The great Makimono of the Pioneer

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This guy proudly announces that he is an active user, and the first IOTM winner from Japan on Illogicopedia.--The Pioneer (A.K.A. かいたくしゃ)

Cg098this user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Cassiethis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Fluffalizerthis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Sennythis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom.
2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomythis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Doctor DUuHthis user is a registered user. Flutterthis user is a registered user. Taxwormthis user is a registered user.
ICUHthis user is a registered user. Goaterthis user is a registered user. Bamsemums!this user is a phantom. Willy on Wheelsthis user is a registered user.
Tails6000Dthis user is a registered user. Abuse filterthis user is a werewolf. Fenris2010

Featured Illogicopedian


This user is a winner of the Illogicopedian of the Month award.

(See other winners)

Kaitaku-tan. A gender-swapped version of myself.

Came from Usopedia. Also have an account on English Uncyclopedia.

Accounts on French, Dutch, Portuguese, Norwegian, and German are all created only to prevent spoofing.

Interwiki activities[edit | edit source]

I'm focusing my activities to a fewer wikis. You can probably find me more often on Miraheze.

Articles I created[edit | edit source]

Useful glossaries combating vandals from Japan[edit | edit source]

Just for help.

  • ソックパペット/そっくぱぺっと、靴下/くつした/クツシタ、操り人形/あやつりにんぎょう/アヤツリニンギョウ - Sockpuppet
  • スパム - Spam
  • ~と疑われるユーザー/~とうたがわれるゆーざー/~トウタガワレルユーザー - user doubted as ~
  • 寝かせ垢/寝かせアカ/ねかせあか/ネカセアカ - Accounts waiting to be "autoconfirmed" (mainly to act as a vandal)
  • 荒らし/嵐/あらし/アラシ - Vandal, Vandalism
  • ブロック/ぶろっく - block

Sysop lists of some major MediaWiki websites in Japan[edit | edit source]

Often spoofed by vandals from Japan. Might be useful to go checking to the Japanese website.

Discord[edit | edit source]
