on JWAW, though I have no idea why any non-Wigan fan would be in the slightest bit interested... cheers anyways. More boredom fodder here ---> -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:50, 23 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
So did you make the 'Illarterate' umbrella of your non-illodge workings before you started here? Like, wow.--Ben Blade 12:31, 23 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Illarterate actually came after Illogicopedia started, but yeah, pretty much. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:29, 25 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
I like the new front page desgin for ?pedia. Peace out. -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 17:39, 23 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Cheers. It isn't perfect, but at least it gives the impression that stuff's happening now. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:29, 25 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

hi im back!

ive been thinking of replacing the old illogic armada with a new game btw. but anyway hi! Illogic armada 21:45, 18 Farbleum 2010 (UTC) do i upload pics? Illogic armada 00:05, 19 Farbleum 2010 (UTC)

I believe this is the link you're looking for. Welcome back, by the way! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:32, 21 Farbleum 2010 (UTC)

hey dan

I'm sorry. --Ben Blade 14:11, 28 Farbleum 2010 (UTC)

What for? The fact Sheffield United is much older and richer than Wigan, yet somehow struggles to get into the same league? :P C'mon dude, don't be bitter about it all. I have to say I always preferred Sheff U, even when Wednesday were in the Premier League. Who has an owl as a logo anyway? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 14:13, 28 Farbleum 2010 (UTC)
Dude im messin' wid chu. I was bored. Also, we'll both be playing in the same league next year: The (new sponsor) championship.
epic lol wednesday lost 5 - 0 to reading--Ben Blade 14:19, 28 Farbleum 2010 (UTC)
Do you go to the games? Might see you down at the DW Stadium some time in the next year. Man, what a rubbish name for a stadium, at least it's slightly better than the JJB. I would have preferred the Pie Superdome or something. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:56, 1 Arche 2010 (UTC)


I'm back!

Sorta, I never really went away, I just placed the keyboard too far away to making typing energy efficient. And I'm tired, and cranky LEAVE ME ALONE! I mena yeah, how's it going? Testostereich(ballsack) 17:25, 3 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Hey, you never really leave Illogicopedia - once you've visited, it's a part of your being for the rest of your days. The Internet can be kind of scary like that. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:44, 3 Arche 2010 (UTC)

A formal letter of complaint

Dear Hindleyite/Hindleyak/The Northern Yak (delete as appropriate)

As it stands, the menu bar at Retro Yakking has a 'teletext' style map of Britain depicting 'The North'. Living and being born in Sheffield (A widely Accepted 'Northern city') it has come to my attention that the scumholes that are Leeds and Hull also seem to have been dubbed as southern along with the cities of Sheffield and york. It is common practice to acknowledge anywhere north of stoke 'the north' and south of stoke 'the south'. This is also mathematically correct in miles and whatnot.

I am asking you to change your racist biggoted depiction of the "ooh 'aye fookin north" or stick it up your wiganer arse.


please take this as a joke yo' --Ben Blade 13:27, 7 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Say what? Wow, someone actually gave a rat's ass about my blog which I no longer update? Cool! Sorry for the discrepancy, but as you can imagine I can't be arsed to fix it. :P Also, I claim Birmingham as the official 'borderline' with the south. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:34, 7 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Sort of on the subject of featured articles, or because of that edit that dude made asking how it was organized

I think the featured articles page is getting beyond unattractive. How does this work? I really think it is a vast improvement over the current. —rms talk 17:50, 7 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Me too, though the perfectionist in me wants a way to line up the columns nice and neatly. I agree it reads better though. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:06, 8 Arche 2010 (UTC)

illogicopoly money

Sorry to bother you again, but I am working on illogicoply 2010. My computer doesnt have photoshop, and it happens to be your image anyway. can you turn this into the illogicoply dollers for me: Flagofillogi1.jpg Take as long as you want please! Illogic armada 00:45, 9 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Just to let you know, I am actually working on this but it mightn't look like that flag in the end - I'm struggling to get Illustrator to accept text. :( -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:27, 13 Arche 2010 (UTC)


A vandal is back.--Ben Blade 17:40, 10 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Has Euan not turned over a new leaf yet? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:54, 10 Arche 2010 (UTC)


Mwahahahahaa, he'll never know it was me

Testicles you great ballbag, you didn't reckon on page histories, did you? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:33, 11 Arche 2010 (UTC)
And I woulda gotten aw2ay wid it too, if it weren't for you meddling easily available edit histories Testostereich(ballsack) 13:41, 11 Arche 2010 (UTC)
I should go and do something more worthwhile but my butt doesn't want me to move. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:47, 11 Arche 2010 (UTC)

A wild Hindleyite appears!

Hey Les Hind, sorry to be a pain in the ash, but can you fix mah userpage for me? My talk page seems to work fine, but when the code is used on my actual user page it squashes de shit into the middle. I was wondering if you could have any solution to fix this problem? Feel free to edit my user page at will.

Thanks, bud. I owe you one.--Ben Blade 11:12, 20 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Hi Ben, I took a look at the coding and I think I've stopped the thing looking all weird. I might have sorted what you wanted me to but if not I'll have another go if you like. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:27, 20 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Remember, the mom is who you think it is. vaGinonater I exist! 06:56, 27 Arche 2010 (UTC)

I think it's Testostereich, or possibly that girl from Big Brother. Forgotten her name. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:59, 27 Arche 2010 (UTC)
I second the skype yelling, please yak, get it.--Seppy 14:32, 2 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Everyone's exuberance to give someone IotM

Yeah, T3 tried handing it over to illogic armada on a score of one, then someone else got nominated, so instead i rolled the IotM over for another month, until someone is a clear winner. --Seppy 14:29, 2 Arply 2010 (UTC)

My own fault for being a lazy bastard and not checking the page history. Sooorreeeee. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:31, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Irc please

I mean... I think you were on once while I was so.. cha' mon. --T3 21:06, 5 Arply 2010 (UTC)

That yellow fiat outside is giving me a painful head massage...

Erm, yeah. It's amazing how much like paper these walls are. I can hear your computer chair clunk from miles away! Wait, don't you live on Mars now? Wonderful. I'll bring some Tesco Value B&S when I come. Oh wait, they have a Tesco there don't they? How about Spar? Surely not! Spar do good apples. They smell like heaven. Isn't heaven a tree?

Now what's say you and me make a crazy artichoke about the weather? Or what's on telly? Or even what a day in the life of Hindles is like? No, these are bad ideas. I'd better get some jelly for my scones, and rip my hot dog a brand new whipped cream cheese cake.

Anything you wanna write a harticle abowt? DG |Chatty Chaps| 18:08, 11 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Vimpto! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:35, 23 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Wigan 3 - 2 Arsenhole

How... did... you... manage... that?--Ben Blade 14:24, 18 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Deal with the Devil, it's the only way that could have happened. --Plant2.png Jonsig.png 15:57, 18 Arply 2010 (UTC)

I drugged the Arsenal half time oranges. It took 35 minutes for the offending substance to enter their bloodstream. Mwahahahahah. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:40, 20 Arply 2010 (UTC)

You are

You are the first user to make more than 20,000 edits. Congrats. Some WHAT!? (talk) (contribs) (edit count) 18:58, 22 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Thanks, but who cares about edit counts? Anyone can make like a billion minor edits and claim to be the Champion of All Illogicopedia. Still, it's a nice throwback to the post whoring at the Proboards forum, I suppose. Yop! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:38, 23 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Daddy's Home

Come and sit on my knee youngin, and I shall tell you the great tale of how I got those rectal scars Testostereich(ballsack) 17:05, 24 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Does it involve a shark —rms talk 18:20, 24 Arply 2010 (UTC)
I vote for a ferret. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:49, 26 Arply 2010 (UTC)

No problem ! :D I was up and since I'm getting into Illogicopedia I wondered if I could stop him and tried my best to revert all edits. <insert username here>Human Resources 18:27, 2 Aym 2010 (UTC)


With great humbletude I must point out how Wigan lost, and the length of the large blue stick they were raped with.

With deepest Sympathy

Testostereich(ballsack) 22:03, 9 Aym 2010 (UTC)

You British people and your soccer, I mean football... --T3 22:21, 9 Aym 2010 (UTC)
As opposed to lameball, I mean "American football". Are the ickle men with their padding afwaid of the big nasty men on the other team? Testostereich(ballsack) 22:20, 9 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Would like to see them yanks turn up to the World Cup in those padded suits. Heheh.
Also, Wednesdays going down....--Ben Blade 15:54, 10 Aym 2010 (UTC)
You wanna bet? You wanna bet? The U.S. is playing Britain in their first game (I believe) and I bet- no I GUARANTEE the U.S. will kick Britain's ass so hard you'll be crying back to London. --T3 21:16, 10 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Hush up newb, grown-ups are talking here *blows MASSIVE raspberry* Testostereich(ballsack) 22:14, 10 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Haha. Just a comment on my above comment: I don't know about the U.K., but in America, it's oddly considered patriotic to make fun of other countries. Ignorance is STRENGTH bliss America's national pastime. --T3 01:33, 11 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Caldwell had to leave as he was due for crisis talks with Brown, Cameron and Clegg. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:57, 11 Aym 2010 (UTC)

Wigan? That sounds like the crap that got stuck on my car tire last week. —rms talk 14:15, 11 Aym 2010 (UTC)

So I was 'a' watchin' the ESPN

and in their World Cup coverage, they had the coach of Wigan on it. I'm like in my mind, "OMG! THAT'S WHERE HINDLEYITE LIVES!!!" Just felt like I had to say it. --T3 18:15, 10 Yoon 2010 (UTC)

Cool! Someone other than me has actually heard of Wigan now. Roberto Martinez (related to our Roberto perhaps?) will be so pleased. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:52, 12 Yoon 2010 (UTC)

Ve're on der ballen ja

Hey, Hindley, you wanna make an account on Its a world cup results predictor, it has friends leagues and stuff. A bit like challenge lawro (if you know what that was).

Just thought this would be your sorta thing, y'know.--Ben Blade 12:31, 12 Yoon 2010 (UTC)


Check them you must Testostereich(ballsack) 22:38, 4 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)

O hello thar

In the history for Recentchangestext you asked 'Does anybody even use that? Correct me if I'm wrong' By 'that' do you mean Articlerequests or the various notices I'd added to it? 'Cuz I'd certainly used the latter, instantly findin' stubby articles, VFD and whatnot --(ƒî)» 15:16, 6 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)

Oh, well I stand erected corrected then. Just thought it looked a bit cluttered, though. Maybe we could have a page for 'em all to stick on the sidebar or something? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:20, 6 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)
Mm, it was a bit cluttered indeed, I reckon I can fix that. Dunno about the sidebar though, it's cluttered enough as it is --(ƒî)» 00:31, 7 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)
How's this?

Vote For Deletion: (6 pages)John Kerry <-vfd->     Up User/2009 Music Released <-vfd->     Treasure hunt <-vfd->     Klingontarg.jpg <-vfd-> <-vfd-> <-vfd-> 

Delicious Trash: (15 pages)AIDs 2013 <-trash->   0722.JPG <-trash->   MasterChef <-trash->   John McCain <-trash->   Libtard <-trash->   Big hamburger <-trash->   Create a new article <-trash->   Write A new Article <-trash->   Peso <-trash->   Assuming Good Faith is Stupid <-trash->


From Romartus

I can't link my name to the user page - as the log today will testify. Any clues to where I am going wrong here - or rather there?

Also I would like to apologise for my earlier references to this site as a Home for Trolls. If perhaps the humour here rather baffles me - at least you're a far more friendlier group than another place I can mention. I hope to finish The Octopus Complex (and perhaps also the Electrolux one too) for this site only as an appreciation for being allowed to brood in the garret room in Illogic Towers whilst I serve out a ban for mixing up an * instead of a # which is quite easy to do on a mac as the PC has the key elsewhere. I trust I won't repeat the error here and will also stay away from the voting business until I become accustomed to the light in this building. When is locking up time btw? --Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 11:22, 19 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)

Ok that's strange. The sig thing works on your page...? --Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 11:23, 19 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)
Hopefully you have your sig working now, but I believe there's some sort of walkthrough somewhere... even if it is very basic and you know it all already. Perhaps the recent DPL problems could be somehow linked? Could it be you had to purge the page? Anyhow, seems to be fixed for the time being.
Home for Trolls? I believe you're thinking of Wackypedia, the abandoned empty shell of Illogic over at Wikia, which these days is all but vandal central. Let the Wikia fools have their five cents a month, I say.
Locking up time is some time in 2033, so until then, let the marathon of mild humour and Wikia-bashing continue! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:55, 19 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)


Yeah. Testostereich(ballsack) 22:14, 31 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)


Hit up No-ammo, we're semi-open for business, yo Testostereich(ballsack) 02:01, 1 Ergust 2010 (UTC)

Oh, you're alive, or something. Anyways, yeah, what Dunc said, No Ammo is up and running. You should check it out (Also get on skype) —rms talk 18:03, 3 Ergust 2010 (UTC)

Things are looking pretty slick, glad to see the front end coming on apace. I can see an official launch by September. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:35, 3 Ergust 2010 (UTC)


Yes it does. I was .... sadly.... playing WoW but I quit. Sooooo i was bored. Then i was like. Woah hey i should return to Illogi! So i did.--Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg 20:54, 12 Ergust 2010 (UTC)

At least

I am. Occasionally. I can. do. Things when i wantto.--Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg 21:33, 4 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)

Illogiblog is for hubricks?

Dose them want a arktilke? Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 22:05, 20 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)

You sayin' you wanna join the Illogiblog, maaan? Cos I can invite you to be an editor if you like. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:29, 22 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)

Hi, a favour, please?

Could you... you...

Erm, I mean...

Aw, foo. I lost my nerve. I can't do it! Why can I not do it?! Just a simple question... just... ask... urg... *scuttles off and hides* ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20100923 - 16:47 (UTC)

Hmm... I'm pretty sure you were gonna ask if you could be an admin :P -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:26, 23 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)
Actually, I was going to ask if you would be willing to ban me. And on uncyclopedia, too, since you're an admin there, too, right?
But I don't wanna actually stop coming by and doing stuffs... I just really should.
*hides* ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20100923 - 19:18 (UTC)
Actually, yes! Exactly! That's exactly what I want, to be an admin, not that other thing, definitely not that other thing, you're entirely right! I came by to pester you to make me an admin precisely because there is no logical reason for me to be one, and because this is illogicopedia that... er... something! Etc. Now you can proceed to not take me seriously at all, yes? Yes. Good. *flails and runs away* ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20100924 - 13:57 (UTC)

Good Day Sir

I am not usually an impatient freak, but I see you are back after an amount of admin inactivity. May I request the trophy I won earlier this month and all that jazz?--ColbertNation 12:58, 25 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)

You also forgot to add the last featured thing to the list of recently featured things... or is that list a joke? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101004 - 19:53 (UTC)

Because you did something, Athyria has decided to hug you. Subsequently, you have now been hugged.

Don't forget to check your pockets so as to ensure nothing too incriminating has been inserted.

You did something! Ta. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101007 - 18:42 (UTC)

Yay for people who do things!
[Goes back to doing nothing] -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:53, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)

Hello and Perhaps Fatcakes

Sir, I think I have reached a good stewardship of teh world of illogic to request administratorship. If not, feel free to chop off my head or such. I'm sure there's probably a request page floating somewhere, but I was too lazy to try and find it. I will work on more articles and such, probably some of those crazy conspirical Glenn Beckizms or that unfinished tome I just found. Thank you for reading and good cheeze day.--ColbertNation 22:36, 13 Octodest 2010 (UTC)I will be back... with weapons...

Whilst 'tis indeed true that you have offered many years months of good service to the great nation of Illogia, I regret to inform you that there is currently a recruitment freeze in operation. This means nobody can become an admin without first cracking the website and changing the hard coding so that each user is renamed 'Arseface'. In less convoluted terms, you'll have to make a case in the forum and get some sort of consensus from the currently absent adminses. In the meantime, go mental, and perhaps pretend you're a sysop or something. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:51, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
A non-admin's perspective: I have been on Illogicopedia since July 9th, 2008 and only ONE person has gained adminship since then... and it was not me. As much as I wish I could be an admin, you need to give a long service. To be honest, if over two years is not enough for me, I doubt 3 months will be for you. Not that I don't like your ambition but becoming an admin is something oyu earn, not something you ask for. --T3 21:07, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, and also it depends on how much beer you're willing to donate to the Illogicopedian cause. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:07, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
How does 1,500+ hours DONATED of my time sound? Just kidding. --T3 21:12, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Come back when time=beer, and then we'll talk. :P -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:12, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Hells, we could try to rally the admins to show up and make a new one, (though who would be another issue) couldn't we? I mean, at least one is active. Ish. And that's... over a tenth of them! How hard could it be to get the rest to show up? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101016 - 21:14 (UTC)
I have a cooler full of Fat Tire right here next to me. I'll upload it on the upload file page if you make me an admin right now —rms talk 21:15, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Sure, let me just load up Special:ListGroupRights and... hey, wait! Can you transmit alcohol over the internets?
@Athyria: Moral of the story: admins can be bribed with nice things. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 21:20, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
I was thinking about it yesterday and it does seem we need another Admin around.--Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 21:33, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
If you want to start a discussion in the forum you might be able to rope Testistocles, Seppy and Nerd into some sort of conversation on the matter. After that, who knows? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:40, 17 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Logically speaking, how can someone actually bribe the admins? Or am I forgetting something?
And how would we rope your fellows into it? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101017 - 15:27 (UTC)
Hey, wait a sec... rollback... er, phantom users here can't suppress redirects? Damn, all my desire for that usergroup just went poof... I mean, rollback's useful and all, but the really fun part is hiding people's... er... nevermind. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101017 - 15:31 (UTC)
Thank you for your time, good sirs. I will contribute much more time to Illogic, as long as the Uncle Pete doesn't eat it by then. Maybe 666 artikeles later. I will be back.With WMDS!--ColbertNation 00:35, 19 Octodest 2010 (UTC)


...started making a forum topic and then promptly got sidetracked, made some food, and forgot what I was doing.

You're an administrator, though, so I think that means you're invited to... um... do something. What kind of bribe would you like, anyhow? Should I just go around trying to drag in the rest, now? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101017 - 19:11 (UTC)

He likes beer —rms talk 19:21, 17 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Anything else? You already tried that. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101017 - 19:30 (UTC)