User talk:1337yB1rd
So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be an admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":
The rules, such as "ROFL KILL THE BABIESN'T PLZN'T (notn't)" are here. People breaking the rules will have a koala thrown at them, and may also possibly receive a Chinese burn. So, that's all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.
Hello, my friend. It seems you have finally chosen to help dominate the world join our friendly site. Have fun! PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times!
- Curse you and your stupid edit conflicts PoT! I tried to get my friend to join, but nothing happened. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 21:19, 22 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Memetic dyspepsia[edit source]
Good to have someone here to inquire about meems. I may call upon you as a resource. I may burning your dog. I may Belching Hyena. Careful for the coelacanths. (kaizum me)
20:41, 23 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Want to earn IOTM? Here's something you can do...[edit source]
MLG. If you do this as absolutely MLG meme-tactic as you possibly can, you will be showered with plenty of Mountain Dew and Doritos and weed and 720 no-scope trick-shooting pwnage.
u wot m8
01:03, 25 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
- Look at this for ideas. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 01:07, 25 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
- I won it twice by being a lazy slacker writing absolutely reprehensible "articles." I think. --Colonel Sanders (talk) 01:11, 26 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
How's th1s f0r mlg m80? --1337yB1rd (talk) 01:53, 27 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Whoa there[edit source]
Hey! I didn't give you that tube sock merit... PiddlerOfTrousers- - -I've ruined Illogicopedia 795 times! 23:57, 25 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
ROFL I REM0V3D IT!!!!!!1
Reading is obsolete?[edit source]
Hold that insensitive remark!!! The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 23:23, 30 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC) Thx --T3H 1337EST M33M MAST3R (_L0L_) (talk) 14:44, 1 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
Self nomming and IOTM[edit source]
Don't do it. It's bad form, and it's "forbidden". Think about it. It's an award based on the opinions of every user but the nominee. Nomming oneself says, "I think I am the best user this month". Everyone knows I am the best user every month. (kaizum me)
22:01, 2 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- You are right. I apologize, for I am just too damn edgy for my own good. Boi i'm as edgy as freddiew --T3H 1337EST M33M MAST3R (_L0L_) (talk) 14:02, 5 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- Your antlers are sinister, so all is cool.
(kaizum me)
14:48, 5 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- Your antlers are sinister, so all is cool.
Sweet. Dude can you add to our Top 100 Reasons Why Tony Hawk Doenst Work on PoT's PS2? We could use the help. --T3H 1337EST M33M MAST3R (_L0L_) (talk) 14:50, 5 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
BTW How do i make my signature cool? --T3H 1337EST M33M MAST3R (_L0L_) (talk) 14:50, 5 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
That mentioning of Radiohead on that list of yours has come to my attention.[edit source]
Did you just put Radiohead there because you were navigating through Illogicopedia and stumbled upon the article? Did you go through my userpage and find out about how I'm a huge fan of Radiohead? Do you actually listen to Radiohead? Have you simply heard of Radiohead through the recent news about them? Did PoT tell you about Radiohead? Radiohead? Am I being very annoyingn about asking you questions as to why you put Radiohead as reason 2?
Where'd you park the car?
03:55, 4 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- Well, I didn't say anything about Radiohead. Not sure where the bird got it from. PiddlerOfTrousers- - -And this, too! 11:44, 4 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
I am a humongous RadioHead fan to begin with dude --T3H 1337EST M33M MAST3R (_L0L_) (talk) 13:57, 5 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- O RLY then why do you spell it like "RadioHead" instead of the proper way; Radiohead? Besides you're obviously not the only one who likes Radiohead.
01:20, 6 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
I do apologize, good sir. I was listening to the King of Limbs and Amnesiac. And even Pablo Honey. I really like My Iron Lung and Morning Mr. Magpie. --T3H 1337EST M33M MAST3R (_L0L_) (talk) 12:16, 6 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- Mink. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 23:49, 6 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- You like "Morning Mr. Magpie"? You haven't lived until you've heard the Live From the Basement version alongside "Bloom" "Feral," and "Little by Little"!
- "My Iron Lung"? 'Twas recorded in between Pablo Honey and The Bends, so it seems to haunt me a bit. Jonny's guitar really gives the song life!
- Pablo Honey? That's unusual. No one really likes that album.
- An interstellar burst, i'm back to save the universe.
03:51, 7 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- Mink again. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 06:55, 7 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- I mean, there's 1337y, me, Fonchezzz, T3canolis, Ben Blade... do Radiohead fans have a weird connection to Illogicopedia?
07:02, 7 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- You might want to write about it here, 2+2=5. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 07:46, 7 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
- I mean, there's 1337y, me, Fonchezzz, T3canolis, Ben Blade... do Radiohead fans have a weird connection to Illogicopedia?
- Mink again. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 06:55, 7 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
The Bends[edit source]
Truly one of the greatest albums ever.
So you want to write an article about it with me? Sure thing, under one condition: No MLG references or 1337. Do we have ourselves a deal?
02:42, 9 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
Indeed. I could never sully Radiohead's image and not kill myself out of guilt. You sir, have yourself a deal. --T3H 1337EST M33M MAST3R (_L0L_) (talk) 13:37, 9 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
Yes, I am an thieving, antlered bat[edit source]
I hurl my carcass upon the mercy of the court in the of Illogicopedia and 1337yB1rd vs.Reverend Zim_ulator. Yes, I stole the pot leaf from your sig for use in my own. I will take the punishment of being taunted by the Bubble People, during which I will levitate 79 scentimeters above the floor of the Lowell Zimizmizt Temple and weaponized doggie fart armory.
After all this rigamarole, I will again challenge Judah Friedlander for the title of World Champion. I will lose, of course. Thus, I will join the ranks of the unwashed losers Donald Trump keeps talking about. Meanwhile, Neon Joe continues to hunt werewolves.
It all began with rumors of war, and rumors of rumors of war. Japanese midwives gathered on hill and dale. Dale was a bit put out. The Hills were amenable, provided there would be no danger of propane explosion, nor would Peggy announce her shoe size publicly to all in attendance. I hope you have no objection to a Laotian buffet. We were able to get Ginny, a chef at Southeast Asian Restaurant and Cuisine. She and two of her coworkers will also be attempting to break a Guinness Book record for the most Laotian dishes prepared by substituting vise grips for hands and wearing figure skates. The last record was set by Vikings visiting Turkey in 709. The difficulty was compounded by the fact that Laos did not exist in any form as a country at the time.
You, my friend, have the misfortune to have your talk page open in front of me when I feel like writing. As they moved to the right, they felt more black. It was remarkable. And to think... in Bosnia, they drink coffee after midnight. Elsewhere in New Jersey, Meatwad needed him a weenie smoothie. I mean, he needed it, man. It appeared that Carl has shot himself in the foot. Cup was being his usual self, watching a fishing show he clearly hated and telling Carl that he would call an ambulance or something, soon.
In 288, Clamminess Minimus invented Gatorade (named for a species of crocodilian unknown to the Romans) at the request of Senator Gaius Simia Perineum to replace the abhorrent sports drink of the day, Gladiatorade. It is believed by historians to have been a concoction of spring water from Delphi, seawater, gladiator sweat and caffeine. It is unclear where the Romans obtained caffeine.
Roger was pretty sure he asked for Pecan Sandies...
“This time it was toast, Haley... this time...”
Pay no mind to those who are quick to blame Satan. He's overrated at best, and underappreciated by motorized antlered bats, moderately. Just then, Thor (my Danish friend, not the god) realized he had to pee. Unfortunately, Klaus had only his Class A amplifier on hand, which generated 7 watts. Deep in the forest, where trolls slather and Belgians conga, Independent forces gathered under the gruesome trees, intent on reaching a common solution to the acid-base problem.
Appalachian gurus invented the twist. (kaizum me)
06:49, 10 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
- What, in Cthulhu's tentacled name, did I just read? Like, I know you do this stuff all the time, but, dude... This is god-tier batshittery.
07:56, 10 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
- He's high.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 20:33, 10 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
- Wasn't then. Am now. Do pokemons have genitalia?
(kaizum me)
00:18, 11 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
- Nope.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 00:06, 12 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
- Do pokemons come from another dimension? Is their science superior to ours? Do they want our Earth women?
(kaizum me)
05:24, 12 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
- Yes. Certainly. I HOPE NOT! Anyway, I'm supposed to be inactive. :P
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 21:43, 6 Jeremy 2016 (UTC)
- Yes. Certainly. I HOPE NOT! Anyway, I'm supposed to be inactive. :P
- Do pokemons come from another dimension? Is their science superior to ours? Do they want our Earth women?
- Nope.
- Wasn't then. Am now. Do pokemons have genitalia?
- He's high.
"ZOMG LOOK A RARE PEPE"[edit source]
Okay. First, I need to make something very, very clear: Pepe the Frog is DEAD. The main reason why people who live beyond the /b/ board of 4chan is because some idiot from /b/ decided to bring it on over to Reddit. They liked it over at Reddit, so then it could've gone two ways: either some idiot from Reddit brings it on over to 9gag or to Tumblr. Once that happens, the meme is on its last dying legs. It could just burn out on 9gag or tumblr and eventually return to 4chan where it can thrive for a few more years, but, like most popular memes that originally came from 4chan, some idiot from 9gag or tumblr can then bring the meme to Facebook and Instagram. Once a meme has reached the last two mediums of virtual communication, it's all ogre. The meme has died, and the normies will pick its rotting carcass clean.
May Pepe be replaced by a crustaceous cheapskate.
01:46, 2 Arche 2016 (UTC)
- It's been dead since October 21, 2015.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 02:57, 2 Arche 2016 (UTC)
- It's been dead since October 21, 2015.
- It's not dead. It's still there on the R9K board. :) --(AMB) (XAR) (BKYE) Sophia, The Resident Uncyclopedia Deity (talk) 16:54, 14 Arply 2016 (UTC)
Guess who's back, who's back again! I am the one the one your son don't need a gun to get respect on the streets Xx_V14d1m1r_Pu71n_xX 1337yB1rd 101 (talk) 17:29, 14 Arply 2016 (UTC)
- It's not on /vp/, and that's good enough for me.
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 21:45, 15 Arply 2016 (UTC)
- It's not on /vp/, and that's good enough for me.
This is a low-flying panic attack.[edit source]
Abandon all reason!!!!!!!11
01:34, 6 Aym 2016 (UTC)
NEW ALBUMS FOEV 1337yB1rd 101 (talk) 15:25, 12 Aym 2016 (UTC)
Please return, otherwise...[edit source]
...this will happen. Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 10:50, 16 Ergust 2016 (UTC)
I HAVE RETURNED EMO Xx_V14d1m1r_Pu71n_xX 1337yB1rd 101 (talk) 20:25, 19 Octodest 2016 (UTC)
- Does that refer to me, or who?
Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 21:10, 19 Octodest 2016 (UTC)
- Does that refer to me, or who?
Das sache[edit source]
(kaizum me)
00:58, 16 Arche 2017 (UTC)
You are requested to return...[edit source]
otherwise Nebby won't stay in the bag. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:44, 29 Novelniver 2017 (UTC)