An omelette is a food, composed of a bunch of eggs, and some random food items.
History[edit | edit source]
The omelette was invented by a guy named James P. Omelette. One day, in some freak accident, a truck filled with chicken eggs and a truck filled with ham and cheese sandwiches collied with each other, and the eggs and ham and cheese mixed together. For a few days, the concoction baked in the sun. This fellow James was starving, and, figuring he had nothing to lose, took a piece of the egg-ham-cheese mixture and tasted it. It was delicious. He loved the recipe so much that he made it his own, and named it the Omelette.
How to Make an Omelette[edit | edit source]
First, you get eggs. You can get these from chickens, ducks, bunnies, dinosaurs, porcupines or beavers (just not talking ones).
Once you have your eggs, smash them all over the ground until the yellow stuff comes out. Then, gather bits of food. The food can be anything -- but I suggest you use types of meat, vegetables (but none of the healthy ones), desserts, sandwiches, and things you found under your couch.
Drop the food bits into the pile of yellow stuff. Leave it out in the sun for a day, then scrape the now-solid yellow stuff off of the ground. It may have bugs in it, but that's ok, they add flavor.
Cover it with ketchup, salsa, or barbeque sauce, and devour it. Yum!
Types of Omlettes[edit | edit source]
- Ham and Cheese
- Carrot and Pea
- Sausage and Pepperoni
- Broccoli and Cheese
- Hair and Fish
- Banana and Apple
- Yogurt and Mushroom
- Saurkraut and Onion
- Liver and Onion
- Pepper and Beef
- Chicken and Toothpaste
- Pork and Beans
- Peanut butter and Jelly
- Tuna and Pickle
- Mayonnaise
- Eyeball and Llama gut
- Steak and Potato
- Mint Jelly and Liverwurst
- Chocolate and Sunburn
- Jam and butter