Sodium is just weird.
I mean, just like nitrogen, it's made from three words (or sub-words), and these are sew, dee and um.
Sew refers to the practice of creating new garments for charity when you're out of money and want to still donate something, dee refers to the past tense of 'deed' that was in use in the 14th century, and um is the hesitation that you take up when you realise this is all so-called 'alternative fact'.
Side-note: If alternative facts are lies, does this mean that alternative lies are facts?
So Sean Spicer could have said 'This isn't true. Not many people showed up for the inauguration.', and that would have been an 'alternative lie'.
Does this mean Fahrenheit 451 shoots up the book sales chart the week after?
No. Of course it doesn't.
Sodium and chlorine[edit | edit source]
Let's see, one explodes when you drink it (even more so than lithium), and the other is a chemical weapon. But when you combine them you can put them on your food!
Science? I think not.
It's magic. Or perhaps even magical magic.