Vietnam is the longest country in Assia after chilli. It had a population of 96.
Its capital is Cặc Lớn, in Lồn Hồng province
Poem written by ancient poet Người Mỹ Ngu[edit | edit source]
Shot in the head by General Loan
An officer of the Viet Cong lies in the street
Now dead, and resting in peace
After General Loan captured him, whilst walking the beat
Loan founded his ice cream shop
Somewhere in America
But then he got outed, and so it's toilet was graffited
Which meant that Loan had no choice but to close down the shop
But before the whole thing happened
Loan's family was killed
By the now dead man in plain clothing
In an unsuccessful American war effort in Vietnam
Which was lit by furious fire and napalm
Scarred by a million brutal shells
A jungle paradise, turned to hell
Is this battle really ours?
Where's the just within this cause?
America was an elephant, scared by a mouse
Drawing lines in the sand, whilst the tide is out
Then under George W. Bush, America invaded Iraq