Beavis and Butt-Head
Beavis and Butt-Head is an American cartoon series about two highly gifted students from the idyllic town of Highland, Upper Bavaria. The author of the story is Josef Ratzinger. Essentially, the series deals with the lives of the two atomic physicists Beavis and Butt-Head who are actually half-brothers. Her fathers are members of a motorcycle gang, her mother earns her living on the Reeperbahn. Since they both have the same genes, they have an overall IQ of 194 and attend an elite school with nice teachers. They are very popular in their place of residence, where they have a two-room apartment with a ventilation shaft and hamster cage. They also have the same taste in music, they are totally into classical music. That's why Beavis always wears a Mozart T-shirt, while Butthead has a Ludwig van Beethoven T-shirt. The series is drawn to this day by Matt Groening, known for series such as South Park and American Dead. In addition, the two win the Nobel Prize once in each episode.
The show takes place at Beavis and Butthead's at home, on the Reeperbahn, in a yoghurt shop, in a fountain, in a kiosk, in the elite school they go to and especially with the neighboring boy.