
From Illogicopedia
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Hi![edit | edit source]


This user is always up for a collaboration article.

I'm lol. all lowercase. I often goes by ProDuct0339 in other sites but I realized Short id = win. so I decided to have this name. cuz lol. I lol a lot, lol.

Timezones[edit | edit source]

Invitation[edit source]



This user has tamed the mighty Bcbkye. Fear them, for they now know all your secrets!


  This user has made Testostereich grovel.

Clock.gif This user has been on Illogicopedia for 7 years, 10 months and 16 days.

Pencil2.svg This vandal has vandalized 6,145 times.
4636775442 9087729996 o.jpg This user contributes using Internet Explorer.
Male symbol.png This user is member of the sex most often chosen to play the role of the Frankenstein monster in films.
RAD This user is so RAD that this user improved 73 articles! and, 5 of them got Verified so now he is Ambassador of Illogic (Lv.0)!
{{}} This user has made 138 templates!
Orange Icon Userbox.svg im gsyes!
Screech.jpg Saved By The Bell Virgin
This user is proud to say that he's never seen the sitcom Saved By The Bell; not even for a few seconds.
Twoapples.png This user likes the company Apple and/or Apple the fruit.
Hacking.png 7h15 u53r 15 4 h4x0r.
Nabana.png This user likes to Babble!
DramaticQuestionMark.png This user asks a lot of questions?
e This user's favorite number is e.
Banana.jpg This user likes bananas.

Forum banana green.png This user likes green banana.

Dancing banana.gif This user likes dancing banana.

This user is offensive and finds this snowclone.
Cheese.jpg This user believes that an article can never be too random.
ERROR.404.gif ERROR 404. Page not found. Either the page you have requested does not exist or there is a system error.
718smiley.svg This user is AWESOME!!!
This user has a crapload of userboxes. To see more of them, go to User:Lol#Userboxes.

Bananatrophy.png This user won the Illogicopedian of the Month award.
Trollface.jpg You know this page is crap lmao
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten the Second Maze!
IllogixDegree.jpg This user has a Illogical Illogicality Degree.
Green check mark.jpg This user has found their way out of The Maze!
Green check mark.jpg This user has found the Goat  126 times in a row!
Green check mark.jpg This user cleared Pipiquiz V0.3!
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten Illogiportal!
Card 0001.png

This user Plays The IllogiCards!
Escapegame.jpg This user has escaped from the room!
Green check mark.jpg This user has beaten IllogiGames:The Rain of Dead Cats!
Lang-N This user is a native speaker of Korean.
Lang-2 This user can speak English at an intermediate level.
Lang-1 This user can speak Chinese at a basic level.
Lang-1 This user can speak North Korean at a basic level.
Lang-5 This user is an expert at Gibberish language.
Lang-6 This user is an expert at Bullshit, and the user is able to teach other people about this language.
Lang-1 This user can speak Japanese at a basic level.
Lang-1 This user can speak Some language that I made at a basic level.
Lang-3 This user can speak Magical Illogicopedish at an advanced level.
Δ-i This user is interested in Linguistics.
٨!u-i This user is interested in Making up weird language.
CH4-2 This user can Study chemistry at an intermediate level.
WTF-1 This user can Study quantum physics at a basic level.
CO2-i This user is interested in Chemistry.
Ba-i This user is interested in Elements.
u/d-i This user is interested in Quarks.
e/ν-i This user is interested in Leptons.
μ/K-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Mesons.
O18-i This user is interested in Isotopes.
?!-i This user is interested in String theory.
WTF-i This user is interested in Quantum physics.
2+2-1 This user can Solve Math Problems at a basic level.
π-3 This user can Recite pi at an advanced level.
e-1 This user can Recite e at a basic level.
dy/dx-3 This user can Understand Math at an advanced level.
3+2i-i This user is interested in Complex Numbers.
3D-i This user is interested in Dimentions.
e-Man-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Leonhard Euler.
0-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of e^iπ+1.
Woah-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Klein bottle.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-i This user is interested in Fractals.
9,χ,ε-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Duodecimal System.
-i This user is interested in Infinity.
E(X)-i This user is interested in Probability.
010-1 This user can Program a Program at a basic level.
W256-5 This user is an expert at Exploring 256 worlds of super Mario bros.
3TrainerPoke-4 This user can Catch 256 different pokemons in pokemon blue at a proficient level.
▶Q-3 This user can Fuse 65280 kinds of different pokemons in pokemon blue at an advanced level.
Obj_-3 This user can Make games in GMK:S1.6 at an advanced level.
Spr_-2 This user can Make games in scratch at an intermediate level.
MC-1 This user can Make a minecraft mod at a basic level.
/give-4 This user can Make a minecraft command block thingies at a proficient level.
101-i This user is interested in Computer Science.
1KB=1024B-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Binary Byte system.
<b>-i This user is interested in Programming.
<body>-i This user is interested in HTML.
?PHP-i This user is interested in PHP.
NERD-i This user is interested in Games.
FF-i This user is interested in Game glitches.
-1-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Minus world.
'M-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of MissingNo..
+item-i This user is interested in Modding.
"add"-i This user is interested in Game Development.
{{}}-4 This user can Make Templates at a proficient level.
UBX-4 This user can Make Userboxes at a proficient level.
{||}-4 This user can Make Wikitables at a proficient level.
Add Genius-1 This user can Write an article at a basic level.
Cat-0 This user cannot Make Categories.
As you can see-N This user is born good at Collecting Userboxes.
As you can see-6 This user is an expert at Collecting Userboxes, and the user is able to teach other people about this.
<nowiki>-3 This user can do Wiki markups at an advanced level.
<span>-3 This user can do some Mediawiki things at an advanced level.
{{}}-i This user is interested in Making Templates.
{||}-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Wikitables.
UBX-i This user is interested in Making Userboxes.
yup-i This user is interested in Collecting Userboxes.
Kind-i This user is interested in Community.
xD-i This user is interested in Wikifools.
nope-x This user doesn't want to Get banned.
nope-x This user doesn't want to Get blocked.
:p-3 This user can Meme it at an advanced level.
SEEL-1 This user can Make memes at a basic level.
;P-1 This user can Make YTPMVs at a basic level.
WACKY-4 This user can Make normal YTPs at a proficient level.
lol-5 This user is an expert at lol.
MEEMZ-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Memes.
7-i This user is interested in GRAND DAD.
Rare-i This user is interested in Collecting rare pepes.
'14-i This user is interested in Old memes.
360-i This user is interested in MLG.
-i This user is interested in litsening to YTPMVs.
:D-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Fun.
Wiki.png-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Illogic.
alks-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Nonsense.
BWAA-i2 This user is a HUGE FAN of Insanity.

Recent Changes[edit | edit source]

List of abbreviations:
This edit created a new page (also see list of new pages)
This is a minor edit
This edit was performed by a bot
The page size changed by this number of bytes
Temporarily watched page

21 Farbleum 2025

20 Farbleum 2025

     23:03  Zipedia:Main Page‎‎ 11 changes history +1,264 [WorldWebBot‎; 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:DD6F:86A4:6EDA:C114‎ (2×); 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (8×)]
23:03 (cur | prev) −3 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:DD6F:86A4:6EDA:C114 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
22:50 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:DD6F:86A4:6EDA:C114 talk
22:43 (cur | prev) +1 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk
21:24 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20:47 (cur | prev) +21 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:45 (cur | prev) −19 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (could you please upgrade this wiki fluff) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20:39 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:39 (cur | prev) +46 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk
20:38 (cur | prev) +9 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20:37 (cur | prev) +611 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20:27 (cur | prev) +598 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    22:45  Zipedia:Wikiversity diffhist +842 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikiversity is''' a Wikimedia project established to support learning and research. Its purpose is similar to Wikibooks, but while Wikibooks is a project to create textbooks and reference books, Wikiversity allows people to freely study and research, like a university. However, because it is a small and sparsely populated wiki, it is difficult to say that it is fully fulfilling its purpose at present, and even if you open the recent updates, most of the information is...") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:42  User talk:WorldWebBot‎‎ 2 changes history +351 [WorldWebBot‎ (2×)]
22:42 (cur | prev) +134 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
22:39 (cur | prev) +217 WorldWebBot talk contribs (→‎Break: new section) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
     22:36  Miraheze diffhist +41 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    22:36  Zipedia:Miraheze diffhist +79 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Miraheze''' is a MediaWiki hosting service (wiki farm). Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:33  Talk:Zipedia:Main Page‎‎ 2 changes history +480 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎; WorldWebBot‎]
22:33 (cur | prev) +222 WorldWebBot talk contribs (→‎Zipedia checked?: new section) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
21:02 (cur | prev) +258 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (→‎No deletion: new section) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
     22:31  Wikimedia Foundation diffhist +67 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    22:30  Zipedia:Wikimedia Foundation diffhist +162 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''The Wikimedia Foundation''' is a non-profit foundation headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States, and was founded in 2004. Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:27  Zipedia:Wikinews diffhist +1,056 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikinews''' is a Wikimedia project that creates a newspaper using wikis. It was launched in November 2004, and the Japanese version was established in July 2005. However, it is not a project aimed at breaking news, as articles need to be peer-reviewed before they can be "published." It is more similar in nature to feature articles on a news site. However, despite the heavy promotion of the management templates and deletion frenzy, the Japanese version is currently u...") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:19  Zipedia:Wikispecies diffhist +729 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikispecies''' is a Wikimedia project that catalogs species of organisms and viruses. The project is not divided into languages, and administrative documents are written in each language, but articles are written in English only, except for the sections for each language. The project was created in response to a sense of crisis that there was no comprehensive resource for the classification of biological species. Due to its nature, Wikispecies is used more by experts...") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:13  Zipedia:Wikimedia Commons diffhist +450 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikimedia Commons''' (or '''Commons''' for short) is a sister project of the Wikimedia Foundation, along with Wikipedia, and its purpose is to "contain and provide all Wikimedia projects, as well as images, audio, video, and other information that can be freely used by anyone." It began operations on September 7, 2004. In September 2009, the number of files exceeded 5 million. thumb|194x194px|Logo Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:08  Zipedia:Wikisource diffhist +921 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikisource''' is one of the Wikimedia projects. Its purpose is to collect the full text of documents that are not copyrighted, such as legal provisions, documents whose copyright protection period has expired, and doculents provided under CC-BY-SA or a compatible license, and that can be reproduced in their entirety without any problem. For example, if a work is in English, the original text is posted on the English version of Wikisource, and the Japanese version post...") Tag: Visual edit
     21:48  Wikivoyage diffhist +45 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    21:48  Zipedia:Wikivoyage diffhist +186 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikivoyage''' is an online travel guide using Wikimedia. Sice 2012, it has been managed by the Wikimedia Foundation, the same organization that manages Wikipedia. Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    21:45  Zipedia:Wikiquote diffhist +891 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikiquote''' is a Wikimedia project that aims to create a collection of quotations. Unlike quotations permitted by copyright law, Wikiquote creates a page with only a collection of quotations, so the original source must not be protected by copyright or be provided under a license compatible with CC-BY-SA. For example, by reading an article about a person, you can learn famous statements that the person made in the past, and by reading an article about a certain topic...") Tag: Visual edit
N    21:39  Zipedia:Wikibooks diffhist +785 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikibooks is''' a Wikimedia project created to create reference books and textbooks. In addition to science, history, and languages, which are generally considered textbooks and refernce books, there are also reference books for hobby fields such as shogi and go. In the Japanese version, there are reference books for elementary, junior, high, and high schools that are created in accordance with the Japanese curriculum guidelines, but the content may be outdated and ma...") Tag: Visual edit
     21:32  Wikipedia diffhist +44 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
N    21:30  Template:Zipedia‎‎ 2 changes history +105 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (2×)]
21:30 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (please get the logo of zipedia a little bit big)
21:29 (cur | prev) +105 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |- | 20px| Zipedia has an article named "{{{1|page}}}". |}")
N    21:27  Zipedia:Wiktionary diffhist +218 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wiktionary''' is a project by the Wikimedia Foundation to create a dictionary using the MediaWiki system. It is a dictionary for the purpose of being a wiki. It is one of the Wikimedia projects. Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    21:23  Zipedia:Wikipedia‎‎ 2 changes history +674 [WorldWebBot‎ (2×)]
21:23 (cur | prev) 0 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
21:23 (cur | prev) +674 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikipedia''' is the world's largest self-proclaimed encyclopedia. It is an online encyclopedia imitation. The name "Wikipedia" is a combination of Wiki and Encyclopedia. Although it has the worlls's highest level of name recognition, the reality is that it is far from its original goal, as the content of its articles is full of arrors and bias, which are major and persistent problems for an encyclopedia. Please be careful as it is similar but not the same as our websi...") Tag: Visual edit
N    21:14  Zipedia:Privacy Policy diffhist +49 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Policy) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    21:13  Zipedia:Local Rules diffhist +49 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Policy) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    21:09  Zipedia:Policy diffhist +380 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "{{Zipedia Policy}} This page defines the "policies" necessary for participants of Zipedia to agree and work together comfortably (here in after referred to as "three policies"). For details that cannot be specified in these policies, please read and respect the "details" that belong to theb policies according to the field in which each person participates. Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    20:59  Template:Zipedia Policy‎‎ 3 changes history +287 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (3×)]
20:59 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk
20:59 (cur | prev) +28 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk
20:58 (cur | prev) +259 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |- | 50px '''This content must be respected by contributors affected on this wiki. If you wish to make significant changes to the content, please get consensus on the talk page first.''' |} Category:Zipedia")
N    20:54  Zipedia:User Guide‎‎ 2 changes history +58 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (2×)]
20:54 (cur | prev) +21 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:50 (cur | prev) +37 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia Forum:Help Desk) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    20:54  Zipedia Forum:Help Desk diffhist +330 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |+ |59x59px * Before asking a question, post it on that page's talk page. * The answer may come immediately, or it may take some time, so please be patient. <inputbox> type=comment preload=Zipedia Forum:Help Desk buttonlabel=Post a new question </inputbox> |} Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
N    20:48  Category:Zipedia diffhist +70 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "This category contains all page on Zipedia wikisite!") Tag: Visual edit
N    20:47  Zipedia:Community Portal‎‎ 2 changes history +59 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (2×)]
20:47 (cur | prev) +21 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:43 (cur | prev) +38 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Main Page#Notice) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    20:46  Zipedia:About‎‎ 2 changes history +66 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (2×)]
20:46 (cur | prev) +21 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:41 (cur | prev) +45 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Main Page#Quick links) Tags: New redirect Visual edit

Forum talks[edit | edit source]

No changes during the given period match these criteria.
No changes during the given period match these criteria.

Articles[edit | edit source]

List of abbreviations:
This edit created a new page (also see list of new pages)
This is a minor edit
This edit was performed by a bot
The page size changed by this number of bytes
Temporarily watched page

21 Farbleum 2025

     10:41  Zipedia:Policy diffhist −1 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:5DF1:1B42:6A24:C4EC talk (please hide spelling mistakes) Tag: Visual edit

20 Farbleum 2025

N    23:03  Zipedia:Main Page‎‎ 13 changes history +1,300 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:DD6F:86A4:6EDA:C114‎ (2×); WorldWebBot‎ (3×); 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (8×)]
23:03 (cur | prev) −3 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:DD6F:86A4:6EDA:C114 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
22:50 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:DD6F:86A4:6EDA:C114 talk
22:43 (cur | prev) +1 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk
21:24 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20:47 (cur | prev) +21 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:45 (cur | prev) −19 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (could you please upgrade this wiki fluff) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20:39 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:39 (cur | prev) +46 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk
20:38 (cur | prev) +9 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20:37 (cur | prev) +611 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20:27 (cur | prev) +598 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
20:07 (cur | prev) −172 WorldWebBot talk contribs (pls connect your database and blank on your fucking page!) Tag: Visual edit
20:06 (cur | prev) +208 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Error while loading}} You do not have permission to get access on this website, for the following reason: [E15] 2025-02-20 21:04 Network Connection Error 'Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryTimeoutError'") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:45  Zipedia:Wikiversity diffhist +842 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikiversity is''' a Wikimedia project established to support learning and research. Its purpose is similar to Wikibooks, but while Wikibooks is a project to create textbooks and reference books, Wikiversity allows people to freely study and research, like a university. However, because it is a small and sparsely populated wiki, it is difficult to say that it is fully fulfilling its purpose at present, and even if you open the recent updates, most of the information is...") Tag: Visual edit
     22:36  Miraheze diffhist +41 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    22:36  Zipedia:Miraheze diffhist +79 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Miraheze''' is a MediaWiki hosting service (wiki farm). Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
     22:31  Wikimedia Foundation diffhist +67 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    22:30  Zipedia:Wikimedia Foundation diffhist +162 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''The Wikimedia Foundation''' is a non-profit foundation headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States, and was founded in 2004. Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:27  Zipedia:Wikinews diffhist +1,056 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikinews''' is a Wikimedia project that creates a newspaper using wikis. It was launched in November 2004, and the Japanese version was established in July 2005. However, it is not a project aimed at breaking news, as articles need to be peer-reviewed before they can be "published." It is more similar in nature to feature articles on a news site. However, despite the heavy promotion of the management templates and deletion frenzy, the Japanese version is currently u...") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:19  Zipedia:Wikispecies diffhist +729 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikispecies''' is a Wikimedia project that catalogs species of organisms and viruses. The project is not divided into languages, and administrative documents are written in each language, but articles are written in English only, except for the sections for each language. The project was created in response to a sense of crisis that there was no comprehensive resource for the classification of biological species. Due to its nature, Wikispecies is used more by experts...") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:13  Zipedia:Wikimedia Commons diffhist +450 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikimedia Commons''' (or '''Commons''' for short) is a sister project of the Wikimedia Foundation, along with Wikipedia, and its purpose is to "contain and provide all Wikimedia projects, as well as images, audio, video, and other information that can be freely used by anyone." It began operations on September 7, 2004. In September 2009, the number of files exceeded 5 million. thumb|194x194px|Logo Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    22:08  Zipedia:Wikisource diffhist +921 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikisource''' is one of the Wikimedia projects. Its purpose is to collect the full text of documents that are not copyrighted, such as legal provisions, documents whose copyright protection period has expired, and doculents provided under CC-BY-SA or a compatible license, and that can be reproduced in their entirety without any problem. For example, if a work is in English, the original text is posted on the English version of Wikisource, and the Japanese version post...") Tag: Visual edit
     21:48  Wikivoyage diffhist +45 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    21:48  Zipedia:Wikivoyage diffhist +186 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikivoyage''' is an online travel guide using Wikimedia. Sice 2012, it has been managed by the Wikimedia Foundation, the same organization that manages Wikipedia. Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    21:45  Zipedia:Wikiquote diffhist +891 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikiquote''' is a Wikimedia project that aims to create a collection of quotations. Unlike quotations permitted by copyright law, Wikiquote creates a page with only a collection of quotations, so the original source must not be protected by copyright or be provided under a license compatible with CC-BY-SA. For example, by reading an article about a person, you can learn famous statements that the person made in the past, and by reading an article about a certain topic...") Tag: Visual edit
N    21:39  Zipedia:Wikibooks diffhist +785 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikibooks is''' a Wikimedia project created to create reference books and textbooks. In addition to science, history, and languages, which are generally considered textbooks and refernce books, there are also reference books for hobby fields such as shogi and go. In the Japanese version, there are reference books for elementary, junior, high, and high schools that are created in accordance with the Japanese curriculum guidelines, but the content may be outdated and ma...") Tag: Visual edit
     21:32  Wikipedia diffhist +44 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit: Switched
N    21:27  Zipedia:Wiktionary diffhist +218 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wiktionary''' is a project by the Wikimedia Foundation to create a dictionary using the MediaWiki system. It is a dictionary for the purpose of being a wiki. It is one of the Wikimedia projects. Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    21:23  Zipedia:Wikipedia‎‎ 2 changes history +674 [WorldWebBot‎ (2×)]
21:23 (cur | prev) 0 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
21:23 (cur | prev) +674 WorldWebBot talk contribs (Created page with "'''Wikipedia''' is the world's largest self-proclaimed encyclopedia. It is an online encyclopedia imitation. The name "Wikipedia" is a combination of Wiki and Encyclopedia. Although it has the worlls's highest level of name recognition, the reality is that it is far from its original goal, as the content of its articles is full of arrors and bias, which are major and persistent problems for an encyclopedia. Please be careful as it is similar but not the same as our websi...") Tag: Visual edit
N    21:14  Zipedia:Privacy Policy diffhist +49 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Policy) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    21:13  Zipedia:Local Rules diffhist +49 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Policy) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    21:09  Zipedia:Policy diffhist +380 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "{{Zipedia Policy}} This page defines the "policies" necessary for participants of Zipedia to agree and work together comfortably (here in after referred to as "three policies"). For details that cannot be specified in these policies, please read and respect the "details" that belong to theb policies according to the field in which each person participates. Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit
N    20:54  Zipedia:User Guide‎‎ 2 changes history +58 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (2×)]
20:54 (cur | prev) +21 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:50 (cur | prev) +37 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia Forum:Help Desk) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    20:54  Zipedia Forum:Help Desk diffhist +330 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |+ |59x59px * Before asking a question, post it on that page's talk page. * The answer may come immediately, or it may take some time, so please be patient. <inputbox> type=comment preload=Zipedia Forum:Help Desk buttonlabel=Post a new question </inputbox> |} Category:Zipedia") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
N    20:47  Zipedia:Community Portal‎‎ 2 changes history +59 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (2×)]
20:47 (cur | prev) +21 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:43 (cur | prev) +38 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Main Page#Notice) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    20:46  Zipedia:About‎‎ 2 changes history +66 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (2×)]
20:46 (cur | prev) +21 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk Tag: Visual edit
20:41 (cur | prev) +45 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Main Page#Quick links) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
N    20:02  Zipedia diffhist +31 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:F587:B12D:D62E:8E31 talk (Redirected page to Zipedia:Main Page) Tag: New redirect
     19:40  Wikimessup:Neptune diffhist −471 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:74BA:4BEC:3A4D:E6C8 talk (Redirected page to Delete) Tags: New redirect Visual edit
     17:54  Wikimessup:Hoeps diffhist −324 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:9CDC:6778:1714:BE71 talk (Redirected page to Delete) Tags: New redirect Visual edit: Switched
     17:54  Wikimessup:Jumper diffhist −436 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:9CDC:6778:1714:BE71 talk (Redirected page to Delete) Tag: New redirect
     17:53  Wikimessup:Dawson diffhist −115 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:9CDC:6778:1714:BE71 talk (Redirected page to Delete) Tag: New redirect
     17:52  Wikimessup:Morse diffhist −430 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:9CDC:6778:1714:BE71 talk (Redirected page to Delete) Tag: New redirect
     17:52  Wikimessup:Invention Jeinh innovations diffhist −511 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:9CDC:6778:1714:BE71 talk (Redirected page to Delete) Tag: New redirect
     17:51  Wikimessup:Charonne diffhist −385 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:9CDC:6778:1714:BE71 talk (Redirected page to Delete) Tag: New redirect
List of abbreviations:
This edit created a new page (also see list of new pages)
This is a minor edit
This edit was performed by a bot
The page size changed by this number of bytes
Temporarily watched page

20 Farbleum 2025

N    22:33  Talk:Zipedia:Main Page‎‎ 2 changes history +480 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎; WorldWebBot‎]
22:33 (cur | prev) +222 WorldWebBot talk contribs (→‎Zipedia checked?: new section) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
21:02 (cur | prev) +258 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (→‎No deletion: new section) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
     01:11  Talk:One‎‎ 16 changes history 0 [2604:2D80:D002:9E00:E8E8:D9B3:E4F5:A346‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:DC51:A54A:5DA9:ED3C‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:CDA2:9BCC:85E:CACD‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:A5F5:5FC8:4BCC:CEE0‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:9568:B59C:F4DB:3CAD‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:8C3B:D17F:A304:220‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:4402:51B6:87A5:C53E‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:2080:72BD:B68A:D933‎;‎ (8×)]
01:11 (cur | prev) −2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:E8E8:D9B3:E4F5:A346 talk Tag: Manual revert
01:11 (cur | prev) −1 talk Tag: Reverted
01:10 (cur | prev) +3 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:9568:B59C:F4DB:3CAD talk Tag: Reverted
01:10 (cur | prev) −3 talk Tag: Manual revert
01:09 (cur | prev) +3 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:8C3B:D17F:A304:220 talk Tag: Reverted
01:09 (cur | prev) −2 talk Tag: Manual revert
01:09 (cur | prev) +2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:A5F5:5FC8:4BCC:CEE0 talk Tags: Manual revert Reverted
01:08 (cur | prev) −3 talk Tags: Manual revert Reverted
01:07 (cur | prev) +3 talk Tag: Reverted
01:07 (cur | prev) −3 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:4402:51B6:87A5:C53E talk Tags: Manual revert Reverted
01:07 (cur | prev) +3 talk Tag: Reverted
01:06 (cur | prev) −2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:CDA2:9BCC:85E:CACD talk (Britney Spears) Tags: Manual revert Reverted
01:06 (cur | prev) 0 talk (Jesus Loves Me Barney & Friends) Tag: Reverted
01:05 (cur | prev) +2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:DC51:A54A:5DA9:ED3C talk (Jesus Loves Me Barney & Friends) Tag: Reverted
01:05 (cur | prev) −6 talk (Britney Spears) Tag: Manual revert
01:05 (cur | prev) +6 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:2080:72BD:B68A:D933 talk Tag: Reverted

16 Farbleum 2025

N    15:07  Talk:ሸ፞ diffhist +14 2603:7081:2D01:51D7:2458:F997:15EF:BB02 talk (Created page with "How lol ሸ፞")

T and Cs[edit | edit source]

List of abbreviations:
This edit created a new page (also see list of new pages)
This is a minor edit
This edit was performed by a bot
The page size changed by this number of bytes
Temporarily watched page

20 Farbleum 2025

N    21:30  Template:Zipedia‎‎ 2 changes history +105 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (2×)]
21:30 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (please get the logo of zipedia a little bit big)
21:29 (cur | prev) +105 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |- | 20px| Zipedia has an article named "{{{1|page}}}". |}")
N    20:59  Template:Zipedia Policy‎‎ 3 changes history +287 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829‎ (3×)]
20:59 (cur | prev) 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk
20:59 (cur | prev) +28 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk
20:58 (cur | prev) +259 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |- | 50px '''This content must be respected by contributors affected on this wiki. If you wish to make significant changes to the content, please get consensus on the talk page first.''' |} Category:Zipedia")

19 Farbleum 2025

     20:37  Template:Chocolate‎‎ 8 changes history 0 [2604:2D80:D002:9E00:A4F6:BF5A:D28E:4F96‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:CD20:E26B:247A:F83C‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:8096:47DF:C881:3655‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:4DF7:DAE0:8282:BDAC‎;‎ (4×)]
20:37 (cur | prev) −2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:4DF7:DAE0:8282:BDAC talk Tag: Manual revert
20:36 (cur | prev) −1 talk Tag: Reverted
20:36 (cur | prev) +3 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:A4F6:BF5A:D28E:4F96 talk Tag: Reverted
20:35 (cur | prev) −2 talk (Britney Spears) Tag: Manual revert
20:35 (cur | prev) 0 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:CD20:E26B:247A:F83C talk Tag: Reverted
20:35 (cur | prev) +2 talk (Britney Spears) Tag: Reverted
20:34 (cur | prev) −5 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:8096:47DF:C881:3655 talk (Idina Menzel) Tag: Manual revert
20:34 (cur | prev) +5 talk Tag: Reverted
N    19:31  Template:Mario diffhist +116 talk (Created page with "{{userbox|black|gray|50px|link=|This user knows the evil ways of Mario, do NOT cross them.}}")

16 Farbleum 2025

     23:58  Template:Godsay‎‎ 16 changes history −6 [ConcreteBridge‎ (16×)]
23:58 (cur | prev) −2 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
23:53 (cur | prev) −1 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
23:52 (cur | prev) −1 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
23:51 (cur | prev) +2 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
13:02 (cur | prev) +29 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:51 (cur | prev) −34 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:42 (cur | prev) +2 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:42 (cur | prev) +3 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:42 (cur | prev) −2 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:42 (cur | prev) +7 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:41 (cur | prev) 0 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:40 (cur | prev) −1 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:40 (cur | prev) −2 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:40 (cur | prev) +1 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:40 (cur | prev) −5 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:37 (cur | prev) −2 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
N    23:44  Template:Won The child murderer‎‎ 2 changes history +122 [ConcreteBridge‎ (2×)]
23:44 (cur | prev) +1 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
23:44 (cur | prev) +121 ConcreteBridge talk contribs (Created page with "{{userbox|black|blue|50px|link=|This user has beaten IllogiGames:The child murderer!}}")
     23:37  Template:Noun diffhist +26 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
N    23:10  Template:LogiGame‎‎ 3 changes history +630 [ConcreteBridge‎ (3×)]
23:10 (cur | prev) +5 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
23:10 (cur | prev) 0 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
23:10 (cur | prev) +625 ConcreteBridge talk contribs (Created page with "{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" style="float:Right; border:solid gray 2px; -moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px; margin: 1px;background:white" | style="font-size: 100%; padding:3pt; line-height:1.27em; color:#2f4f4;" | <center> '''This whole game is too logical.'''{{b}}<span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 90%; color: Black;">'''?pedia is the encyclopedia of nonsense, not facts.'''<br>  ''You can help by adding {{Noun plural}}.''   </span...")
N    20:47  Template:Paul stamp diffhist +103 ConcreteBridge talk contribs (Created page with "<div style="font-size:35pt;position:absolute;top:-15px;right:0px">100px</div>")
     20:20  Template:Monkeys diffhist +19 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
N    18:20  Template:Tcmdie‎‎ 3 changes history +271 [ConcreteBridge‎ (3×)]
18:20 (cur | prev) −8 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
18:20 (cur | prev) −1 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
15:27 (cur | prev) +280 ConcreteBridge talk contribs (Created page with "<br /> ::<span style="font-size: medium">'''*** You have died ***'''</span> Would you like to have hell and heaven reject your soul and come back to life, just die, or give up?  :BACK TO LIFE LEZ GO :Just die :Quit dis crap!")
     11:50  Template:MuricaMade‎‎ 9 changes history −26 [ConcreteBridge‎ (9×)]
11:50 (cur | prev) +7 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
11:45 (cur | prev) −33 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
01:56 (cur | prev) −4 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
01:56 (cur | prev) +4 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
01:53 (cur | prev) 0 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
01:53 (cur | prev) 0 ConcreteBridge talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
01:51 (cur | prev) 0 ConcreteBridge talk contribs Tag: Reverted
01:51 (cur | prev) −1 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
01:50 (cur | prev) +1 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
No changes during the given period match these criteria.
List of abbreviations:
This edit created a new page (also see list of new pages)
This is a minor edit
This edit was performed by a bot
The page size changed by this number of bytes
Temporarily watched page

21 Farbleum 2025

20 Farbleum 2025

N    20:48  Category:Zipedia diffhist +70 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:D163:1C7B:23AA:A829 talk (Created page with "This category contains all page on Zipedia wikisite!") Tag: Visual edit
N    17:14  Category:Wikimessup diffhist 0 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:58DA:D506:7E26:3D78 talk (Created blank page) Tag: Visual edit

19 Farbleum 2025

     20:42  Category:Chocolate‎‎ 8 changes history 0 [2604:2D80:D002:9E00:4DF7:DAE0:8282:BDAC‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:E81F:FE67:168E:8E0B‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:3D5B:7D3B:58EC:5F9B‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:39E4:69DD:235F:9DC3‎;‎ (4×)]
20:42 (cur | prev) −2 talk Tag: Manual revert
20:41 (cur | prev) +2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:3D5B:7D3B:58EC:5F9B talk Tag: Reverted
20:41 (cur | prev) −2 talk Tag: Manual revert
20:40 (cur | prev) +2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:E81F:FE67:168E:8E0B talk Tag: Reverted
20:39 (cur | prev) −3 talk (Britney Spears) Tag: Manual revert
20:39 (cur | prev) +3 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:39E4:69DD:235F:9DC3 talk Tag: Reverted
20:38 (cur | prev) −5 talk Tag: Manual revert
20:38 (cur | prev) +5 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:4DF7:DAE0:8282:BDAC talk Tag: Reverted
     19:52  Category:Disney‎‎ 9 changes history 0 [2604:2D80:D002:9E00:C11F:6516:77E6:3BEA‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:E5DC:98B8:7F60:A8ED‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:7867:8AA:CD91:152D‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:59E4:7216:5742:821‎;‎ (5×)]
19:52 (cur | prev) −2 talk Tag: Manual revert
19:52 (cur | prev) +2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:C11F:6516:77E6:3BEA talk Tag: Reverted
19:51 (cur | prev) −4 talk Tag: Manual revert
19:51 (cur | prev) +2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:7867:8AA:CD91:152D talk Tag: Reverted
19:51 (cur | prev) +2 talk Tag: Reverted
19:50 (cur | prev) −3 talk Tag: Manual revert
19:50 (cur | prev) +3 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:E5DC:98B8:7F60:A8ED talk Tag: Reverted
19:49 (cur | prev) −5 talk Tag: Manual revert
19:49 (cur | prev) +5 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:59E4:7216:5742:821 talk Tag: Reverted
No changes during the given period match these criteria.

Stalkings[edit | edit source]

List of abbreviations:
This edit created a new page (also see list of new pages)
This is a minor edit
This edit was performed by a bot
The page size changed by this number of bytes
Temporarily watched page

19 Farbleum 2025

     23:03  User:Alicia Keys‎‎ 8 changes history 0 [2604:2D80:D002:9E00:94FA:497A:8BF8:7428‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:791B:1840:BB16:283E‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:2CFB:19E:37CF:5DB4‎; 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:F098:45FD:92CA:922‎ (2×);‎ (3×)]
23:03 (cur | prev) −1 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:F098:45FD:92CA:922 talk Tag: Manual revert
23:02 (cur | prev) +1 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:F098:45FD:92CA:922 talk (Jesus Loves Me Barney & Friends) Tag: Reverted
23:02 (cur | prev) −2 talk (Britney Spears) Tag: Manual revert
23:01 (cur | prev) +2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:791B:1840:BB16:283E talk (Britney Spears) Tag: Reverted
23:00 (cur | prev) −2 talk (Britney Spears) Tag: Manual revert
22:59 (cur | prev) +2 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:94FA:497A:8BF8:7428 talk Tag: Reverted
22:59 (cur | prev) −5 talk Tag: Manual revert
22:58 (cur | prev) +5 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:2CFB:19E:37CF:5DB4 talk Tag: Reverted
     19:39 Rash log Abuse filter talk contribs blocked talk with an expiration time of 3 months (anonymous users only, account creation disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎(Automatically blocked by abuse filter. Description of matched rule: EN-QBF 01)
     19:32  User:ConcreteBridge‎‎ 2 changes history +24 [‎ (2×)]
19:32 (cur | prev) +11 talk Tag: Visual edit
19:21 (cur | prev) +13 talk Tag: Visual edit

18 Farbleum 2025

     16:39  User:Lobotomy diffhist +30 Lobotomy talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
     12:37 User creation log User account WikiTree talk contribs was created ‎

17 Farbleum 2025

     03:31 User creation log User account INFERNO talk contribs was created ‎
     00:18  User:ConcreteBridge diffhist +3 ConcreteBridge talk contribs Tag: Visual edit

16 Farbleum 2025

     23:50  User:ConcreteBridge‎‎ 7 changes history +469 [ConcreteBridge‎ (7×)]
23:50 (cur | prev) +46 ConcreteBridge talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
19:12 (cur | prev) +20 ConcreteBridge talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
15:22 (cur | prev) +120 ConcreteBridge talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
13:09 (cur | prev) +168 ConcreteBridge talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
12:36 (cur | prev) −18 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
12:34 (cur | prev) +118 ConcreteBridge talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
11:51 (cur | prev) +15 ConcreteBridge talk contribs
     17:49 User creation log User account WorldWebBot talk contribs was created ‎

15 Farbleum 2025

14 Farbleum 2025

List of abbreviations:
This edit created a new page (also see list of new pages)
This is a minor edit
This edit was performed by a bot
The page size changed by this number of bytes
Temporarily watched page

20 Farbleum 2025

N    22:42  User talk:WorldWebBot‎‎ 2 changes history +351 [WorldWebBot‎ (2×)]
22:42 (cur | prev) +134 WorldWebBot talk contribs Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
22:39 (cur | prev) +217 WorldWebBot talk contribs (→‎Break: new section) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
N    19:47  User talk:2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:74BA:4BEC:3A4D:E6C8‎‎ 2 changes history +497 [2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:74BA:4BEC:3A4D:E6C8‎ (2×)]
19:47 (cur | prev) +242 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:74BA:4BEC:3A4D:E6C8 talk (→‎Deletion: nouvelle section) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
19:43 (cur | prev) +255 2A02:A03F:6A97:E201:74BA:4BEC:3A4D:E6C8 talk (→‎Wikimessup: nouvelle section) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit
N    02:12  User talk:2604:2D80:D002:9E00:2049:250E:5A66:E673 diffhist +4 2604:2D80:D002:9E00:2049:250E:5A66:E673 talk (Created page with "Kids")

19 Farbleum 2025

18 Farbleum 2025

Illogiblock Interactive[edit | edit source]

Warp Zone
Main Warps Help X = 500
Y = 500
X = 0
Y = 339
X = -619
Y = 661

Warp to...

My user subpages[edit | edit source]

Contributions[edit | edit source]

31 Jumbly 2018

23 Yoon 2018

22 Yoon 2018