Illogicopedia:Featured images/failed

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Featured Images



These nominated images have somehow failed to reach featured status. Newest at the top.

You are free to renominate these with a fresh tally if you make significant changes.

North Korea propaganda[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
North Korea is best Korea!

North Korea is best Korea!

Image credit: Island Monkey
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Score: 5 person who thinks North Korea is best Korea

Prison gnome[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Image title

He's bad to that hollow spot inside where his bones should be.

Image credit: Hindleyite
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Score: 5 avocates of jailed gnome

What Gas Costs[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
What Gas Costs

Because nowadays, the gas companies won't be satisfied until they either have money or bodyparts.

Image credit: Gruntled
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Score: 0 amputated motorists and 1 Klingon warrior (3)
Definitely not 'legal' to be voting twice, Dan. Be careful with your sock. ~ The Bard of Illogicopedia TinyQuill.gif 01:55, 30 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)
  • Against: Cute, but hardly original. Pictures like this have been floating around the Internet for years. ~ The Bard of Illogicopedia TinyQuill.gif 10:20, 27 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)
  • Against: Identical image is here and on many other sites. --Carlb 01:47, 30 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)

Big Brother Poster[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Big Brother Poster

On this a Big Brother is Watching You Make a I Was Work

Image credit: Up User
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Score: -2 Big Brother Working
  • ForVote.png For. Hey i Created by GIMP not Photoshop with Public Domain. --Up User 01:24, 19 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
  • Meh, doesn't really do it for me. ~ Pointy.png 22:08, 24 Ditzimber
  • rms talk 23:15, 25 Aym 2011 (UTC)
  • ForVote.png For. Did it for me XD --Skate1168 (Talk) 02:19, 8 Ergust 2011 (UTC)
  • What @Athyria and @rms said. ~[thehappyspaceman] 00:31, 08/16/2011
  • Sorry, but it needs a bit more cropping and that text must be centred properly. Centred I say! (Or centered, whatever.) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:47, 31 Jeremy 2012 (UTC)

Must[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate

Agh Smy Self you Eyes

Image credit: Up User
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Score: 0 Agh
  • Self Keep 2+, You Look Agh My Eyes. --Up User 08:40, 2 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
  • Yes check.svg Yes. I can this, --Up User 12:12, 8 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
  • Yes check.svg Selp Keep 9+ Himself, --Up User 05:06, 14 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
    One vote, mon. One vote. ~ Pointy.png 18:04, 14 Ditzimber 2010
  • Also, a squid printed 'nay', since all it seems to be is a bunch of logos... ~ Pointy.png 18:04, 14 Ditzimber 2010
  • WarningVote.png Oh No Sorry i'm Crazy i can get Cool VFI. --Up User 01:09, 19 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
  • Forrms talk 19:45, 24 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

Line[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate

Popular childrens' game involving cocaine. The "I'm a Romanian immigrant snorting myself to death" version will be available in stores in the near future.

Image credit: Up User
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Score: +1 kids who are moving up from snorting Pixy Stix
  1. Self Keep 1+, Original by Uncy. --Up User 08:42, 14 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
  2. Not original to anyone on this site, not even modified. ~ Pointy.png 18:07, 14 Ditzimber 2010

Fairly sure Hindleyite did this[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Nom Nom Nom

Flying like a shark in the sky

Image credit: Hindleyite
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Score: +4
  • There's definately no escape for flying fish now Testostereich(ballsack) 12:55, 3 Yoon 2010 (UTC)
  • I was about to nom this m'self —rms talk 23:14, 3 Yoon 2010 (UTC)
  • Welcome to Shark Airlines, now serving DEATHHHH!!
  • For --Bagelman talk to me ! 02:17, 6 Ergust 2010 (UTC)
  • For --Sigfling1.jpgSigfling2.jpg 14:39, 26 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
  • For.--Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 21:40, 26 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
  • Against, as it's apparently not original... Really, people these days... ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101026 - 22:47 (UTC)

AREA BANANA[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Image title


Image credit: UNCYC
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Score: -1

N+F Found it. ROFLed. Reality's bane 02:14, 27 Arche 2010 (UTC)

  • Against. You're shitting me. This is incredibly unoriginal and unfunny. —rms talk 02:32, 27 Arche 2010 (UTC)
  • AGAINST also Testostereich(ballsack) 10:58, 13 Arply 2010 (UTC)

What drugs can do to someone[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Mistaken Duck

The effects of LSD are evident in bird species.

Image credit: dunno. couldn't find it here or at wackypedia.
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Score: 0
  • Nom n for and could somebody find the bloke who made it —rms talk 01:58, 25 Arply 2010 (UTC)
  • Against --Seppy 15:43, 22 Aym 2010 (UTC)
  • AGAINST - failing it Testostereich(ballsack) 09:54, 25 Aym 2010 (UTC)

Chewbacca is the Terminator![edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
The Chewinator

Chewbacca was originally cast to play the Terminator. However, he was fired on account of tearing off the arms of the director, after losing in a game of checkers to him.

Image credit: Ragglefraggleking
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: +2
  • Abstain - Only because I can't vote against, because no doubt, it's a good image, it's that I don't want to encourage your unhealthy obsession with Chewbacca. --T3 13:13, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
  • It's not on obsession. I just got bored one day and decided to make a chewbacca terminator thingy. Now I'm never going to win! -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 13:24, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
  • You're still going to win it's just gonna take longer. --T3
  • This picture is undoubtbley the best photoshop on this page. -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 13:33, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
  • Thumbs up --I forgot 21:01, 18 Octodest 2009 (UTC)

ROFLCOPTER[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate

Youtube gets roflcopter'd!!!

Image credit: Ragglefraggleking
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: 1
  • Nom and for I can haz a feature? Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 23:53, 24 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • Against I think this is a broken image. I cannot see it, but I can see very other one. Also, I cannot ever see it, it is just a little red x in the conrner. Also, RFK, most of your images appear to be broken like this. Ok, now I see it, and no offense but this is the most ridiculous nomination for this I have ever seen. This has no comedic value whatsoever. —rms talk 20:37, 1 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
  • MASSIVE FOR - @Readmesoon: Stop hating because you're a Hulu fanboy. --T3 23:48, 23 Ergust 2009 (UTC)
    • I'm not hating because I like Hulu, but seriously. It's Youtube with "Roflcopter" written on it. Can anyone tell me how that is funny? Anyone? No? I'll go back to my room then. —rms talk 14:05, 29 Ergust 2009 (UTC)
  • Erm, eh? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:23, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
  • If you looked closely, YT's servers are down. - Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 11:26, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
Maybe if you shopped it to say 'the WMA (or whoever) has removed the audio from every single YouTube video so please wait while we take a large baseball bat to their lawyers' and make it a full-quality screen? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:30, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
Later, I'm still tired. -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 11:36, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)

Salmon Moose[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Slamon Moose

Despite it's leading name, a Salmon moose is really a breed of Camel and Frog.

Image credit: Readmesoon
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: -1
  • Nom and for Salty Pat told me he literally laughed out loud at this. —rms talk 03:13, 21 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • For Everybody loves Kermit the frog! CamelToe 20:09, 28 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • AGAinst - a fairly mehpic photoshop IMO Testostereich(ballsack) 17:09, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
    Actually, MSPaint. —rms talk 17:12, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
    :O then in that case you did a good job, a great job. I'm just not overly taken with it :D Blame it on the boogey Testostereich(ballsack) 17:15, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
    It doesn't bother me whatsoever. However, I am kinda disappointed you didn't like List of Dead People. —rms talk 17:17, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
    I felt a bit bad for saying it, but yeah. It's not that i didn't like it, I just didn't especially overly like it that much. Like I said i had no problem reading all the way through, it just didn't work for me --Testostereich(ballsack) 17:26, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
    Well damn. Don't you think the three images below should be featured? They all have +6 as their scores. —rms talk 17:33, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
    RMS if i'm honest, i haven't the faintest clue how to work the image featuring. And I'm too scared to dive into it right now. --Testostereich(ballsack) 17:35, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
    Ok, I get it. —rms talk 17:36, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
  • For I like it da Bagelman talk ta mee ! 20:00, 31 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
  • For - Damn good paintifying. --T3 23:48, 23 Ergust 2009 (UTC)
  • Against Mehpic --Seppy 00:37, 31 Ergust 2009 (UTC)
  • Not for. Well, sorry to be a spoilsport, but we've had our fun now. It's okay as far as Paintifications go, it's just the concept is a bit... well, weird. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:23, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
  • Nah I mean, I love Kermit the Frog, but.......yeahhh-- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 13:29, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)

FNVSSA[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Flub Nugget owns OMG Scary Alien

The power of the magic banana shuns then alien with pants.

Image credit: Ragglefraggleking
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: -3
  • Nomination and FORmination. Pure ownage. -mwow513My Articles!Talk to me 20:09, 1 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
  • Against I think it's a bit in-jokey for the masses, plus, it isn't made well. —rms talk 20:33, 1 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
  • AGAINST - MS Paint is so often a kamikaze for ideas. And here, not a great idea to begin with. Testostereich(ballsack) 17:07, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
  • Ugh It seems to be some sort of in-joke, and those are annoying. da Bagelman talk ta mee ! 20:01, 31 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
  • Partial self-against - I'm not going to say it's too in-jokey because I hate when people say that but it was simply not funny to anyone that hasn't read T.O.M.G.S.A. or Flub Nugget. --T3 23:48, 23 Ergust 2009 (UTC)
  • Moar Phail? (Against) --Seppy 00:38, 31 Ergust 2009 (UTC)
  • Lol, by which I mean, neutral. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:22, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
  • Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 11:25, 5 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)

Delta Sheep[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Delta Sheep

The callvary has arrived?

Image credit: Ragglefraggleking
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: -1
  • Self Nom and for I was scrolling through my endless folder of pictures and found this one.....Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 14:01, 16 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • Is it original? —rms talk 16:10, 16 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • Against. ~ I like the single image — both as a concept and as executed (although the source file is very, very small). However, the grass and shadows make it too obvious that it's just the same picture side by side by side... If you can re-do the same concept larger and cleaner, I'm in. --The Bard of Illogicopedia TinyQuill.gif 23:15, 16 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • Against. Sadly, not original. —rms talk 04:15, 18 Yoon 2009 (UTC)

Pretty Kitty![edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Pretty Kitty

This is my kitty Snuffles. He is the cutest kitty on my street. He likes rolling on his back, playing with his ball and the smell of my blood ^_^

Image credit: MrMetalFLower
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: +.5
  • SN+F I'm proud of this incredibly weird photoshopping. ColourfulMetalFlower.jpgMMF!talk←/→admin(:D) 09:38, 11 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
  • Abstain because the illogicalness-ish-est is good, but I did not laugh at the sight. ~ 00:27, 13 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
  • for CamelToe 03:35, 14 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
  • Rof backwards. So creepy it's funny.Ben Blade 21:05, 15 Arche 2009 (UTC)
  • No. -- 21:08, 7 Aym 2009 (UTC)
  • Definitely not. My first reaction was "and....." --T3 21:21, 7 Aym 2009 (UTC)
  • Sorry, but no. per readmesoon. The Sith Lord Of Illogicness! 21:45, 9 Aym 2009 (UTC)

Flamingo with Cocaine[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Flamingo with Cocaine

It looks like anything can get addicted to drugs.

Image credit: Readmesoon
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: 0
  • Shelf nom en four ~ 22:39, 18 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
  • BOoyah this is golden stuff. CamelToe 17:05, 19 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)
  • Neigh slapdash MSpaint job that's not really all that funny --Testostereich(ballsack) 09:42, 28 Farbleum 2009 (UTC)
  • Unfortunately, I have to agree with Testes. It isn't slapdash, IMO, just not hugely strong on the "haha" factor. -- Hindleyite 13:55, 9 Arche 2009 (UTC)
  • Errr.... NO!. Someone point out the comedic value in this, I can't find it.Ben Blade 21:05, 15 Arche 2009 (UTC)

iFat[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate

Macintosh's latest creation.

Image credit: Readmesoon
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: 0
  • Nom 'n' For Uh... Fat people are funny... T3
  • selv vor uhhh nuuhhhhh ok. ~ ReadMeSoon!? The Desperate Book My image!
  • Sure why not it's pretty funneh CamelToe 17:19, 16 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
  • Not for. I dunno, it looks a bit ugly to me. Plus the iStuff thing has been done to death. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:41, 18 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
  • Against for the same reasons as Hindleyite. --I forgot 07:27, 21 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
  • Against fat is funny but "iFat" doesn't work. Plus it's a badly done image. ColourfulMetalFlower.jpgMMF!talk←/→admin(:D) 09:31, 11 Ditzimber 2008 (UTC)

Microsoft Doors[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Microsoft Doors

Introducing Microsoft's newest product: Doors!

Image credit: Readmesoon
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Score: -1

Nom and For Well, it's been a whie since a fresh image has been on here and what better than this? I think it's funny, but let's see what you think... ~ ReadMeSoon!? The Desperate Book Gah!

  • Against. I already heard that one.[1] Plus... it isn't really randumb. --I forgot 05:33, 7 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
  • Somebody beat me to it? Gah! I hate it when that happens. ~ ReadMeSoon!? The Desperate Book blasted i hate it when that happens
  • Against seen it before CamelToe 17:19, 16 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Evolution?[edit | edit source]

Closed partially on the basis that I forced someone into voting. I'm sawwy, I won't do it again, I pwomise! I do like the pic though. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:39, 18 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)
Featured image candidate

Darwin's theory gone tits up...

Image credit: Huge_bob
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: 2
  • Nom and phwoar --HUGE BOB 14:35, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
  • uhgenst. Didn't find it too amusing. Readmesoon (The Desperate Book) 00:29, 11 Arche 2025
  • Against --I forgot 22:25, 21 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
  • For. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:23, 22 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
    • Comment: this is a quality image, a brilliant pastiche. As such, you should vote for it fools :) -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:54, 3 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
  • For Hindleyite convinced me, and that's saying something, i.e. "Hindleyite convinced me." --I forgot 03:04, 4 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
  • Against I don't get what he's goin for here. CamelToe 17:19, 16 Novelniver 2008 (UTC)

Daft Bush![edit | edit source]

Closed. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:52, 3 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Featured image candidate

Tweedle dumb and tweedle dick

Image credit: Huge_bob
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: minus won

Washington's Real Intensions[edit | edit source]

Closed. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:52, 3 Octodest 2008 (UTC)


Score: -1
  • nom Good or Bad?

~ King Wib (bread) 22:59, 27 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

  • Against low visual quality and I don't get it. --I forgot 23:13, 27 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
  • Against get it, but poorly done. Needs a real pick of Washington and good quality. I Forgot, it is about how Washington cut down the cherry tree with an axe. However now it is a bulldozer. Readmesoon (The Desperate Book) 00:29, 11 Arche 2025

??????[edit | edit source]

Closed. It's a nice pic and all, but, eh? It's missing something. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:52, 19 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Featured image candidate
Umm... Yar!

Clock stack scares. "Tic talk."

Image credit: Testostereich
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: 1
  • Nom - I made it during a quiz (t'was bored) and thought I may aswell get some opinion of it. --Testostereich(ballsack) 17:03, 5 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • Comment - what the bleeble is that thing? Flava Flav transformed into an owl? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:25, 6 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • FOR - Owl rly? --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 02:18, 13 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • For. The alarm clock wakes it in the evening, to keep up the noctural charade. "Who" indeed. --I forgot 09:07, 13 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • Comment O Noble FI, I smuggled a caption in under cover of day. --I forgot 09:08, 13 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • Agaisnt, because: what? Readmesoon (Hate me) 04:25, 27 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
    Testicles: Give me a strong caption/case and I'll probably vote for. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:22, 27 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

Anatomy of a vandal[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Anatomy of a vandal

Proof, were it needed, that vandals are different animals.

Image credit: Testostereich
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: +1

Seven Ate Nine[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
Seven Ate Nine

Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHH!!!!111!!!!1! Ok. Not funny.

Image credit: Readmesoon
Nominate - Discuss this image

Score: -1
  • Nom and For I like it. I made it. yay. Readmesoon (The Desperate Book) 00:29, 11 Arche 2025
  • Against. As some guy quoteth, "Is this art?". --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 08:51, 27 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • Against --I forgot 21:04, 27 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • Against, if i had a scanner, i coulda drawn this better myself :D --Seppy 12:56, 31 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

A Sign in An Explosion[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
A sign in an explosion!


Image credit: T3canolis
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: -2
  • Self nom and for, it's just too funny.... --->T3<--- 23:42, 22 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • Against ridiculing people's inability in a nuclear explosion to not die. --I forgot 00:19, 23 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
    What a sensible comment. --I forgot 01:49, 26 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • Against I shun this image. SHUNNED! --Evile.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? Forum 07:05, 26 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
  • Against. Not very funny. Well, kind of. Readmesoon (Hate me) 04:25, 27 Ergust 2008 (UTC)

The OMG Scary Alien[edit | edit source]

Closed. It's an okay image but not really front page material.
"It was kinda a joke image" -- --->T3<--- 01:47, 3 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Well, it seems nobody got it. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:57, 23 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
Featured image candidate
The OMG Scary Alien

The OMG Scary Alien

Image credit: T3canolis
Nominate - Discuss this image
Score: -3

I was Hungry...[edit | edit source]

Featured image candidate
I was hungry

My stomach was growling.. and it just.. it just happened.

Image credit: Mwow513
Nominate - Discuss this image

Score: -2.5
  • Nommy and Forry --T3
  • For - A spontaneous creation...--mwow513
  • Abstain Make it better quality and I'll definitely give it a for... great concept. ~ 16:48, 19 Arply 2009 (UTC)
  • For Cunning. CamelToe 00:44, 21 Arply 2009 (UTC)
  • No. This needs work,-- 21:08, 7 Aym 2009 (UTC)
  • Nah. Not mane paig worthy TBH.--Ben Blade 18:08, 25 Aym 2009 (UTC)
  • Against--Seppy 18:10, 16 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • I remade this image so that it is slightly better. Raggle Fraggle King (My TalkContribs} 18:27, 16 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • Sorry ~ Mwow513's version wasn't the greatest, but blown up to 605 × 404 resolution it actually looks slightly worse now. --The Bard of Illogicopedia TinyQuill.gif 12:10, 18 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • AGainst - now to figure out how to fail this... Testostereich(ballsack) 17:10, 4 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)