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Azerbaijan is the one and only country named after a book. It is named after AZER, by John.

Language[edit | edit source]

Because John was very busy, ahh... no "boozy" was the word, at the time he was writing the book, the aboriginal peoples now have got an awful accented kind of English which sounds more like Turkish. The Azerbaijani language has had many different phases growing up as a teenager, frequently arguing with its little slave brother, Armenia. One of the first phases was composed only of vowels and owls, with vocabulary only distinguishable by the length of the "ooo" at the end of a word, such as the word for tree, which is "Aeoooooooooooo". One of the more later phases got rid of unaccented letters completely after the 1254 Revolution of the Accents, in which the Government of the Mild was overthrown by the native platypuses, octopuses, helicopterpuses and buses in order to "Ṁẫḳế Ẵẕệȓʙạíǰầṉ Ġɍɇåŧ Ǡǧầɪn". In the end, their economy collapsed after the minibuses and the Turkisjhad discusses and untrusses, with the aftermath being them destroying the surplusses of accented letters, thus is the end of that reign. When the Turkish reinstated a more Turkish alphabet, they created the modern alphabet they have today, with the official name of Azerbaijan being "Azərbaycanın dövlət müstəqilliyinin bərpa edilməsi", which translates roughly to "The Jingoistic States of Azerbaijan, the Sequel".

Economy[edit | edit source]

Since the republic is built on a big oil platform, it didn't matter that the book has not been sold with much success, in fact there is a rumor that the 5 copies were bought by his mother.

National Anthem[edit | edit source]

Azeri qartal artıq plumes itirdi.

İtaliya qan və bu içdi Polşa qan,

çox kazak və bir neçə ət pies ilə birlikdə.

Amma necə yaxşı off onun sik yandı.

çörək insan bizi təcavüz edəcək

Amma biz yaxşı niyyət və canlı gülüş onu

Biz nüfuz sevgi üçün, yalnız belə yaxşı hiss

Və Türklər butt us yes oh sağ və sol təcavüz

Ooooh təcavüz

Ooooh sevgi

Ooooh güc və qürur və torpaq güc

Ooooh Türklər

Ooooh xəmir

Ooooh biz sevgi deşik və dirəkləri sikişmə

İndi mahnı demək olar ki, başa və mən bilirəm ki, kədərli edir

Google baxdı varsa lyrics tapmaq tərcümə

Sonra ki, yaxşı oh olduqca mənasız idi, lakin

Zaman bu lyrics messed olunacaq tapmaq

Bu son ayə, mən səni sevirəm deyək

Bu pedia yaxşı deyil.

İndi imkan doughy man təcavüz sizə göt edəcək

Və daha bir gecə üçün təhlükəsiz olacaq ki.