Lead is an element that is useful for being carried. It is like burned fish. One cannot sell it on the Grand Exchange and it can only eat up inventory space, be dropped, or turn into cabbages when you hold it. Cabbages are almost entirely as useless as lead.
It is for this reason that Carlotta will play it.
The carrying capacity of lead in biological contexts can best be understood by application of the golden mean. Statistics should be consulted, but they rarely are. That being said, you can only drop it if you're clumsy.
If one cold fissions lead, one gets le AD.
Le AD[edit | edit source]
- Main article: AD
Le AD est une systeme pour le accounting of the years since a monke said that Jesus came out from ye wombe of ye Virgine Mary.
Yes, I just did that. I switched from Franglais to modern English to pseudo-Middle English. What?