I AM 'lol' NOT 'Lol' okay??

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Do not vandal, ICTTD.
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If welcoming boxes hides some text, refresh it. it will rotate on their own.

3917/94[edit source]

Welcome to ?pedia! Hope you enjoy your stay. Please leave your nouns in the locker room
(behind the the door marked "LOLCHEESE")

So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be an admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":

  • Our beginner's guide is here
  • If you want more info on ?pedia, 'tis right here, and in case you've come from Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia or some other "humour" wiki, we also recommend that you understand how ?pedia is different from other wikis
  • A less sensible explanation of our beloved 'pedia is here
  • Our general disclaimer is not here, but here --> LOOKIE
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The rules, such as "ROFL KILL THE BABIESN'T PLZN'T (notn't)" are here. People breaking the rules will have a koala thrown at them, and may also possibly receive a Chinese burn.

So, that's all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.

~ The Illogicopedia Welcoming Committee


~ The Illogicopedia Community on welcoming new members
You are LOL? Or Louis? No? Illogico! Illogically? 05:34, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
It's just a plain lol. cuz lolz. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
05:47, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Are you Estonian? Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 06:55, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
No, why? 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
06:56, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
'Cause one time we had a user who was experienced with web development and he was Estonian. In that case, what country are you from? Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 06:58, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Korea, North Korea. (not) 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
07:11, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Are you Flower Base? Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 5:20pm, 5th April
Who is Flower Base? I am new to Illogicopedia. I created an account today, lol 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
07:34, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Are your templates copypasted from Wikipedia? Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 07:36, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Some are, not identical (modified to illogic version) but yeah. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
07:38, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Crazy, you are crazy![edit source]

CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY Illogico! Illogically? 14:35, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)

History of lulzz
14:37, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
LaSeR rOCKers AnD cRAwLiNG sPACeSHiP!!!! 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
14:46, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Wait, by the way. could you help me on template:Illogic table I am currently changing all those weird codes into template:ETCs. it would be much appreciated. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
14:46, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Anyway OooooOOOOoooOOooOHhHhHhHh!!!! SuPEr fANg mICrO kATZZZZZ 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
14:46, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)

You are rocker? Or crazy?[edit source]

Subscribe: IllogiGames:RiRo

I am mentally damaged! are you crazy? 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
14:38, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
WHAT THE FUCK? YOU CREMOUS ROCKER? felis lupis (talk) 14:41 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
wait, why? 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
14:47, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
You are my cousin? You are sockmaster User:Louis LOL? Or no? Illogico! Illogically? 14:51, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Illogico, Lol has already told you no. I suggest you drop this issue. Cg098 (talk) 22:54, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Right then, are you Lol Creme from 10cc? :P Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 22:58, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)
No, I am just a lol. not other person but a lol. well, you can see my IP. I am a newcomer, from serious wiki. cuz they are so boring. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
03:12, 6 Arply 2017 (UTC)


No wonder my gastrointestinal bowel movements have ceased to produce those ominous sounds that are vaguely reminiscent of a dying dolphin being tickled by a feathered crab! A new user has arrived among us that happens to know how to effectively slap and bang his keyboard to the extent that they somehow come out as some vague h4X0r magic! I find it mush akin to licking your face with a canvas and recreating a Rembrandt in various shades of nrfbrhjv!

As a mem(e)ber of teh ellohjjikopeedeein waylcumeeng kuhmetee lawl eks dee herp derp eloelwut I am mandated to give you a nasty case of sea-gull pox and a generous helping of siquánsef'feeg donuts as a token of approval from the Boards of Canada Board of Critics of Advocates of Supporters of Funders of Taxpayers of Curators of Cthulhu-Based Operations whilst attempting to initiate you by making your first blood sacrifice to a Kudjee Bear whilst donning a ton of corpse paint.

I may be unable to explain why we always have a bad case of lead poisoning here (it's problee cuz uv teh uh fidget monsters that like to spit at us :DDDD) and why there irnurnvhuv hjrv nrhbhjv ujh hvjunvbhnvubni, but until I get my order of a thpuusngfd live snekz from Amazon so I can fulfill my destiny of becoming some weird snek cheeser and memster cuz lawljinfhjvernjiv, I capiudlld only wish you habbeh birdeh :DDDD benuircndcinh. I CAN LAFF AWL FYA AT THOIIS DRNFIUREN AHAHAHHAQHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHBAHAHUAUJAHABBHAAHAHHAHAABHABHA




Ugh. Cocaine is one hell of a drug.

Anyway, here's another welcoming template, courtesy of some jerk in Uzbekistan.

Whether it's through compulsory community service for crimes we won't go into or just personal choice, you've just joined illogicopedia. First and foremost, may I take your coat *rifles through the pockets*.

This greeting if not nailed to your forehead (or applied forcefully with No More Nails) is most likely from an admin/werewolf/Jonas the Happy Vandal/Sysop which makes it excellent, so RELAX. Now we're all relaxed, I'll quickly get through the bits you need to know (rules and where to go etc, and my bribe of course):

  • If you're actually a vandal then prepare to be squashed by an oversized novelty sandal.
    Duck patrol2.JPG
  • If you're a complete beginner to wiki's then you may want to click here.
  • If you're nibbling on any cheese or cookies at the moment, STOP! ...Hammer Time! Those are for Santa - our resident stuttering old perv.
  • Just so you know what we're about (the life drawing class is left of that pop-up) I'd advise clicking here. I have to emphasise the section "In comparison to other wikis", just incase you're a fleeing uncyclopedia/uncycling flea user etc.
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  • If you turn out to infact be a brilliant user and aren't at this point laughing at the huge crater you've made where the Illogia once stood then you could be elidgible for Writer of the Month (or at least an unofficial Insane/Dedication award). If all else fails drink holy water and watch as a big hole-y forms through your heart.
  • If it all goes horribly wrong and the police find your stash of Nuclear warheads, have broken into your house, and the ghost busters are unavailable then you should probably franticly claw for help in the direction of these guys.
  • If you want to wear a funny wig and sit in a house full of commoners or lards then a political party membership may be for you. I recommend the Strangled Cats party.
  • When we finally figure out you're the user that keeps stealing our pocessions we're going to need to keep in touch with you (so we can get a clear shot at ya :P). So please feel free to leave comments on user's talk pages or our sparkling forum. You can talk to us directly on our IRC chatroom.
  • Now all that's left is the complimentary welcoming mint, and my bribe. £<insert number with more zeroes than Binary Code at the end of it here> please. Make all cheques payable to hell.


Kill your heroes. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:35, 6 Arply 2017 (UTC)

hAi, Izz dAt cOCaaaiine dANk? OR a cRaCK? 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
03:16, 6 Arply 2017 (UTC)

a question[edit source]

Is it peanut butter jelly time? way yah. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 21:04, 5 Arply 2017 (UTC)

No, but if you click that 'User page' button.... PEANUTBUTTERJELLY PEANUTBUTTERJELLY PEANUTBUTTERJELLYWITHABASEBALLCAP! 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
03:14, 6 Arply 2017 (UTC)

another question[edit source]

What's with the moving and the projects and the whitefish? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 14:55, 6 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Rock in Rioo[edit source]

You subscribe: 2 days for festival My Surprise no Is You! (talk) 01:14, 7 Arply 2017 (UTC)

How Subscribe I do? 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
01:16, 7 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Put your signature in the "And then your rocker? Sign up soon!" On the page My Surprise no Is You! (talk) 01:22, 7 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Wait, why no one joined? even you guys didn't join :l 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
01:25, 7 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Gruntled and 2 + 2 = 5 made up a song, but I think they did not notice... My brother said that I could take care of the festival while he was traveling. My Surprise no Is You! (talk) 01:33, 7 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Oh okay :P 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
01:35, 7 Arply 2017 (UTC)
That was me, not 2+2=5. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. We all put numbers in our usernames to confuse newbies, because numbers are confusing. And also, this, [1]. Cg098 (talk) 02:35, 7 Arply 2017 (UTC)
2+2=6. Also, the users on Illogicopedia template: I am actually a double-phantom (no joke. A sysadmin named User:Athyria said there was a slip-up that she can't fix that meant that I would show up as "User:Twoandtwoalwaysmakesafive (Phantom, Phantom)," which I thought was uber cool). Furthermore, XY007 is a phantom. And speaking of sysadmins, it would be best to give Athyria a cyan banana. OKEY NOW AIN H AHSZZZ ATHEE COAINEEE IEYAYEYEYYASSSSSSSS ORI CPIDWNC I ILLL OFNNTOOT NS FFUZKAGGGIINKXXSS SAOPOPSSSTTAP NNNNNENENENENENEYYYYEYYEEYEYEYEYYEYEY 01:26, 8 Arply 2017 (UTC) 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:28, 8 Arply 2017 (UTC)
2+2=Fish. also, I knew you were Phantom x2. and I didn't knEw Athyria was a vampire. okey OoOoOoOoOoJiIiLILIliLiLilIliAAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
01:40, 8 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Fixed + Border + Pinkbanana 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ melawl Labzz
History of lulzz
01:53, 8 Arply 2017 (UTC)
About the numbers in username thing: this has happened before. XY reporting at time: 05:37, 8 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Hey, is this sign confusing enough? I put my favorite number! hey, do you like euler👈 2l.o7l1 👉  8l2o8l1 8w2/8 4m5e90l4a5w2l3 5L3a6b0z2z8
7H4i7s1t3o5r2y6 6o2f4 9l7u7l5z7z2
07:02, 8 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Clearing indent[edit source]

now, start with new, one indent! e = 👈 2.71 👉  8281 828 45904523 536028
74713526 624 977572
07:06, 8 Arply 2017 (UTC)

About your sig: what really confuses me is that you link to User:lol/t instead of User talk:lol. But I've figured out that it's a redirect and I'm sure you have a reason for it. Cg098 (talk) 19:00, 8 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Well, it's for shortening my sign, I usually did it when I was in Wikipedia: they did NOT allow me cuz 255 character limit. and my name was much longer than lol. I changed it back to User talk:lol. thanks! 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:19, 9 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Hello sock?[edit source]


Hello no-sock?[edit source]


Hey, if you contribute to the normal content, you can be listed in template:Users On Illogicopedia! lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
03:17, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)
I'm just a puppet, want to control me? I just like cheese cake stuffed with watermelon... Sock (Come here to complain about your puppet) 03:25, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)
I am your puppet slave and I will do everything you ask! Sock (Come here to complain about your puppet) 03:39, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Well... sockpuppetry is Not allowed. I carefully advise you to stop being a puppet and well, contribute. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
03:43, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)
You mean I'll be blocked? But I like being a puppet and wanted someone giving me orders, I love being a puppet! Sock (Come here to complain about your puppet) 04:06, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Ummmm.. but you can do much in here your own! unlike serious boring wikis, you can:
  1. Make weird categories
  2. Write a stub-like articles (but not gibberish such as eissjsijesioeiorn)
  3. Help other peoples by collaborating Such as this
  4. Write a random thing (such as Sam wave likes melon)
Hope you get used to here, and be an active user! thanks! lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:10, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Increment weather[edit source]

For the block project, does the '1000 edits' thing increase? So for instance, if you have 5000 edits, you get 0.5 points?

And another question: Do you at all listen to a certain British band that has come to symbolise this wiki? Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 06:40, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Yes, it will (probably) incline people to contribut to ?pedia. :P // And second question: Sometimes. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:42, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Which album is your favourite? I never used to listen to them, but now I do, because it increases your illogic. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) Monday

I dunno, anything is good for Illogic. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:52, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)
That talkback template is starting to get a bit annoying. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 06:55, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)
I think so too. so I am currently editing them. to be less annoying. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:57, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)
We also have watchlists. Cg098 (talk) 02:02, 11 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Yeah, but it seems Watchlist doesn't show other people's work for me. :P lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:04, 11 Arply 2017 (UTC)
If other users want to be notified of your replies, they can add the talk page to their own watchlist. Cg098 (talk) 02:11, 11 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Oh, okay. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:14, 11 Arply 2017 (UTC)


lol, k i'll tell you when it happens again. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
01:33, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Puppet[edit source]

Forum:Puppet Sock (Come here to complain about your puppet) 03:53, 11 Arply 2017 (UTC)

A whisper[edit source]

Illogicopedia:The Ism Party Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 11:49, 13 Arply 2017 (UTC)

!What? (reply)[edit source]

I am a week-old newbie with a well-read policy and I was changing Mr.Sacha's Sock Banned For Being Louis LOL's Sock thingy. Problem? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
01:25, 16 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Hello[edit source]

I AM "CONFIRMED SOCK" BY LOUIS LOL, NOT "SUSPECTED SOCK", OKAY? Louis as back! (talk) 01:48, 16 Arply 2017 (UTC)

FINE. i'll make a {{Sock2}} for YOU. there was NO confirmed sock template. okay? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
01:50, 16 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Moving forth, vandals, socks, puppets, and anything of the sort are not to be humoured. Cg098 (talk) 21:44, 16 Arply 2017 (UTC)
I don't understand the purpose of these sock templates' please explain. Also, puppets... ahem... I'm mot a big fan. As for Luis... we don't want him around. He's a naughty boy with no manners or regard for my authoritah. By the way, Lol, are you a South Park fan? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:02, 16 Arply 2017 (UTC)
  • {{Sock}} = suspected socks
  • {{Sock2}} = confirmed socks
  • {{Sock3}} = suspected puppetmasters
  • {{Sock4}} = confirmed puppetmasters
  • {{Sock0}} = suspected IPs
  • {{Sock1}} = confirmed IPs
also well, I heard it a lot from the internet, and just because it's a south korea.. well.. i needed something and bam. that's a perfect word. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
01:31, 17 Arply 2017 (UTC)
OK, cool... useful. I may be too lazy to use one, but we can hope... LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 03:37, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

On the situation that's unfolding in the Korean Peninsula...[edit source]

First off, I would like to apologize for the pitifully indecisive excuse for a president we have here in America, but nonetheless, the sociopolitical landscape of the nation has become so tumultuous that nowadays every news source (even the Associated Press) has to deal with being blasted with accusations of spewing fake news if it does not conform to what the far-right wants to hear. Anyway, I just have to ask: how's South Korea dealing with the current tensions that are occurring between the U.S. and North Korea? I know that no news outlet can include everything in their reports, regardless of reasoning, which is why I'm asking you up front so I could have a deeper insight on the issue at hand. A lot of people here in the U.S. are speculating that there is a sense of uncertainty and apprehensiveness that's being instilled into the people of South Korea after witnessing the extreme escalation of tension between us and NK, but I'm not one to succumb to mere speculation.

You don't need to answer if you don't want to. Oftentimes my curiosity can supersede my manners. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:48, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Is the conversation gon' turn to Radiohead in a minute? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 01:49, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Hopefully. They encountered technical issues at Coachella btw. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:55, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Are they going to release a live EP called 'Now I Have A Real Lung'? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 01:57, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Well, I saw it in a news. politicians are thinking about deploying THAAD when NK do a nuke experiment again. well... the citizens have almost no power. sooooo yup. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
01:58, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
OH MY GOD SO MANY SAUSAGES lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
01:58, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
GAH LET ME SUBMIT lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
01:58, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
What about the electricity? Is it ever going out? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:01, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
No. we are not taking this that seriously. we are just "ooh m8 murica might strik jungun oooh" and "we shud keep that land ours we can't lose more lands" and stuffs. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:03, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
What's your opinion on Japan? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:07, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
(this is going quite political) well, we are cool with Japanese people. just we are not cool with the politicians who claim dokdo. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:10, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Let's turn the discussion over to the official band of Illogicopedia. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:11, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
I'll tell Twoandtwoalwaysmakesafive. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:14, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Radiohead[edit source]

The babble begins lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:25, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

I TWITCH AND I SALIVATE UPON THE MENTION OF RADIOHEAD. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:27, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Fink. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) sometime after noon, 18th April 2017
Twitch, twitch twitch. NEway, what's your favorite album of them? (copied question of XY) lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:29, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Amnesiac. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:30, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
This conversation feels really forced. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:31, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
lol, same. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:31, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
WELL YOU CAN PUT ME IN A HOME OR YOU CAN PUT ME DOWN, CUZ I FUGGIN LUVV RADIOHEAD!!! 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:32, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Do you read the doors as 'pulk/pull' instead of 'push/pull'? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:34, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Yes, I do. I swear it's one thing but then I see that it's the other. Um. Deliberate? Sybarite? 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:37, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Obliterine? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:42, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
My comment is removed... hmmmmmm... lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:43, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
It was because of an edit conflict. It happens here. It was in no way deliberate. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:47, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Has your obsession with Radiohead ever caused you problems? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:48, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Good question. :P lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:54, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
It actually has caused me problems. Who in their right mind would want to have sex with a Radiohead fan? Also, lol, Louis cannot be good. He is a temperamental child who actually blew his second chance a short while ago. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 03:01, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
@Radiohead: Little by little, by hook or by crook, never get earnest, never get judged.
I always thought it was "noticed." They didn't publish the lyrics for TKOL (the bastards)... 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 03:12, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
The website I went to said 'earnest'. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 03:14, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Another website said "nervous." What's weirder is that all three of those words could apply. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 03:16, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
"Hurdles" as well. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 03:24, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
@Louis: Indeed. I think he should go play. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 03:06, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
@ProDuct0339: wait, I don't do twits. uh-oh. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
03:09, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
@Wiki Strap-on: finally set up the catapult in my back yard. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 03:45, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)
@Logicium: fact- you don't have a catapult.
@Illogicium: Ew! logic! gross! lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
03:49, 18 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Bigger, larger, and less lol[edit source]

I know a number that is bigger than googolplex. --| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 11:30, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Well, that's not Googolplexian. because that is, in fact, even smaller than 1{{10^10^20}}. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
11:37, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Google it up--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 12:05, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Not the logical Googolplexian, this is Illogicopedia. the land of Illogic. and I was talking about your article. not the number googolplexian. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
12:07, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)
that's why I made this--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 12:20, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Hmm? that's Wikipedia. the Satanic Eeble website of Untruth. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
12:47, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)
but I couldn't just add a URL for you to see the results for plex.--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 21:45, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Why not? here. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:08, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

hi[edit source]

Helo Lolol (talk) 23:03, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Minister or triangular pancake?[edit source]

Do you want to be the second minister baked rib with triangular pancake? Illogico! Illogically? 04:05, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

What is that? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:06, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

I am a retired user of Illogicopedia, I just give orders, and I like to keep my fresh milk chocolate warm boiled in juice powder cooked and roasted by a cook, I'm Louis LOL's cousin, I'm a master pancake Illogico! Illogically? 04:16, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Wait, you are only 1 month old. why retire now? plus, you only edited <50 article times. that's... nothing. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:18, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Everyone was paying attention, until you arrive, I

retired and I want them to pay my publisher's salary, otherwise I will set fire to the pancake plate of pension-of-pancakes-retirees... Illogico! Illogically? 04:24, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

I don't get it. how did I affected your retirement? like, even I cat tall the dark got attention. just, if you want attention, go to forum, and babble with someone. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:28, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

You owe me a dollar, or if you want, I'll buy a stock of pancakes and eat, one piece of advice: it's delicious if you eat with your mouth closed with baked lemon Illogico! Illogically? 04:33, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

I owe you dollars? hey. I get you are Illogical, but... let's talk normally. Illogic talk is in here. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:36, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

My cousin lives in my house breaking some glass bowl on my computer screen. Just like squeezing rotten lemon on top of my smartphone Illogico! Illogically? 04:37, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Oh sheet, rly? that's... kinda makes sense. just, calm him down or, well, tie him on chair. tie it tight or he will get out. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:39, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

And I was so stressed that I got a girlfriend for him, now he stays outside dating, kissing and rolling on the lawn with his girlfriend, at least he does not come to fill sausage... Illogico! Illogically? 04:45, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

History of lulzz
05:29, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)
How much did she cost? Cg098 (talk) 00:14, 25 Arply 2017 (UTC)
That makes MUCH SENSE now! lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
03:00, 25 Arply 2017 (UTC)
I think Illogico is bluffing about that. Cg098 (talk) 02:17, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
O rly? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
03:30, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
$6.95. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 04:06, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
That's... okay, how can I send money? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:07, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Congratulation[edit source]

He was elected First Minister Banana of the LbE!!! Illogico! Illogically? 04:59, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Yeah, well, I think I'm going to revoke my retirement... Illogico! Illogically? 16:01, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)
That's cool. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:06, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Illogiproject Chemeeeestry[edit source]

Congratulations on your project! Do you buy articles? Illogico! Illogically? 18:11, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)

I don't think he does--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 21:34, 23 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Do you buy articles? Illogico! Illogically? 04:06, 24 Arply 2017 (UTC)
No, IllogiProject is a bunch of people gathered together to make a clusterfucc of Illogical articles regarding the same topic. at this case: Chemistry. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:08, 24 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Hum.... Wikinet = 1 article - 500 bytes Illogico! Illogically? 04:14, 24 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Uhh... you shold list an article in IP:RAD that is Not created by you, but you improved the article. a lot. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:19, 24 Arply 2017 (UTC)

mmm?[edit source]

Link more articles to this!--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 09:17, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Dancing Banana.gif

where he at? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
09:20, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Is it PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME?--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 09:26, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Where he at?Where he at?Where he at?Where he at? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
09:32, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Ah There he go! There he go! There he go! There he go!--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 12:45, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Peanut Butter Jelly! Peanut Butter Jelly! Peanut Butter Jelly! Peanut Butter Jelly!lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
12:45, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Ah Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly with a baseball cap!--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 12:45, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Ah Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly with a baseball bat!lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
12:45, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
AAAAAAA!--| C4T T/-\ |_ |_ Tha DRK (talk) 21:12, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)
See also: I'm bored/BANANA lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
00:53, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Oh my God! There was this dancing banana and he came over and he was like "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Cg098 (talk) 00:05, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

See also: I'm bored/BANANA lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
00:53, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Careful with them there signatures[edit source]

Editing User namespace pages is generally considered poor form since people will probably have them on their watchlist. Regardless, your edits are having knock-on consequences in the pages where they are being used, as well as their inboxes, which is a surefire way to piss people off. Then I'd have to dish out a bollocking, which I don't want to do anyway, it's all hasselhof. Check out the edits I've made to my own signature if you're unsure and compare with some of the other signatures. In mediawiki, the littlest edits can have weird unexpected or unseen consequences. --Silent Penguin 14:08, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Understanded. so, what should I do?
  • Revert Categorizing
  • Remove Enter space
lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
14:11, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)
What's done is done, so, I'd remove the whitespace and confirm their signature renders correctly. The easiest way I can think to double check the signature works is to preview {{User:lol/sign}} ~~~~~ on a new page in your user namespace. You need to include the space between the template reference and the five tildes, otherwise you don't see the bug. --Silent Penguin 14:22, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Welp, I already started to remove the enter spaces: therefore making this correct. and This seems broken enough. Fixing within few minutes. wait... lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
14:24, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Admin?[edit source]

Yes or No? Two months? Illogico! Illogically? 04:01, 30 Arply 2017 (UTC)

What do you mean Yes or no two months? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:02, 30 Arply 2017 (UTC)
My musics forever ever or for ever ever or for ever ever, sssss
Well, I am not admin. uxy is. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:13, 30 Arply 2017 (UTC)
I think XY007's new adminship is sufficient enough, so any other new adminship within this year would be redundant. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 04:13, 30 Arply 2017 (UTC)
I think so too. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:14, 30 Arply 2017 (UTC)

IOTM[edit source]

Stick this on your userpage:
for Arply 2017. XY007  (talk - contribs - business)  22:59, 30 Arply 2017 (UTC)
History of lulzz
02:16, 1 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Congratulations[edit source]

On getting Illogicopedia User Of The Month for April. You've done some fine work here, and lots of it. Cheers! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 00:52, 1 Aym 2017 (UTC)

oOH! Can I chop my head in two now? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
02:17, 1 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Socks[edit source]

You have sockpuppets or meatpuppets? Illogico! Illogically? 06:29, 2 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Yes, kinda. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
08:22, 2 Aym 2017 (UTC)

How do I upload image again?[edit source]

P00psicle (talk) 16:02, 3 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Nevermind I solved it. P00psicle (talk) 16
27, 3 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Thanks for the gold star! but[edit source]

Please don't significantly change my userpage without my permission. I liked how it was before. P00psicle (talk) 16:16, 3 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Well. okay. everybody has {{Users On Illogicopedia}}, so I thought you should have it, too. sorry! :P lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
01:10, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Hello "lol"[edit source]

Something against my privileges? You think I'll misuse them? THE (talk) 13:08, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)

If you are the legendary THE I know, you will not.
Okay. make me convinced. what was your 1,000th edit? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
13:16, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
You think I'd remember that? Years later? THE (talk) 13:27, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Haha, okay, okay. that's cool. than, who was the one who signed bijillion times before the whole page got deleted? this was unusual story and also a history. you'll remember it. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
13:30, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Now I have a question, are you a newbie and have knowledge of things from the past? Is this your first account? THE (talk) 13:35, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Because, I was a reader here. few years ago. I knew some knowledge. but I never joined. at that moment (a.k.a. dark age of Illogica), the whole community was dead. nobody came here. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
13:38, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
It seems you don't know the answer. admit you are not THE or please be quick. if you are real, you know how much I'd like to edit ?pedia now. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
13:39, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
You like ?Pedia. +5000 edits. THE (talk) 13:54, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Haha, is that your answer? TELL IT CLEAR. IS THAT YOUR ANSWER? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
13:57, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Also, I already have more than 5,000 edits. sorry, but you underestimated me. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
13:58, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
... THE (talk) 14:03, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Do you have something more to say? Mr.Copycat? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
14:08, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Oh god. I think I went too harsh. sorry man.
It will be all fine if you just stop acting like someone alse, and make your own unique account. and act like You. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
14:11, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Afff THE (talk) 14:15, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
...what's that 'Afff' supposed to mean? lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
14:16, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Wiki help[edit source]

You seem to know much more than the rest of us active users about wiki markup. Do you think you can help solve the mystery of why the Main Page has disappeared? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 09:54, 7 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Haha, I dunno either. maybe sysadmin can. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
00:36, 8 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Nope, wait. I dunno how to solve it. but I think I know what caused this. wait... lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
00:39, 8 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

Use of "addOnloadHook" is deprecated. Use jQuery instead
Use of "getElementsByClassName" is deprecated. Use jQuery instead.

A Parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script, is invoked via document.write. 
The network request for this script MAY be blocked by the browser in this 
or a future page load due to poor network connectivity. 
If blocked in this page load, 
it will be confirmed in a subsequent console message.

 A Parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script, is invoked via document.write. 
The network request for this script MAY be blocked by the browser in this 
or a future page load due to poor network connectivity. 
If blocked in this page load, 
it will be confirmed in a subsequent console message.

yes, I downloaded a Chrome for this. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
00:46, 8 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Teach me how to be 1337 h4x0rs. Cg098 (talk) 01:10, 9 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Check HAW 2 B 1337 h4x0r. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
11:37, 9 Aym 2017 (UTC)
I'm still confused. Does Wikimedia have a geolocation service? Illogicopedia isn't a Wikimedia site. Cg098 (talk) 03:36, 10 Aym 2017 (UTC)
I dunno. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
04:58, 12 Aym 2017 (UTC)

:_([edit source]

Will you come back? Illogico! Illogically? 20:49, 16 Yoon 2017 (UTC)

I'm wondering the same thing--Noot noot!.pngRainbow.gifHayy-ya.gif 21:21, 16 Yoon 2017 (UTC)
:) lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:14, 6 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)
== Guess who's back ==

You guessed it lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:14, 6 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)

Guess whos back
Back again
lol is back
Tell a friend
I am just an alt account of icattallthedark.--DAN (BLAH) 06:32, 6 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)
Uhh, no. look at all the talk pages. i actually joined BEFORE ICTTD, i teached him how to wiki, i was a forgotten phantom, also hi new dude! welcome to illogi- yeah, you've been here quite some time, uhh hi anyways. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:38, 6 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)
i legit thought first 'i' was 'you', i need better glasses, lol
also tell a friend lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:39, 6 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)
Why were you away? I missed going into recent changes and seeing lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol. DAN (BLAH) 06:34, 7 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)
my collage exam is not over yet, i'm just squeezing my last free time to do this. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
06:48, 14 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)
So it's still going? danny!Text 21:32, 6 Novelniver 2017 (UTC)

How long have you been cheating on your taxes?[edit source]

15% or less. Maybe you need some return. Did you hear that, human being? Return??? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 23:46, 17 Arply 2018 (UTC) otherwise disregard firmly

oh no! i have returned from the EVIL HIGH SCHOOL and this happens! lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
08:06, 21 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

Chemistry templates[edit source]

Were you planning on remaking all the chemistry-related templates? 2+2=5 deleted a bunch of them, and now the infobox and navbox are broken. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 04:59, 7 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)

yikes, i had some university projects so i had to take a break in-between. and yes, i was planning on re-making them. lol 👉 👉 👉 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
12:31, 31 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)
To what end? CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 21:40, 1 Ergust 2018 (UTC)