Carbon is the reason we're all here today.
No, I don't mean that in a metaphysical sense. I mean, we're all here to view the national carbon symposium. What's a symposium? I don't even know.
Ah... Senator Troisfages, isn't he a madman?
The Senator steps down. A bunch of cheering is made. Made? How do we make it?
In any case.[edit | edit source]
Carbon is the main ingredient in humans. Considering that humans, and everything else, are made of stardust, it means that when we make a fire, it's from coal, and coal is typically 75% carbon. As a result, we're running off star power.
And star power will burn out after the energy is consumed. After all, a society based on endless growth is unsustainable.
Carbonoid structure[edit | edit source]
You know, carbon makes the most exciting substance in the universe. Or at least, one of them. It makes, uh, diamonds? Because, if you're ever under pressure at work, remember, your coal may become a diamond.
Senator Troisfages, you're mad!
Uh, this isn't even Senator Troisfages speaking. It's Premier Dos Kerberos. He is mad, because we came here to talk about carbon, not hear a motivational speech.
And that's it.