Supernanny is a British television program starring a superhero mutant pig named Supernanny by her mutant frog and cow parents. It stars the pig yelling at mutant horse parents for not using their magical powers to make their kids behave. It was imported to the USA by a 12,234,423,454,545 ton ship so American horses would behave. She uses superpowers to make the horses behave. She is claimed to be professional, but their claims were not approved by the FDA (Flute Dill Apples).
History[edit | edit source]
Supernanny was originally brodcast by BBC in the year 123456789 on BBC. It reaches 0.02 viewers a week! Supernanny goes around having the horses clean up the intergalactic mess, shovel the water, snow the flowers and not throw explosive tempers, so they won't blow up the house. Elvis Presley once flew in from Pluto in 5 seconds to say hi to his grandson horse being tortured on Supernanny.
International Versions[edit | edit source]
USA[edit | edit source]
Supernanny does the same thing as in the UK, but orders McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut and Hungry Howie's to comply with the American diet. She wishes herself to the USA to save gas and orange juice.
Canada[edit | edit source]
Supernanny is also in Canada, where the pig uses superpowers to make horses behave there. It is the same as the UK, but Magical Pancakes from the Moon are cooked with Hamburger Syrup.
See Also[edit | edit source]