Nitrogen is a triple compound word, consisting of three syllabic elements:
Night refers to a day without sunshine.
Row refers to what your ducks are in.
Jen is an idiot who got pregnant at 17 by her boyfriend who was clearly messed up on drugs the entire time.
Therefore nitrogen means 'don't feed the ducks on a cloudy day, otherwise you get pregnant'.
Uses for nitrogen[edit | edit source]
Nitrogen is the main ingredient in the success of a typical comedy club on the fringes of Damogran, where the frond-crested eagles make their lunches. In point of fact (whatever that means), they spread nitrous oxide on the floor, to put the clients to sleep. And then when they wake, they laugh.
They laugh lots.
Since they were laughing so much, it keeps the illusion that the host's jokes were funny, as a typical host (usually a Vogon) can CERTAINLY not entertain the idea that he isn't funny.
Oh, and nitrogen makes up most of our air. If there was no nitrogen, then we'd all burn up in flames.