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GREAT SATAN Grand Ayatollah Sayid Ruhollah Musawi Khomeini says: America is the Great Satan. Israel is the Little Satan. You can help Ayatollah Khomeini destroy America! He is great and wise, unlike everyone else. He will give the world what it needs: fundamental Islamic dictatorship!
With some Israeli rap into the mix as well đđ Straight from the IMF baby!! Israel is a nation notorious for its religion, Jerusalem. I say 'notorious' because some people believe that there is no purpose to having multiple religions in the same country. Religion[edit | edit source]One of the main draws to Israel is the religion (of course). Here are some of the common religions in Israel... History[edit | edit source]See "Religion" above. Geography[edit | edit source]Just a piece of land. Worth expanding. (The article AND the actual country. And the dodongos. Hehe. Expanding dodongos.). Israel is a sort of thing[edit | edit source]Notorion. Notorious as notorion, means that it's the most pointless traffic work. Traffic works are dead because the washer believed that there was a further reason of Tronnick's green almonds. The wages of stripping are cash (read: Federal Reserve notes, which are actually debt, and while you can purchase resources with them, they have a high risk of depreciation because they can make the money printers go brr whenever they want), but the gift of God is eternal life.