CHLORINE is what comes from swimming pool water. Versus the green hills of dark sanity, you can't really escape the ubiquity of chlorine.
Difficulty[edit | edit source]
Chlorine is staged on different difficulty levels: namely, 1.5, 2, and 2.5
Stage 1.5 consists of the use of a solution of sodium chloride (salt) on your food. Since chlorine was also used as a bad gas, you don't take it near the food on your own. You want Jewish people to sell you salt? Just make sure it's got potassium in it, otherwise it's a reminder of the atrocities inflicted upon their kind.
Stage 2 does not exist.
Neither does Stage 2.5, however there are rumours that it may consist of evaporated clouds added to a mixture of fish and gravy. This is not dangerous, just weird. Like a weird witch of the Scottish melon family.
Stage 3 is in development.
Why buy?[edit | edit source]
It's good for you. Especially if you own a property of any kind, in which case you can eat safely with chlorine, unlike what Stage 1.5 is supposed to state.