User talk:Senny/Archive1

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Welcome to ?pedia! Hope you enjoy your stay. Please leave your nouns in the locker room
(behind the the door marked "LOLCHEESE")

So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be an admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":

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So, that's all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.

~ The Illogicopedia Welcoming Committee


~ The Illogicopedia Community on welcoming new members

 Flyingcat (meow?)fr: 23:25, 15 Jeremy 2019 (UTC)

Onion soap... a failed Unilever business venture.[edit source]

Well. It seems there is a new user on this site who is willing to become a good contributor? Just as well. I feel like we don't get so many of those. Normally, I'd just assume these people were out to destroy the balance. But you'd never do something so horrific to a pair of scales, would you?

Neon-green marker disposal is on the right. Make sure you have wiped your fish. That's an important one. The Supreme Leader XY --- sacrifices and capitalism 08:46, 22 Arche 2019 (UTC)

--I know, what a wild concept! And no, those poor scales have such feelings, poor scales. 80GallonsOfGas (talk) 12:05, 22 Arche 2019 (UTC)

My leftmost eye is indigo, just like the tension on my forehead[edit source]

Whether it's through compulsory community service for crimes we won't go into or just personal choice, you've just joined illogicopedia. First and foremost, may I take your coat *rifles through the pockets*.

This greeting if not nailed to your forehead (or applied forcefully with No More Nails) is most likely from an admin/werewolf/Jonas the Happy Vandal/Sysop which makes it excellent, so RELAX. Now we're all relaxed, I'll quickly get through the bits you need to know (rules and where to go etc, and my bribe of course):

  • If you're actually a vandal then prepare to be squashed by an oversized novelty sandal.
    Duck patrol2.JPG
  • If you're a complete beginner to wiki's then you may want to click here.
  • If you're nibbling on any cheese or cookies at the moment, STOP! ...Hammer Time! Those are for Santa - our resident stuttering old perv.
  • Just so you know what we're about (the life drawing class is left of that pop-up) I'd advise clicking here. I have to emphasise the section "In comparison to other wikis", just incase you're a fleeing uncyclopedia/uncycling flea user etc.
  • Any featured work will be rewarded with a gold star (to put on your Christmas tree) whilst any !$"?@#!1*&!! work will be rewarded with a swift slap to the chops.
  • If you turn out to infact be a brilliant user and aren't at this point laughing at the huge crater you've made where the Illogia once stood then you could be elidgible for Writer of the Month (or at least an unofficial Insane/Dedication award). If all else fails drink holy water and watch as a big hole-y forms through your heart.
  • If it all goes horribly wrong and the police find your stash of Nuclear warheads, have broken into your house, and the ghost busters are unavailable then you should probably franticly claw for help in the direction of these guys.
  • If you want to wear a funny wig and sit in a house full of commoners or lards then a political party membership may be for you. I recommend the Strangled Cats party.
  • When we finally figure out you're the user that keeps stealing our pocessions we're going to need to keep in touch with you (so we can get a clear shot at ya :P). So please feel free to leave comments on user's talk pages or our sparkling forum. You can talk to us directly on our IRC chatroom.
  • Now all that's left is the complimentary welcoming mint, and my bribe. £<insert number with more zeroes than Binary Code at the end of it here> please. Make all cheques payable to hell.

It's a pale avail, really; Tobago's missing counterpart had nonchalant witchfinders strewn across the parking lot. It reportedly hid among the fibers of a soursop for 47 seconds thereafter.

If you fall asleep, the forks might bend to resemble a cataract. Remain vigilant, especially when you find yourself within the vicinity of a fnurdle-ized Bcbkye.

There's extra garlic sauce and ammo in the bottom drawer if you need anything. Snarf.
2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:30, 28 Arche 2019 (UTC)

You died[edit source]

Come back before college tears out my innards. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 22:23, 20 Jumbly 2019 (UTC)

i know, it's the worst. i'll try to be active tho, so rest assured your innards won't be torn out. (edit: i kinda miss ?pedia too, bleh) ✩80gallonsofgasriver talkcontribs✩ 17:16, 21 Jumbly 2019 (UTC)
The forceful exhumation of my decaying viscera at the hands of an oppressive educational institution is inevitable, regardless of circumstance. It happened once in high school and it will invariably happen again in college.
Lenses are wickedly expensive. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 18:05, 22 Jumbly 2019 (UTC)
that was dark and edgy and i like it. either way, it's just your average school system. hopefully my innards don't get pwnd, but i start 10th grade so i guess it's bound to happen. ✩80gallonsofgasriver talkcontribs✩ 23:11, 23 Jumbly 2019 (UTC)

Illogicopedian of the Month: April[edit source]

Well, you done did it. You got yourself awarded Illogicopedian of the Month for the month of April. I hope you are happy! —Marzipan (talk) 02:15, 5 Serpeniver 2019 (UTC)

Also, you have rollback powers now. Don't be afraid to use it if you see vandals and such. —Marzipan (talk) 07:18, 21 Serpeniver 2019 (UTC)
thank you! ✩80gallonsofgasriver talkcontribs✩ 13:27, 21 Serpeniver 2019 (UTC)

um help i guess[edit source]

um what is this[edit source]

Why is this here? 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 19:32, 11 Octodest 2019 (UTC)

I'm going to make a wild guess, but this is all armchair psychologizing. The big spam attack some days ago, on the 8th, began with an edit 18 minutes after 80Gallons' last, with nothing in-between them, and 80Gallons created a page about spam. Perhaps 80Gallons fears being thought responsible due to the timing. But there's actually a simple explanation in terms of a connection. To speculate, the anonymous troll who spammed may have seen the reference to spam on the recent changes, and that triggered the impulse to do it then. But if so, and if it hadn't been there, then the troll could equally well have done the same thing, or something similar, at another time. But that's enough psychological guesswork for now. --Fluffalizer 23:47, 12 Octodest 2019 (UTC)

Ung! Goat! CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 23:41, 13 Octodest 2019 (UTC)
i've geolocated the ip ( and it seems to be from Lexington, SC. i should add that is rangeblocked on wikipedia, but it's only 'cause it's an IBOSS Connect Proxy Server. ✩80gallonsofgasriver talkcontribs✩ 11:43, 15 Octodest 2019 (UTC)
I don't quite get what you're trying to say. Do you also use IBOSS proxy servers? CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 12:40, 15 Octodest 2019 (UTC)
looking at it again, it probably doesn't make sense. also, i myself don't use iboss, but my school does. so given that is from Lexington, and is an iboss proxy ip, it's most likely a school ip. and from my experience on wikipedia, those kinds of ips can be the wurst vandals. final answer: c. ✩80gallonsofgasriver talkcontribs✩ 13:29, 15 Octodest 2019 (UTC)
I agree. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 20:45, 15 Octodest 2019 (UTC)
c? It doesn't really seem like a C-Lassic contribution, but maybe it really was, and Lassic gave it a 'C' for effort. Anyway, I commented out the unblock request, since no real contributor is getting blocked and needs an unblock. --Fluffalizer 17:00, 16 Octodest 2019 (UTC)
@Fluffalizer - eh, don't worry about the final answer thing too much. it should probably be in my quotes page, but i'm kinda lazy about doing that. also, thanks for removing the unblock thing. the whole thing was because of "collateral damage" (the wp term for it, anyway). ((been thinking about making more articles/maybe getting ppl to join, what do y'all think??)) ✩80gallonsofgasriver talkcontribs✩ 17:11, 16 Octodest 2019 (UTC)

I think more articles and people are basically always welcome. And Illogicopedia has been going through a slow period, as various people have noted, so it's doubly welcome around this time. As for collateral damage and other Wikipedia-style drama, as I remember it, things have always been simpler here; the "crazier" approach to content tends to go hand in hand with an easy-going way of dealing with one another. And there's seldom any edit warring, because when genius conflicts with genius, simply add more genius, and the problem is solved. --Fluffalizer 13:11, 21 Octodest 2019 (UTC)

yeah, ?pedia is nicer than wp in terms of users and policy. making articles would be good for the wiki, assuming said articles are more than one sentence and fit the definition of amusing. the problem (rather, my problem) with new users, though, is retention. maybe have incentives for contributing a certain amount, or have something like Big Brrother. promoting ?pedia, contests, more collab articles. some way to keep more active users. (edit: speaking of articles, i can't create or edit anything at home, not even my talk page! says my ip or username is blocked.) ✩80gallonsofgasriver talkcontribs✩ 14:22, 21 Octodest 2019 (UTC)

An cake for you[edit source]

Baking (9682899876).jpg

Here is an cake. I could only get you an electron cake because I couldn't afford a flour cake. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 18:43, 25 Novelniver 2019 (UTC)

Aw, it's the thought that counts. Thank you!

senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 20:16, 25 Novelniver 2019 (UTC)

Is there a damned corker here in this joint? I need a few cornerstones for those cretinous congenialities...[edit source]

I'll be frank: with adulthood, there's a volatile onset of simultaneous business and laziness - you become overly occupied yet woefully slothful at any given moment when faced with responsibilities and menial tasks. Of course, it might be an issue unique to the youngins of our time, but I doubt it hasn't been experienced by anybody at any given point.

Yes, I am no longer as active as I used to be, and that would be fine if there weren't any spammers who've adapted and found a way to evade our filters. Unfortunately, that premise seems to have come true, and though I wish I could go about manually deleting spam and suplexing spammers, I can't guarantee that I can always be there to do that when the time calls for it.
What's pitifully ironic about this situation is that I was made an admin by the higher-ups for just this reason - to do the work that other admins were never active enough to execute. Alas, with age comes the drastic restructuring of your daily life and thus the drastic restructuring of your priorities, and it seems that Illogicopedia's needs have become less compatible (though not entirely) with said priorities.
Why did I type all that? I honestly don't know. I guess I needed to make a point to justify what else I'm about to say.

You're active. You watch Recent Changes. You were once a member of Wikipedia. You have a considerable amount of free time. Cthulhu ftaghn.

Given the traits above, I think I can rely on you to consistently notify when the site needs any sort of maintenance. Do you think you can do that for me, given my busy and indolent livelihood? It'd make things much easier for the site overall.

We have a Discord server. We don't accept calcified squid tongues, unfortunately. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 19:52, 6 Ditzimber 2019 (UTC)

I don't blame you for being inactive, honestly. The first paragraph is entirely relatable. I've kinda been helping here and there by QD'ing pages, and adding IPs to a "Request for block" category if they make spam pages. And yeah, I've been active dealing with Recent Changes, but other than that I haven't really been motivated about much, but I actually still contribute to WP (and Uncyc, to some extent). I also have a lot of free time, that's true. I'm all for the idea of telling you when there's spam, but Discord is blocked and I don't have a phone. I might be able to use a tablet though. Would emailing work?

senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 01:45, 7 Ditzimber 2019 (UTC) (PS - Also this, and while you're here you should block some IP spammers) (PPS - Back in October(?) I floated the idea of me becoming a "temporary admin" so I could delete pages and ban spammers. I'm sure that's a good idea, but we haven't exactly had active vampires.)

If you're handing out Phantom rights, Kow Tow to Mao was IOTM in November. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 22:56, 9 Ditzimber 2019 (UTC)

"It's just like milk, but with a slightly bitter and mineral-like aftertaste."[edit source]

I haven't listened to Monstercat's catalog since 7th grade. I saw your playlist and immediately saw something missing:

Brings so many memories of being obsessed with DnB prior to my discovery of Radiohead. I'd blast Pendulum every day to and from school.


Corona-chan granted me enough free time to revisit this site and I am welcomed with low-quality stubs all over the place from legions of IP addresses. I can try to ameliorate the issue by visiting the QD page, but I most certainly know that I can't do this alone. I'll try to convince Isarra to make the necessary changes through Discord.

Until then, Elmo loves you and so does Freddy Mercury. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 19:03, 25 Arche 2020 (UTC)

Dude, same. I used to listen to Monstercat all the time, until it got blocked at the beginning of the school year. (for shopping content of all things) I'll add that song to my playlist ASAP, but it's restricted so I have to get around it. Tristam & Braken is one of my fav duos - Have you heard "Flight"? (now to get back on-topic) I haven't been really on ?pedia for a long time, so I feel like I've missed a lot. Haven't even checked the QD page, gosh.

senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 18:14, 27 Arche 2020 (UTC)

wollstonecraft ate my foramen magnum[edit source]

hi. i might be back. dunno.

athyria was supposed to make you a mod. wonder why that hasn't been sorted out.

i'm friggin' dying. quarantine and college are strangling my tongue.

2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 19:22, 22 Yoon 2020 (UTC)

same, i'm taking a break from electronics tho (but still on ?pedia occassionally). was the mod thing a discussion that i missed?

senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 22:31, 22 Yoon 2020 (UTC)

On your update...[edit source]

I think the whole world is in a flighty spot right now. Don't feel bad about being inactive; the site's gotten pretty dead, if you don't count the Best Tips For Windows spammers, the shitposting sockpuppeteers, and me. The occasional user has written a quality article or two, but those are few and far between. Anyway, best wishes. CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 02:58, 28 Jumbly 2020 (UTC)

If writing quality articles is your thing, maybe you can head over to Uncyclopedia. This whole site is purely for nonsense. Asa Akira (talk) 01:22, 29 Jumbly 2020 (UTC)
I will add, writing quality articles is encouraged. But also writing articles just for the sake of making a joke is welcome. Asa Akira (talk) 01:24, 29 Jumbly 2020 (UTC)
Yeah, your article on pornographic actress Asa Akira was hilarious, Asa Akira (sarcasm). CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 13:41, 29 Jumbly 2020 (UTC)
I don't think I wrote an article on Asa Akira. If I did it would link to it here. Asa Akira (talk) 02:36, 2 Ergust 2020 (UTC)
I only just saw this section now, after 2 months. Yikes. I also happen to have an Uncyc account, but I haven't touched it in ages. I even made an article there too. And @CG098, do you remember that joke I made on Burnout Paradise?
Yeah, wasn't it a reference to a washed up celebrity? Also, sorry for talking about porn stars on your talk page. If you have to use Illogicopedia on your school computer, I hope you don't get in trouble for looking up a page that talks about porn stars. Although there were also some IPs who were adding nude pictures to random pages, so maybe be careful in general on the site. CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 23:37, 26 Serpeniver 2020 (UTC)
It's fine, don't worry. I don't think I'd go to that kind of page either way. Pictures don't show up on this computer as well, so *hopefully* I'm in the clear. And about the Burnout Paradise question, fun fact I actually wrote to him. (edit: i ordered something on eBay three days ago and it's just now shipping ugh)

senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 13:10, 28 Serpeniver 2020 (UTC)

Did he write back? I guess it would be pretty unlikely that you could get in trouble for accessing this page (due to the conversation I was having above with that vandal), since I think school filters generally work by blocking access to specific domains and probably don't monitor every single word on every webpage. But I tended to get paranoid about monitoring. Like one time, I was on a computer in my high school library and I entered my name into Google Image Search, and one of the results was a painting of a topless girl by some Belgian painter who had the same last name as me. Then I was like, "Welp, looks like it's time to skip town." CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 23:01, 28 Serpeniver 2020 (UTC)
Not yet. :/ It's been a while since I sent the letter, actually. On the whole filter thing, my district's filter blocks both domains and keywords (individual words in the search). And if I saw that kinda painting, I'd nope out of there too.:)

senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 12:13, 29 Serpeniver 2020 (UTC)

It sounds like you're probably in the clear then. If you need it, another thing I thought of was that you could archive your talk page. CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 02:52, 30 Serpeniver 2020 (UTC)
I should probably archive my page too. It's getting pretty long.

senny 🂾 talk ִ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 13:12, 30 Serpeniver 2020 (UTC)