gerbil fish fly on skittle avalanche fnurdletoot[edit | edit source]
oof ouch owie zowie i stubbed my tow truck against the balcony! and yet, the skunks still fly into tenesee. with the rocket jets, skuns Kan do anything!
take a look in the book and sell imitation lamborghinis! uh-oh! it's joel's dad! let's skippy-dippy out of here!
No, Burgie! Step away from the dynamite! "PEMDAS" "o k"
- seconds ltaer* AWOOGABOOGA! "oh shit!" (bwop bwop bwo bwop bwop bowp) (boom) (aaaaaa)
Hanggliding squirrels gesticulate Frunobulax. Bing search bring lumpy gravy a toaster bonanza. There shall be no toaster bonanza in Africa this Christmas Eve tonight. Others heard of it but they did not understand (didn't "geddit"). Didn't shine through on what he's shown. Question ready to ride the storm out or keeping it going, forever booming listen to the music,not presumptions, feel the potion sad but vibed since i remembering being alive,thel lighten, the thunderstorm, clouds of forevermore trapped under ice fighten this fire with bk once more remix k at the door.
Two scoops of melancholy that only pj brings, infant cat? Cast not pearl jam before swine. Ask not what you can do for pearl jam, but what pearl jam can do for you. (although it's probably the other way around, though...)
Ninjas need the gospels too! Sensei will probably cover the Analects in time... WHAT! "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend." WAS AN ABRAHAM LINCOLN QUOTE, NOT CONFUCIUS?
quentinen and tarantined by writtin directino[edit | edit source]
and in a flash, he-man hurls *HRRRRRL*
uh-oh! gotta avoid the backstreet boys reunion tour! *HRRRRRL* but before you dash, let me tell you about something... "Do you need for your toddler, infant or newborn to defend itself in the wild, but can't think of anything to give to them? Well, introducing the Baby Gun!"
ice cream is a finger food![edit | edit source]

You cannot seduce hundreds of people. I'm eating ice cream. אתה לא יכול לפתות מאות אנשים. אני אוכל גלידה. Vos can centum eis seducendis hominibus. Im 'manducans glacies crepito.
Legal statement[edit | edit source]
Anti-Semitism is illegal under Nigerian penal code 419. David Bowie from New Zealand writes, "Are there cats on Mars, to mine the cobalt?" Answer: Daily Double. We're already a computer. Assimilate the Borg. Resistance is futile. So long, and thanks for all the fish. Beam me up, Scotty. Luke, I did not kill your father, I am your father. I know. Klaatu barada nikto. I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. I will do it, I will take the ring to Mordor. One does not simply walk into Mordor. The great eye is always watchful. Small chance of success, certainty of death, what are we waiting for?
Licking doorknobs is illegal in Norway, don'tcha know?
End of legal statement![edit | edit source]
Or, a bunch of weeb shit now
An example of Anti-Semitism would probably be the Human Instrumentality Project, which reminds me (the connection is not direct, very tenuous), could the anime Battle Angel Alita be considered a constraction theme?
d o y o u u n d e r s t a n d , i t ' s a l l i n y o u r h e a d ? 무 엇 을 보 든 좋 아 할 거 야 Blubfish materialize incessantly, but the North Koreans use Hangul too. In fact, Mr. Kim writes beautiful letters, which is more than can be said for American, whose letters are merely pretty. Snarf the sonk be. Troll, troll, and love.
Zip a dee doodah, zip a dee A, my oh my, he's only ever one thing but so am I. A bad reputation's never been worse, so you must like me you don't know me, you don't know me.
Nå kommer delen av showet der Cg098 kommer ut og roper tilfeldig dritt på norsk[edit | edit source]
JEG ER GLAD I DEG[edit | edit source]
Get your mind out from in the gutter. This is the "Mommy I love you" form. (that is also not in a dirty way)
SER SONIC[edit | edit source]
Barn, det er ikke noe mer kult enn å bli klemt av noen du liker. Men hvis noen prøver å berøre deg et sted eller på en måte som gjør at du føler deg ukomfortabel, er det ikke bra! Det er kroppen din! Ingen har rett til å berøre deg hvis du ikke vil at de skal!
Så hva gjør du? Først sier du nei, så kommer du deg ut der! Viktigst, du må fortelle noen du stoler på, som foreldrene dine, læreren din, en politibetjent.
Tornados lager ikke gode elendige[edit | edit source]
Så hvis du er på, si en Taco Bell i Midtvesten, er den ikke autentisk meksikansk. Egentlig er det sannsynligvis også sant for Taco Bells i Texas. En gang tilbød jeg en pris på små amerikanske kosedyr fra 90-tallet. Jeg kjenner ingen innbyggere i Norge, selv om fetteren min dro til Italia en gang.
Gardinet vårt åpner seg da Larry nettopp er ferdig med morgenbadet og leter etter hårbørsten. Uten suksess, roper Larry[edit | edit source]
Å, hvor er hårbørsten min? Å hvor er hårbørsten min? Å, hvor, å, hvor, å, hvor, å, hvor, Å, hvor, å, hvor, å, hvor, å, Hvor, å, hvor er hårbørsten min?
a traumatic experience with chocolate milk i recently had (a scary and true story)[edit | edit source]
okay, so i sit down to eat dinner, and i've poured myself the last of the chocolate milk. so i go to drink the milk. very bad idea. when i just about had the cup up to my mouth, it smelled like bad mint or something like that. and then i go ahead and drink the milk. it tastes even worse. it's spoiled. overall, i give this experience a 0/10, and also I'm staying away from chocolate milk for a while.
and then i sit and ponder... what is the number of hotdogs it takes for a lightbulb to burn out?[edit | edit source]
Eastern religions like Hindu and Jain are Anti-Semitism[edit | edit source]
Before reading this I would like to warn you that what you are about to read may blow your mind.
Adolf Hitler was an Anti-Semite. He was a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party. The symbol of the National Socialist German Workers Party was a swastika. But where did the swastika come from? That's right, India. Specifically, their religions such as Hinduism and Jainism.
Hinduism and Jainism are antisemitic confirmed.
Further analysis using math (for serious mathematicians only)[edit | edit source]
It may satisfy some readers to simply know that the swastika is Anti-Semitism, but this issue only leads us down an even deeper rabbit hole.
Ajay Chaturvedi said somewhere that the swastika represents stuff like the seasons and the stages of life.
How many seasons are there? Four.
How many stages of life are there? Four.
Many pieces of media allege that there is a gigantic conspiracy to gaslight people into saying five instead of four. 1984 says that they want you to say 2+2=5. Star Trek says they want you to say there are five lights.
1984 and Star Trek are Anti-Semitism confirmed.
As a side note, the Illuminati are cool because their calendars are all based on five seasons.
Also, random numbers are Anti-Semitism. Giant Naked Rei (GNR) stopped Human Instrumentality. Random numbers are generated by random number generators (RNG, which is GNR backwards). QED (I sure hope DEQ doesn't mean something Jewish).