User talk:Hindleyite/Archive3

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This page is an archive.
Its content is not current, nor is it currants. Warning, may contain raisins, nuts, or even cheese.

New approach[edit source]

Check out this idea of mine Forum:Pickle judging.... too long..... --Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg 16:05, 23 Novelniver 2007 (UTC)

So we can get this thing judged, just go on IRC/msn whenever you can. --Testostereich(ballsack) 15:06, 25 Novelniver 2007 (UTC)

Hi[edit source]


I'd just like to ask if you knew much about nature, because the owner of this particular wiki has asked me if I could get any British people to come and help write articles, and I'm pretty sure you are British, but if not, you are still welcome to come and help. Any help is appreciated.

Yes this is a copied and pasted message because I'm not writing this crap out a million times. :P


Icons-flag-au.png ≠≠ r y a ₪ ≠≠ ≈ blab ≈ « I has made... » 08:09, 27 Ditzimber 2007 (UTC)

Meh, I know nothing about nature. I know about fnurdles though. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 15:00, 27 Ditzimber 2007 (UTC)
Okay. Icons-flag-au.png ≠≠ r y a ₪ ≠≠ ≈ blab ≈ « I has made... » 23:23, 27 Ditzimber 2007 (UTC)
Sorry 'bout that. I don't know much about the real world :p -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:21, 28 Ditzimber 2007 (UTC)
No problem. I only just managed to be useful enough to become a sysop :P --Icons-flag-au.png ≠≠ AAAA! ≠≠ ≈ AAAA? ≈ « AAAA... » 23:12, 28 Ditzimber 2007 (UTC)

Insane page: Erq Cnaqn[edit source]

Think ROT13. -- 21:21, 31 Ditzimber 2007 (UTC)

I miss you[edit source]

you may have no idea who I am or what I am referring to, but I am no n00b! Zana 18:56, 2 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

I think I know you... weren't you ZanaDark on Uncyc? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:07, 3 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Important message[edit source]

Big brrother.jpg You have been asked to take part in Big Brrother 2008

Click here for more details

Accept or reject on my talk page

Thank you and good luck! Ben Blade 13:45, 4 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

.[edit source]


From Ryan. --Ryan ~ U T C ~ 23:31, 19 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

THIS IS MY FAVOURITE TALK PAGE MESSAGE EVER. Yeah. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:33, 21 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Thanks we do need more northerners!!!

I hope you'll keep posting on my babbling page!!!

Tom up the blades

I'll try and stop by when I have time :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:48, 23 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Wow That was fast[edit source]

I write my first real article in a month or so, and it's commented on within minutes. You can be my doctor - you'll be at the scene faster than anyone else, just in time to pull me out the river, pump the brine out of my lungs and declare: "He's dead!" --Testostereich(ballsack) 18:32, 21 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Heh, well it's good to see another of your articles - they're always really good. I could be a doctor but I wouldn't have the patients. (Throws himself into the river). -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:34, 21 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Thanks, I've just been a bit busy and uninspired lately. I was thinking of doing some collaboration articles though, the idea excites me. Maybe we should encourage it? --Testostereich(ballsack) 18:48, 21 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
I'm all for collaborations! We ought to have more, actually. I remember when Uncyc used to have them... some really good stuff came out of that. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:50, 21 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Do you want to put something up on the forum about it. I'm trying to kick start illogic again by bringing everyone together. BTW if there's anyway I can help out with the illogiBlog tell me. --Testostereich(ballsack) 18:52, 21 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, a collab could be good... like, set an article title and we all add to it, a bit like the emails project. As for Illogiblog - sure! Just post whatever you want there... it'd be great to get some more contributors for that. I've sent an invitation to your AOL address - I pulled it from the Proboards forum. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:59, 21 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Heh, I love you, man. You get smarter and more resourcefuleach day XD --Testostereich(ballsack) 19:01, 21 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Nice Idea[edit source]

I liked the PussyVator article. --Testostereich(ballsack) 21:46, 22 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Glad you liked it! Especially considering it's fairly random... nice additions by the way. "I love the smell of german lycra in the morning" - haha! Also, spot the second Simpsons reference for a fig biscuit. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:53, 23 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Well, there's the Steven Spielbergo reference - from the episode with the movie festival. And then there's the obvious one. This cookie, can I have it to go? --Testostereich(ballsack) 22:13, 23 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Haha, that's right! I thought that was a pretty good joke. So, like the writers of Family Guy, I stole it. Blaha! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:26, 24 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Oh and btw, (btw reffering to Billy The Witch) do you want to do a collaboration article with me? I might put something about them on the forum - would that go in the logical sector or is it somewhere else? --Testostereich(ballsack) 22:18, 23 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Ask SP if he'll add a section for it - he's kind of the head forum honcho. I'm sure he'll agree cos we need some more collaborative/community based stuff. As for a collab, got a title/subject preference? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:26, 24 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Sounds good, personally I've got no preferences for the title/subject whatever. --Testostereich(ballsack) 69:3R, 24 Jeremy Clarkson 2o_O8 (VFD)

Another Thing[edit source]

After you've finished reading all that ^^^^ I've had an idea. This might be the hyperactive babblings of an excited and empowered Chelsea fan (we won) but why not put something about the PussyVator series on the illogiblog (Media, Early Morning Television and Das PussyVator --Testostereich(ballsack) 22:23, 23 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Our collaboration Idea[edit source]

I'm as of yet unsure what to write about, I don't know if I fancy an epic, but what I do know is it's going to be awesome. We'll do it professionally and have pictures etc. Maybe use some templates etc - basicly give this article our best shot. What'd ya say? --Testostereich(ballsack) 17:39, 25 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

A question[edit source]

Got an interrogative for you: Does commandment #6 apply to making fun of famous people? --I forgot 19:40, 26 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Er, I dunno. I suppose if you go over the top it does, but I reckon celebrities deserve some stick. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:19, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Thanks[edit source]

Well, thanks for your help with my article, "New Car". Every bit helps, I say. --MathPoet 14:18, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

Do you still wanna do a collab with me? I'm up for it if you are? Testostereich(ballsack) 19:39, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, let's get started right now. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:44, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Okay! Got a plan? Testostereich(ballsack) 19:47, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Yeah. Look to your right. What's the first thing you see? We will write an article on it! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:50, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Mum? Sofa? A mental image of some food? --Testostereich(ballsack) 19:51, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
What, your mum is watching you type this? Hi there Duncan's mum! Mental image of some food? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:53, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
The TVs in the same room - she's not watching me (luckily). Shall you start it or shall I. I think I have a mental block when it comes to starting articles --Testostereich(ballsack) 19:54, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
Well, I made a start. It's something to work on. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:02, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)
My turn, I say we build this one up to be great --Testostereich(ballsack) 20:04, 30 Jeremy 2008 (UTC)


--iI Kjm.Rt Ii 11:14, 2 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

How do u reckon our collab's going? --Testostereich(ballsack) 19:16, 6 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

I'll have another stab at it, I think. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:23, 6 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
OK, I added a few things. I like the Virtual Food section! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:38, 6 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

War of the roses[edit source]

I found out you are a lanc. LOL. As a yorkshireman it is my duty to keep a beady yorkie eye on you. 14:35, 10 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)Ben Blade

So, a Yorkshireman... I knew this day would come. Of course you know, this means war.... pie war, that is. Feel the full crust of my meat and tater! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:51, 17 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

Dude[edit source]

The final onslaught[edit source]

Do u reckon we're done with our article? Images? Otherr stuff? VfH maybe? Your opinion of it? Should do this kind of thing more often? Where's Wally? --Testostereich(ballsack) 19:34, 10 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

Um, sorry for being a week late with this reply but I reckon it's coming along nicely. It probably would be VFH worthy if we added some pics... got any ideas? Maybe phantom cakes or something. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:49, 17 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, I haven't got any pictures in mind but I'm sure there's a load of generally funny pictures out there. Signposts we can manipulate, e-cats, hilariously poor food advertisements etc. I'm sure it's all there somewhere, hidden by the vast quantities of porn on the net. It's nice to be back after the weekend away btw. Has anything changed since my last visit? --Testostereich(ballsack) 20:05, 17 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

hello[edit source]

Hey, could you give me permission to start another political party called tHE bA jIBBLE pARTY? iT WOULD be a Big favor!! thx 03:15, 17 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

I don't see why not. I don't think we have a 'completely batshit insane' party yet... strange... anyway, go ahead and add your manifesto to the Political parties page. Unfortunately I don't think you'd get your own forum as we don't bother with that anymore. Ah well. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:47, 17 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! FOR YOUR KINDNESS I AWARDED YOU A POTATO IN A BAGEL!--Raggle Fraggle King 12:50, 17 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

now[edit source]

now how do i get some members oh experianced admin werewolf?

Well, you could try promoting it in your signature like I have or just try and 'persuade' a few people that aren't already attached to a party. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:00, 18 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

?[edit source]

You ROCK!!!!! I want to tell you i made freeze frame popcorn 2!!! it is cool! Here is link Ted The Corn Cob

It's definitely randumb. I like popcorn chicken. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:00, 18 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

Hindley's[edit source]

I'm not sure what to make of all this retirement malarky? I'd like to take a step back and say "meh" but these users seem to be taking it pretty seiously. See here. Anyway I was just interested in your opinion on the matter.

  • BTW we're going to try and help Mathpoet import the goodwork from his paradox wiki to illogicopedia. We were thinking of a miniproject (like vandalpedia or something) within the site. His site will probably close soon because no one uses it anymore. --Testostereich(ballsack) 09:39, 19 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
I'd say it's mostly melodramatic and/or attention seeking stuff. I reckon it's a side effect of the recent 'MySpaceness' that's been creeping into the wiki. As for the paradox wiki, it's a pity nobody caught onto it and to be honest I forgot about it myself! If that's what MP wants to do then that's fine but I'm sure we could find a way of making some sort of sister projects project (?!). -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:28, 20 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
Not really. I'm not attention seeking by semi-retiring. --Ryan Taylor|Talk 05:36, 21 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
If you're not attention seeking, why did you feel the need to tell us that. :P Testostereich(ballsack) 08:16, 21 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
Because I feel it is appropriate for you to know I am not trying to attention seek by semi-retiring. --Ryan Taylor|Talk 09:21, 21 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
There you go, mentioning it again. If I wasn't so flippant I'd probably make a point. Once again - (:P) --Testostereich(ballsack) 09:23, 21 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
I am going to ignore this discussion now so it doesn't end up blowing up my brain. --Ryan Taylor|Talk 10:30, 21 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
Aww, I was having fun! :P, you do know that I was joking Ryan? --Testostereich(ballsack) 10:48, 21 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
Yeh --Ryan Taylor|Talk 21:59, 22 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

"Does he want to stay banned from Uncyclopedia?"[edit source]

I realize that ?edia is not just a place to dump Uncyc's rejects, but would you think this has potential for Main Spacifying? -- Kippers Talk Crap Special & Randumb! 21:41, Feb. 19, 2008

Well, I wouldn't have any objections personally but some people don't like the Uncyc in-jokes. I say create it in the mainspace, I'm sure it'll be a looong time before anyone complains, if at all. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:31, 20 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

hey[edit source]

Hey, my Ted the corn cob article has to be maybe the 3rd in the series cuz Fonchezz and Testostereich alreday had a sequel planned. Ps. How can i embed it in my signiture?

Raggle Fraggle King 17:40, 20 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
OK, to make your custom sig, create a new page at User:Ragglefraggleking/sig. Take a look at mine for an example - feel free to copy and paste the code. Then, somewhere in the page, add a link to your party page, like this:
Join my political party!
Finally, add {{Subst:Nosubst|User:Ragglefraggleking/sig}} to the Nickname box in the your preferences and tick 'Raw signature'. Every time you type ~~~~ anywhere your custom sig will appear with the time and date.
And that's about it. PS. Keep on writing the good articles! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:21, 20 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

thx Hindleyite, and yes i will keep writhing good articles Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 21:21, 20 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

hey i made a new article Robot Pirates VS Samuri Aliens it is cool. Also i revised my pickle article it is alot better now!-- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 17:42, 21 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

READ THIS IT IS AWESOME! THE ULTIMATE SToRY YOU WILL EVUR HEAR! GO TO TO MAKE YOUR OWN!!-- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 02:10, 22 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

Flub nuggets! Here's the first paragraph of my randumb story using the generator...
It all started when our cliche, protagonistic figure, Da Dudeman, woke up in a swamp. It was the third time it had happened. Feeling really pleased, Da Dudeman backhanded a gerbil, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Absolutely thrilled, he realized that his beloved The Almighty Thingymajig was missing! Immediately he called his favorite Mormon, Elvis. Da Dudeman had known Elvis for (plus or minus) 153 years, the majority of which were curious ones. Elvis was unique. She was intelligent though sometimes a little... dimwitted. Da Dudeman called her anyway, for the situation was urgent.
-- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:09, 23 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

ATTENTION![edit source]

Hindleyite, you have been invited to be a contestant on Small Brrother!!!!!!! You have been invited by Ragglefraggleking!!!

Accept here .

Reject here by puttin ur sig on page.

The House=

Yah mon dis is da Small Brrother House!

Thanks. Good Luck!

Listen[edit source]

Accept here .

Reject here by puttin ur sig on page.

The House=

Yah mon dis is da Small Brrother House!

Thanks. Good Luck!

         Good luck  Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 13:41, 24 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)
I'm still deciding... I may not be that active during the week. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:41, 24 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

LOL[edit source]

I think I'm getting a little carried away with my Uncyclopedia imports. [1] -- Kippers Talk Crap Special & Randumb! 15:21, Feb. 24, 2008

Heh, you cad. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:38, 24 Farbleum 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for the vote![edit source]

Yeah. --~~~~ 07:39, 1 Arche 2008 (UTC)

I notice that becoming a Illogicopedian of the Month also entails that I become a Phantom, whatever that is. Can I have that? --~~~~ 04:01, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Done and done. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:04, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)

School IP![edit source]

I think yew might not have seen my post so I'll put it here too :P ":Ok :P I did put it in there but the msg was long... it's Thanks :)" :P --MetalFlower.jpg

The block log says the IP isn't blocked. Weird. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:23, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Weird, yeah... I think it's a global wikia thing... it has no block ID though... --MetalFlower.jpg 19:25, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Sorry dude, can't do anything about Wikia-wide blocks cos I'm not a staff member. Might need to see someone like Sannse about it. I wonder if Uncyc has had problems with the IP in the past, resulting in the block? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:27, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Aha! From Uncyc:
12:16, 24 April 2007, Codeine (Talk | contribs | block) blocked (Talk) (infinite, anon. only, account creation blocked) (11th ban for this IP, high time it was made permanent) (unblock)
I'll bet this was applied Wikia wide. Don't know if that's done by default or if a staff member does it manually. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:32, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Okay, I'll ask Sannse, I thought yew were actually a staff member :P also, that's not it. It's an infinite ban made by Ppiotr, a wikia product development member. The ban has no #ID. Yeah, alot of places have trouble with our IP due to it being a school (which speaks for itself really :P) --MetalFlower.jpg 19:51, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Oh, and it also doesn't seem to show up on any logs, be it Wikia or Illogicopedia. --MetalFlower.jpg 19:52, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Come to think of it, the ban doesn't specify "infinite" but insteads specifies that the ban expires the very minute it "starts" although the time changes according to real time. e.g. right now is 7:53, so it would say it starts and finishes then. --MetalFlower.jpg 19:53, 3 Arche 2008 (UTC)

Article open for editing[edit source]

Penglish uprising - I was looking through the battle series and decided to make it. Needless to say I lost heart half-way through and opened it up into a project rticle for anyone and everyone to edit. I've done nearly all of what you can see ther but feel free to add to it as Benedict Blade already has done. Slightly. --Testostereich(ballsack) 17:10, 9 Arche 2008 (UTC)

With a bit of work, I think this could be featureable material... -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:39, 9 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Lawl, I like the way I described it in the way one would describe a book. Oh, and thanx for cleaning it up - i liked the quotes. :P --Testostereich(ballsack) 18:41, 9 Arche 2008 (UTC)


hi -- Ryan T. 21:37, 9 Arche 2008 (UTC)

IllogiBlog[edit source]

Yeah I've koined up and tried to writes something for it but I can't get the formatting or images to work very well. Can you sort it out please? I was trying to add to the illogi-classics with category:EPIC btw. Anyway I'd apreciate your help. --Testostereich(ballsack) 15:00, 21 Arche 2008 (UTC)

Done.... the first category to be featured on the ?blog! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:01, 22 Arche 2008 (UTC)

check this out[edit source]

This is a cool article i made The Adventures of Lampshade Man ps it gets a little bit lenghty. Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 21:06, 22 Arche 2008 (UTC)

I like it, especially the bit where Lampshade Man changes his name and the whole author thing. Featureable with a bit of work, I reckon. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:01, 23 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Are you seriously retire-ing?!?!?!?!?!?!? Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 00:34, 24 Arche 2008 (UTC)


00:35, 24 Arche 2008 (UTC)Ben Blade

Or is it? Actually, yes it is. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 22:29, 24 Arche 2008 (UTC)

aww man[edit source]

you nearly scared the hell out of me, i thought you might be gone or something :O we gotta keep ?pedia alive as long as we can :) ED just isnt going to cut the mustard soon, they have hardly any new articles, we are halfway to their article count now. we should get people to do the Vitals more :D --Seppy 04:03, 24 Arche 2008 (UTC)


There is a chance that the pickle will be judged if you go onto IRC right now. Some WHAT!? (talk) (contribs) (edit count) 20:03, 24 Arche 2008 (UTC)

Not right now cos I'm going in a few minutes. I've only managed to read two articles so far (phew). -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 22:28, 24 Arche 2008 (UTC)

I are sea![edit source]

yew ned to get on IRC sometime todayyy, go on :D preferably between 6 and 10 tonight. I think these peoples need their pickles inspected, felt up and taste examined. --MetalFlower.jpg 12:31, 27 Arche 2008 (UTC)

Kay, I don't plan on doing much this evening anyway. It's just a case of remembering to go on IRC. So. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:33, 27 Arche 2008 (UTC)
Just in case yew forget:
PS. IRC. :D --MetalFlower.jpg 12:37, 27 Arche 2008 (UTC)

Woah, Hindleyite?[edit source]

Thanks for judging the pickle, o Uncyc admin-in-absence. You guys got it done doubleplusquickwise.

And it's not just 'cause I won that I'm thanking you. No way, jose (hoe-zay). I will now present you with blinking text for great justice.


--Ljlego 00:22, 28 Arche 2008 (UTC)

Congrats on the win! I'm sure someone (probably me, if they haven't already) will be going round pasting winning templates on user pages soon.
The judging was fairly quick but it still takes a lot of effort to get 3 admins in the chatroom at the same time... as for Uncyc, I deleted some articles just yesterday.
Thanks for the blinking text! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:24, 28 Arche 2008 (UTC)

Hey :P[edit source]

Can you guess what happend roughly 22 days ago? --Testostereich(ballsack) 14:09, 6 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Eh, eh? it's more like 27/28 days ago now. --Testostereich(ballsack) 19:02, 8 Arply 2008 (UTC)
Oh, um I dunno. Hmm... was it some sort of anniversary, Illogcopedia-related? A year since your first edit? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:07, 8 Arply 2008 (UTC)
It was the last time I spammed a link to an article to your talk page --Testostereich(ballsack) 21:19, 8 Arply 2008 (UTC)
Who keeps track of things like that? Duncan, you desperately need to discover outdoors :P --.HelloolleH.Dot.Boi.iNiT.bLuD :P 21:24, 8 Arply 2008 (UTC)
STFU, I'm thinner and more well hung than you. :P *prepares for beatings* --Testostereich(ballsack) 21:28, 8 Arply 2008 (UTC)
psh, I'm hung like an overly confident black guy during aparthide...--.HelloolleH.Dot.Boi.iNiT.bLuD :P 21:46, 8 Arply 2008 (UTC)
Wait, who's a douche? -- Kippers Talk Crap Special & Randumb! 23:18, Apr. 8, 2008

invatation[edit source]

Would you like to compete in Small Brrother?? -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 22:19, 9 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Heck why not. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:36, 17 Arply 2008 (UTC)

The Anti - EPICs[edit source]

What about a template for the short one liner articles on illogic. We'd have to be fairly selective with the articles since there are so many, but what about it? Mite bee eh larff --Testostereich(ballsack) 22:18, 16 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Heck why not. Whoa, deja vu. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:37, 17 Arply 2008 (UTC)
Heheh, an admirable skill. Also, while I'm talking to you, can I just mention that I admire the way you appreciate everyone's work here. You always go round on the many articles talk pages and praise the articles, it's really cool. Anyway yeah, deja fu!!! --Testostereich(ballsack) 21:26, 17 Arply 2008 (UTC)
It's true. You always deja my fu without fail!-Ljlego 01:14, 18 Arply 2008 (UTC)

IllogiBlog - Uhh, - Tacular!!! -![edit source]

Yeah, anyway. Basicly, I'm not the best at blog forming, but I'm ready to help out there. (The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak), anyway yeah. If I make anything for the blog, can I stick it here on your talk page to be uploaded without sucking?

Aside from that, why not reflect on current events in the blog, Andre Breton? Or a list of all the Past Meme's created, did we ever cover Subbuteo/ Super Japan or The Ducks? Or you could go uber recent and cover the nEhPICS? Anyway yeah, if you want me to write anything for it just tell me. I just need a directive etc. Oh, and good work on the blog so far.
But much more importantly, how do you play stairway to heaven on the kazoo? --Testostereich(ballsack) 17:13, 20 Arply 2008 (UTC)
I'll be happy to upload stuff for you, only problem is you won't get author's credit on the label. I suppose I could stick your name on the bottom there. We touched on the duck thing with Fonch's Duck Styles as the featured website a while ago.... but Subbuteo was never covered cos I didn't quite understand it! :D
I try to cover a lot of stuff with the Illogi Classics but only get a chance/the urge to update it every month or so.
As for Stairway to Heaven, you get the midi version and play it on a cassette player whilst miming. Simple! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:33, 21 Arply 2008 (UTC)

Tanks[edit source]

Four voterizing for my first Illogicopedian feature. Hopefully my foot has made it into the door and I can now continue my plan of hostile takeover of Wikia, one wiki at a time.-Ljlego 16:22, 26 Arply 2008 (UTC)

...GGGGG?[edit source]


Ryan 11:45, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)

Wow, thanks for the entry. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:20, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)

Ladies...[edit source]

Thanks for putting the whore illogic out thing on the blog. I might do the toielt door thing, and by jove, isn't Lord Kitchener straight to the point with his choice of husband. --Testostereich(ballsack) 12:08, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)

No probs. If you do the toilet door thing, get us a picture of it on your phone! Also, I would suggest Kitchener is the one night stand type of person. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:19, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)
Yeah you're right. He didn't look me in the eye, even when we were, uhh, y'know.... --Testostereich(ballsack) 12:30, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)

bday blog bash[edit source]

i have made a new logo. --RFK itshere

The Problem With Illogicopedia[edit source]

Hindleyite, I was talkin' with some peeps on IRC. And they expressed the, in my opinion, correct view that Illogicopedia, despite the effort that goes into it looks juvenile and not-very well put together. Which they said was off putting to new users. We came to several conclusions, and decided you're a good man to oversee or help us with the task of renovating the site and taking us into a new age. Mainly because you're always there, and you've seen Uncyclopedia grow up into the highly editable site that is, and also how it went wrong. Which gives you life experience, well, wikia experience.

Anyway, here are the realisations we found:

  • We could perhaps redesign the main page, perhaps only slightly to make it look better done/funnier etc. Do it professionally. Bear in mind there are some good photoshoppers/puns to be used out there.
  • Personally I think the mission statement and guidelines are outdated and untrue. We're not really about nonsense and one liners anymore. It seems to me that we're going for anything that seems funny, or occasionally clever. Generally if there is some sort of point, like a conclusion, a thread of plot, or even an instance of funny in an article it seems tosay. "the goal is not necessarily "nonsensical one-liners" as much as "anything funny" whereas Uncyclopedia tries for "satire", you guys try for "funny." Not that I'm saying we should do an uncyclopedia and become solely funny or anything, but maybe emphasising that our site is made for the articles we so often praise and reward users for: the well-written/funny and clever. Our mission statement and commandments should reflect this.
  • Maybe a slight revamp of the rules and guidlines, not to change the status quo, but to encourage users with the intelligence and maturity that should at least double that of an EDer.
  • We must tackle the Did you know section too, it just lies there dead, stinking up the wiki. Could we replace it with something.
  • Another poin raised was the advertising and vanity (guilty as charged) that one finds in "What's Gwa'nin." I'm not sure what to do with it, set out guidlines? Try and make things look like they're news regardless of the article they link too (like on the news section in logicopedia [the brief wikiskin])

So yeah. If we tackle the root cause, as opposed to the articles we'll kill the weeds dead improve our image and attract more users. I think we can win with this one. --Testostereich(ballsack) 18:34, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)

Some good points. The front page: I like the fact people can edit bits but I think the news thing should refer to articles and not mention users unless totally necessary. A good idea would be to check every so often (not really that hard to do) and modify it slightly to fit in with the idea. DYKs: same goes for this. I like to add a few things every now and then but we do need some more content. I'll comment a bit more on this later, I think. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:42, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)
Cheers for the support du' . 'll set about implementing these steps. Nice work with the blog once again, and just well done in general. Tell me if \i go wrong, give me a lollipop and send me on my way :P --Testostereich(ballsack) 18:50, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)
I wanna help! For rizzle.-Ljlego 18:59, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)
Front page redesign. For all its bad points, one area where I think Uncyc excels is on its front page. It seems there's something new there every day - it would be nice to try and emulate this a bit more. I'm not saying we should restrict users' own content, just modify it slightly. We always have the vandalism section for all-out madness. As for a redesign, it might be worth having a fresh look... might need to discuss with Fluffalizer - an almost direct port of WP would be nice. It took ages for us to get to the current design but if we work together we could do it fairly quickly.
I also wonder if there is any way we can move/get rid of the Google ads like Uncyclopedia? I dunno if it's site specific css or something. Maybe we could get Fluffalizer (again) on it...
Rules: always been a bit of a sticky area because there aren't really any rules as such, only guidelines. I wouldn't be against a slight tweak though.
Finally, the site's mission statement. I agree that one-liners aren't the stock articles any more and whilst they are still accepted, a change of intro text might be in order. Hm, I remember Nerd being a bit touchy about that - we need to pick a slogan between us.
Ljlego: know much about css? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:06, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)
Not really, though I am excellent at pretending I know things and using Google to write code. I learned parser functions in this way, and oddly enough I'm actually quite good at them now.-Ljlego 20:31, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)
So main points:
  • Sort out mainpage
  • Sortout, better advertise the forum
  • Create activity ourselves on various topics forum etc.
  • Tidy up in general, mission statement etc? --Testostereich(ballsack) 19:37, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)
Sounds about right. Forum topic for this?
LJ: Pretending to know things = my mantra. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:28, 5 Aym 2008 (UTC)

Club Card Members Card Thing[edit source]

Hey, will u make me a card for my user page. refering to your ad on the talk page of the ?pedia club card members page. Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 21:45, 4 Aym 2008 (UTC)

Of course, dude. I'll get right on it. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 10:28, 5 Aym 2008 (UTC)