loooool this is a user called 'lol' HAW FUNNII

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This user is always up for a collaboration article.

Hi![edit | edit source]

My name is lol. no, not Lol, all lowercase.
I often goes by ProDuct0339 in other sites but I realized Short id = win.
so I decided to have this name. cuz lol. I lol a lot, lol.

Confusion[edit | edit source]

People can confuse me with laugh out loud, the real 'lol'. then...uhh... ProDuct0339 is good enough.

Project[edit | edit source]


Invitation[edit source]

Userboxes[edit | edit source]


Stats[edit | edit source]

Clock.gif This user has been on Illogicopedia for 7 years, 10 months and 15 days.

Pencil2.svg This vandal has vandalized 6,145 times.
4636775442 9087729996 o.jpg This user contributes using Internet Explorer.
Male symbol.png This user is member of the sex most often chosen to play the role of the Frankenstein monster in films.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Hacking.png 7h15 u53r 15 4 h4x0r.
{{}} This user has made 25 templates!
Orange Icon Userbox.svg im gsyes!

Likes/Dislikes[edit | edit source]

e This user's favorite number is e.
Banana.jpg This user likes bananas.

Forum banana green.png This user likes green banana.

Dancing banana.gif This user likes dancing banana.

Illogigames[edit | edit source]

IllogixDegree.jpg This user has a Illogical Illogicality Degree.
Green check mark.jpg This user has found their way out of The Maze!
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten IllogiGames:The Rain of Dead Cats!
Illogic Armada\₪

Babels[edit | edit source]

Lang-N This user is a native speaker of Korean.
Lang-2 This user can speak English at an intermediate level.
Lang-1 This user can speak Chinese at a basic level.
Lang-1 This user can speak North Korean at a basic level.
Lang-5 This user is an expert at Gibberish language.
Lang-6 This user is an expert at Bullshit, and the user is able to teach other people about this language.
Lang-1 This user can speak Some language that I made at a basic level.
Δ-i This user is interested in Linguistics.
٨!u-i This user is interested in Making up weird language.

Extended Babels[edit | edit source]

Chemistry[edit | edit source]

CH4-2 This user can Study chemistry at an intermediate level.
WTF-1 This user can Study quantum physics at a basic level.
CO2-i This user is interested in Chemistry.
Ba-i This user is interested in Elements.
u/d-i This user is interested in Quarks.
e/ν-i This user is interested in Leptons.
μ/K-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Mesons.
O18-i This user is interested in Isotopes.
?!-i This user is interested in String theory.
WTF-i This user is interested in Quantum physics.

Math[edit | edit source]

2+2-1 This user can Solve Math Problems at a basic level.
π-3 This user can Recite pi at an advanced level.
e-1 This user can Recite e at a basic level.
dy/dx-3 This user can Understand Math at an advanced level.
3+2i-i This user is interested in Complex Numbers.
3D-i This user is interested in Dimentions.
e-Man-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Leonhard Euler.
0-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of e^iπ+1.
Woah-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Klein bottle.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-i This user is interested in Fractals.
9,χ,ε-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Duodecimal System.
-i This user is interested in Infinity.
E(X)-i This user is interested in Probability.

Computer Science[edit | edit source]

010-1 This user can Program a Program at a basic level.
W256-5 This user is an expert at Exploring 256 worlds of super Mario bros.
3TrainerPoke-4 This user can Catch 256 different pokemons in pokemon blue at a proficient level.
▶Q-3 This user can Fuse 65280 kinds of different pokemons in pokemon blue at an advanced level.
Obj_-3 This user can Make games in GMK:S1.6 at an advanced level.
Spr_-2 This user can Make games in scratch at an intermediate level.
MC-1 This user can Make a minecraft mod at a basic level.
/give-4 This user can Make a minecraft command block thingies at a proficient level.
101-i This user is interested in Computer Science.
1KB=1024B-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Binary Byte system.
<b>-i This user is interested in Programming.
<body>-i This user is interested in HTML.
?PHP-i This user is interested in PHP.
NERD-i This user is interested in Games.
FF-i This user is interested in Game glitches.
-1-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Minus world.
'M-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of MissingNo..
+item-i This user is interested in Modding.
"add"-i This user is interested in Game Development.

Wiki things[edit | edit source]

{{}}-4 This user can Make Templates at a proficient level.
UBX-4 This user can Make Userboxes at a proficient level.
{||}-4 This user can Make Wikitables at a proficient level.
Add Genius-1 This user can Write an article at a basic level.
Cat-0 This user cannot Make Categories.
As you can see-N This user is born good at Collecting Userboxes.
As you can see-6 This user is an expert at Collecting Userboxes, and the user is able to teach other people about this.
<nowiki>-3 This user can do Wiki markups at an advanced level.
<span>-3 This user can do some Mediawiki things at an advanced level.
{{}}-i This user is interested in Making Templates.
{||}-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Wikitables.
BABEL-i This user is interested in
CEPTION-i This user is interested in Making userboxes.
yup-i This user is interested in Collecting Userboxes.
Kind-i This user is interested in Community.
xD-i This user is interested in Wikifools.
nope-x This user doesn't want to Get banned.
nope-x This user doesn't want to Get blocked.

Memes & Funs[edit | edit source]

:p-3 This user can Meme it at an advanced level.
SEEL-1 This user can Make memes at a basic level.
;P-1 This user can Make YTPMVs at a basic level.
WACKY-4 This user can Make normal YTPs at a proficient level.
lol-5 This user is an expert at lol.
MEEMZ-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Memes.
7-i This user is interested in GRAND DAD.
Rare-i This user is interested in Collecting rare pepes.
'14-i This user is interested in Old memes.
420-i This user is interested in MLG.
-i This user is interested in litsening to YTPMVs.
:D-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Fun.
Illogicopedia3.png-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Illogic.
alks-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Nonsense.
BWAA-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Insanity.

Jokes[edit | edit source]

ERROR.404.gif ERROR 404. Page not found. Either the page you have requested does not exist or there is a system error.
718smiley.svg This user is AWESOME!!!
This user has a crapload of userboxes. To see more of them, go to User:Lol#Userboxes.

My works[edit | edit source]

  1. Creating shortcuts.
  2. What IP:CHEMISTRY does.
  3. Creating Illogics.
  4. Creating essays.
  5. Uploading files.

Things created by me[edit | edit source]

  • (WIP) is a page that is currently in develop.
  • (STEAL) is a page that is not created by me, but the pages that I edited/improved a lot.
    • Actually, all of (STEAL) pages are from Pipichy. who is retired & signed out for 7 years.
  • (STEAL 2) is a page that is not created by me, but the pages that I edited/improved a lot. and, this is not from Pipichy. this is from Zdafam. who retired & signed out 1 year early from Pipichy.
  • (WP) is a template that is copied from Wikipedia, however, modified so it is fitting with Illogicopedia.
  • (EXPAND) means that article/template is not created by me. but it's not stealing. and I expanded a bit.
  • (PROUD) is a pages that I am proud of. well-made.

My articles[edit | edit source]

My templates[edit | edit source]

Templates used in Nonsensical Table of the Elements (STEAL) and Random table of ailments (STEAL 2)[edit | edit source]

Template that is used in various articles[edit | edit source]

My Illogicopedia Articles/Essays[edit | edit source]

Cg098this user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Cassiethis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Fluffalizerthis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Sennythis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom.
2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomythis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Doctor DUuHthis user is a registered user. Flutterthis user is a registered user. Taxwormthis user is a registered user.
ICUHthis user is a registered user. Goaterthis user is a registered user. Bamsemums!this user is a phantom. Willy on Wheelsthis user is a registered user.
Tails6000Dthis user is a registered user. Abuse filterthis user is a werewolf. Fenris2010

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (2 P)‎‎‎