Tyler Perry's House of Victorious Total Drama Regular Show: Starring Sonic the Cowardly Power Ranger
Tyler Perry's House of Victorious Total Drama Regular Show: Starring Sonic the Cowardly Power Ranger is a television gameshow on the NBCartoon ESPNickelodeon PBS Disney ABCDiscovery Channel BBComedy Central Network 4KIDS. It is hosted by Sonic the Cowardly Power Ranger and is about his adventures saving Princess Peach and being a toolbox who thinks he can sing.
History[edit | edit source]
One day, a four-year-old child, known commonly as "Fnurdlebob," thought "Hey, if I'm old enough to go to the potty like a big boy, then I'm old enough to make a TV show!" Of course, he wasn't. Still, he sent some videotapes he made with his mother's camera to a TV station. Of course, the didn't like it. (They like the plot and everything, but he called it "Teletubbies," which was already the name of a TV show.)
Seventeen years later, Fnurdlebob, now working at a 7-11, was just as plagiaristic as before, only people weren't stupid enough to notice it. He once again sent in a videotape. Only difference? They loved it.
They almost produced the show, but were sued by SEGA and 4K!DS because they called it Sonic the Hedgehog. Enraged, Fnurdlebob locked himself up in his basement trying to come up with a better show.
So here's what happened:[edit | edit source]
Fnurdlebob got his own television channel!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!111!!ONE
No, seriously, he got his own TV channel, which he called "The Cartoon Network." Of course, that was already taken, so he then called it "NBCartoon Network," blending the name of Cartoon Network with the name of NBC. But then his mum told his that that channel name was still to close, so he blended the names of:
- Comedy Central
- Discovery Channel
- Disney
- Nickelodeon
And what came out?
NBCartoon ESPNickelodeon PBS Disney ABCDiscovery Channel BBComedy Central Network 4KIDS!
No. Just no.
I doubt you'd ever see also[edit | edit source]
This article is burly men unfolding umbrellas. Maybe you should help it on its way. |