I'm just trying to boost my edit count/0

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And now I am using it. haha! this is how you boost your edits! look! I already earned 9999999 edits!

...full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.


lol zone

this is lol zone. where my stupid babbles at.

btw, if I make one more edit, i'll have more edit than MrMetalFLower. woo-hoo!

Edit Count Table
Name Edits (Click those twice)
Total Main Temp Cat IP: File Forum
1337yB1rd1337`/!31┌!) 413 189 7 0 1 40 28
Synanim1.gif 5,892 1,905 97 45 196 220 535
4x4=124x4=12 15 2 0 0 0 0 6
Abuse filterAbuse filter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AthyriaAthyria 6,723 1,608 247 142 233 217 908
Decks.png 2,034 721 174 74 50 131 132
BlottobotBlottobot 642 135 41 2 56 36 14
Cg089Cg089 52 4 7 0 0 0 0
Cg097Cg097 46 27 0 0 0 0 1
Cg098Cg098 5,898 2,816 357 223 118 104 161
ClujikostuClujikostu 100 26 0 0 0 0 0
Dan-nyDan-ny 902 257 14 6 7 10 68
ErgotistErgotist 92 39 1 13 11 0 1
EsteroEstero 271 73 7 3 0 94 2
Felis LupisFelis Lupis 3,920 1,963 584 374 121 139 22
Fiery MemeFiery Meme 566 340 3 15 6 6 3
FlingersFlingers 537 173 7 8 8 27 37
Fluffy WafflesFluffy Waffles 43 14 0 0 0 2 4
FlutterFlutter 3,658 1,896 145 130 24 940 14
FlyingcatFlyingcat 4,593 2,002 327 197 221 47 210
FlyingidiotFlyingidiot 2,279 214 413 93 35 64 311
FonchezzzFonchezzz 2,616 602 41 19 242 322 322
FrostyFrosty 1,365 459 24 16 36 76 97
LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png 8,772 2,498 864 152 272 641 711
HindleyiteHindleyite 24,801 9,167 2,169 1,678 1,427 2,075 1,837
IamawesomeIamawesome 1,124 133 194 52 16 25 61
I cannot climbI cannot climb 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
I hate youI hate you 15 11 0 0 0 0 0
I like dogs and catsI like dogs and cats 9 1 0 0 0 0 0
IllogicoIllogico! 770 67 30 5 151 10 52
Imploding HiveImploding Hive 57 29 13 0 0 0 4
Island MonkeyIsland Monkey 3,479 1,279 165 23 102 102 265
JuxtaposeurJuxtaposeur 14 0 0 0 0 0 0
KJ24KJ24 36 5 0 0 3 0 7
KuolioinenKuolioinen 134 53 5 4 4 0 3
LeonidshokLeonidshok 271 21 5 2 2 2 4
lol👈 lol 👉 6,145 1,245 919 213 557 260 294
Lord Assbutt IVLord Assbutt IV 154 42 5 1 7 1 16
Mars CadburyMars Cadbury 8,503 5,580 487 41 145 1,036 223
MrMetalFLowerMrMetalFLower 3,754 1,515 450 92 279 157 273
Mr. SachaMr. Sacha 39 2 2 0 1 0 2
MySurpriseIsYou!MySurpriseIsYou! 33 0 0 0 1 0 3
Nathaniel R. FroudNathaniel R. Froud 12 13 0 0 0 0 0
Nerd42Nerd42 4,900(≒) 2,051 339 60 512 74 504
Nerd43Nerd43 51 18 6 1 1 1 9
P00psicleP00psicle 782 466 38 65 8 32 15
PiddlerOfTrousersPiddlerOfTrousers 795 316 25 3 25 6 118
OhhhOhhh 34 0 1 0 0 0 0
RAHBRAHB 119 51 0 0 1 8 5
ReadmesoonReadmesoon 5,910 1,400 142 18 539 271 811
Silent PenguinSeppy 4,927 1,011 792 11 342 186 976
SnarglefoopSnarglefoop 2,361 619 113 20 31 238 88
Some WHAT!?Some WHAT!? 1,837 684 94 37 108 17 252
SophiaSophia 2,520 449 162 16 212 59 361
T3canolisT3canolis 5,735 1,507 243 22 441 171 535
THETHE 33 1,172 65 7 97 1 191
The BardThe Bard 3,223 1,588 256 85 303 110 178
TrippyFlowerTrippyFlower 391 175 12 18 7 35 13
WriatraWriatra 10 5 0 0 0 0 0
XY007XY007 7,284 1,480 251 59 351 74 1,085
XY008XY008 37 2 1 0 0 1 10
XY009XY009 1 0 0 0 0 0 1


Edit Count Countdown : 12

end of lol zone

nothing here yet.

as of

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Illogicopedia is a wiki project dedicated to creating an insane repository of words put together in no particular order.
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  Featured ArticleProminent Prose of the Randomly Indiscriminate Time Period:   Jedi

Jedi‘s always cast peculiar shadows. Always.

A Jedi is a follower of Jedism, a religious faith originating from Buddhism (seekers of Enlightenment), Taoism/Daoism (seekers of Balance) and Sophistry (seekers of Entertainment).

According to the recent census in the United Kingdom over 2.5% of the population class themselves to be of this religion and it is widely regarded as one of the largest growing minority religions in the country.


The word Jedi is derived from the ancient Punic words jedee (je-dee) meaning master and dia meaning deliberation (or debating) making Jedi the master debaters of the Carthaginian lands of Corsica. The name was given due to their great powers of persuasion, as they were often used as diplomats in times of conflict. So a Jedi was a great debater that follows the teachings of the ancient Carthaginian people. Modern Jedi however have begun to change that definition.

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  Featured Article  Did You No? Yes! But did you know...

  • ...that cats are expert at dealing with cases of foul play?
  • ...that feathering your cat is the most popular way to fly over the top of the social status ladder?
  • ...that most "bird song" is actually produced by chirping cats dressed up as birds?
  • ...that the thcrotum actually has nothing to do with cannabis?
  • ...that Ariana Grande licks donuts and holds fingernails?
  • ...that the hawk tuah girl committed rugpull?
  • …that your mom is the original your mom joke?
  • …that that smell is coming from you?
  • …that prolapsed colon is not the best safe word?
  • ...that since 0.9 is greater than 0.11, 9.9 is numerically smaller than 9.11?
  • ...that you are now manually breathing?
  • ...that demons are the nice awkward nerds of the invisible world, demonized for fun and profit by many a smooth operator skillfully leading people through realpolitik, PR, and disinfo campaigns?
  • ... that you can spontaneously make someone fuck you with a Fuckbat
  • ...that shifting nostrils, no longer moored by mores and morality, can move great distances? Great moral fiber is needed to tether them securely.
  • ...that illnesses appear upside-down when untidy gravitational interactions rule the day and night?
  • ...that Blue Öyster Cult may be a cult?
  • ...that Fischer Random was invented for the express purpose of making opening theory prohibitively difficult?
  • ...that GIMP has layers?
  • ...that your nose contains many cats?
  • ...that no monster ever truffled bunnies backwards for a pig's breakfast?
  • ...that while cheese curdles, fluff fnurdles?
  • ...that Pepperidge Farm remembers?
  • ...that memory believes before knowing remembers?
  • ...that the slim noses of the 24th century are sneezing this past into shape as you read this?
  • ...that suspended chords are sus?
  • ...that the insertion of ants into the tooth cavities of whales has been found to be the true cause of paranormal phenomena?
  • ...that if you have any coins, you insert them in the coin acceptor before inserting bills in the bill acceptor?
  • ...that Hungarian-Austrian-American actor Bela Lugosi's metabolic processes have ceased?
  • ...that if you have McAfee and Norton running at the same time, your computer will be twice as protected, so you should totally try it?
  • ...that my friends wonder what is wrong with me?
  • ...that my cat is so mean to me even though I am nice to him?
  • ...that 6 is smaller than the egg?
  • ...that you have consumed blotter art?
  • ...that you are a drug user?
  • ...that a bear did cocaine?
  • ...that even in these times of instability, Illogicopedia will always remain the banana site?
  • ...that stupid crimes are dumb?
  • ...that 100 Popes will fit into a FIAT?
  • ...that there was way too much sauce on the pizza?
  • ...that "Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band" is actually a distinct group from "The Beatles"?
  • ...that it was a mere accident of history that the "Satanic Panic" became an actual mass hysteria and not just another campy Halloween song along the lines of the "Monster Mash" or the "Ballroom Blitz"?
  • ...that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans?
    • ...and that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokemon?
  • ...that robots don't care where you've been?
  • ...that there's a cat named Dog?
    • ...and it enjoys walks?
  • ...that you need to have water in order to drink it?
  • ...that ChatGPT is a toy, not a tool?
  • ...that if you want to know what God thinks about money, you should look at the people he gives it to?
  • ...that during the n-1th Academy Awards on March 0th, 2022, Will Rock slapped Chris Smith in the face?
  • ...that we have the fuckduck?
  • ...that Illogicopedia is not a cult?
  • ...that some lesser-known deities are working hard to get fruity through the use of people who are bananas?
  • ...that cats are not the Logos, according to the golden long one?
  • ...that an abnormally diffuse pressure on your nose indicates that you have passed the test? Angels administering it were pleased at recent successes.
  • ...that Stephen King Dedede doesn't exist... yet?
  • ...that Gromit is actually the dog?
  • ...that James Bond is probably a distant cousin of Jack Ryan?
  • ...that my neighbour ruined my sand castle?
  • ...that Illogicopedia promises to deliver more yellow journalism in 2023? Using green ink, no less – thereby showing how to make the unripe ripen, in line with having the whole banana![1]


  1. It's not as clear where the purple prose fits in – but it may generally go along with colorful language, maybe a whole rainbow of it.

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I like being liked. I love being loved. I eat eats. I drink drinks. I walk walks.

Looks like it's time for me to leave my own mark in history. So let me say my opinions. I'm a rational man and I believe all spiders should be eaten for nutritional purposes. Also, have you noticed how the leaves on porcupine trees look kinda... weird?

every statement on this page is false. which means this statement is true. which mean this statement is false. which mean that there are 3231 versions of the christmas classic "home alone 2" made an hidden on the arizona desert since 1993... which means that statement was said by obama.

CONGRATS! You have just been cursed by the Holy banana god, send this message to 5 people you know within 3 days and the curse will be banished forever! or... be crushed by a building...



For information on escape from banana-shaped buildings, click here.

HI GUYS IM BACK AND I LOVE YOU ALL AND I MISSED YOU OK BYE. -Bobo, your one and only pal (Im goin cray-zay!)

imagine going ray-zay. couldnt me be

HOW DARE YOU FORGOT THE C IN CRAY-ZAY!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!111!!!!!

why forgetting the c in crazy causes heart attacks



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  Illogiblog  The Illogiblog

12 Years of Illogicopedia

Forged in the Golden Age of Humour Wikis, Illogicopedia remains at the forefront of Internet nonsense some twelve years later.

Back in 2005, Wikipedia jettisoned its humorous content to the Uncyclopedia, a shameless parody of the original free encyclopedia.

This in turn spawned Illogicopedia, which was first established at Wikia Scratchpad in late 2006. And just as Uncyc was born out of content restriction, Illogicopedia heralded a new dawn in inclusionism with its generous acceptance policy.

So it remains to this day - deletion is reserved for the very worst offenders. Even spam is salvaged, re-grilled and served with chopped bananas in the after dinner 'Nose Collection'. 

While the aforementioned Golden Age passed some years ago, Illogicopedia powers ahead into a new era. An era free of drama and destructive vandalism. An era that will usher in hologram television, personal hover boards and the Ultimate Sandwich.

Until they inevitably arrive, our newly-established Discord server will satiate our desire for conversation, providing the glue to keep Illogicopedia rolling through vandal attacks and server outages.

Aid Epoc Igolli! Acid Pile Igloo! Ideological Pi!
— noreply@blogger.com (Harry Yack) 2019-01-11 15:13:00

Spambots Rule Illogiblog in 2019

A new year, a new trash can full of burning spam on the Illogiblog.
Fans of salty meat substitute will be pleased to hear that in 2019, we still get at least forty of these tasty treats every week.

Not even the porky pong of their smouldering comrades can stop the spammers' barrage of artificially generated pseudo-conversation. Mr Takeshi, bring on the next batch of brave moronic contenders forlornly hoping to survive the bonfire.

Thank you, the article is very petrifying, hopefully it can be useful for everyone. -- Yesi Nurazizah

The Illogiblog is 'petrifying'? Finally, a spambot with a nose for nonsense. You are the very first of your kind to dispense with the flowery greetings and offer us the blatant, troubling truth. You win... my underpants.

Utility kilt is comfortable and easy to wear.you can read this post. it is a good informative post on yours -- Tactical Kilt

This 'guy' keeps leaving promos for his 'tactical' kilt store. He's so desperate that he wrote some code to circumvent Blogger's bot filter. Please buy his items or he mightn't be able to buy machine oil and bolts for his leaking metal groin. Thank you.

Cannot contact reCAPTCHA. Check your connection and try again -- 龙大猫
Meanwhile, the above dude circumvented our CAPTCHA just to say that. What a waste, I wanted to hear about Libyan Rolexes and Nike handbags for the 1,000th time!

The coldest places are not the Arctic that is where the person does not have.

Xbox -- Simuka Rafeal

A tricky riddle to solve, but I think he's trying to say that Norway sucks. And it comes to something when you can't sell XBOXes to Scandinavia.

monkey kate spade outlet online nike lunarglide

coach factory -- Dong Dong23

I think I understand how these messages work now! The bots have realised that we are keeping the silliest ones for their sheer comedy value, and have started competing for the title of 'stupidest comment'. Any humans reading this have no chance of winning, so you'd better just forget those dreams of becoming a famous Internet writer.


  • "Thanks for sharing Ishqbaaz" -- Singh. (This perfectionist deleted his post and reposted it after spotting his spelling errors. Better watch out, these bots are becoming more intelligent.)
  •  "My brother recommended I might like this website. He used to be entirely right" -- Taufik Setiawan. (That's right - he *used* to be, until Illogiblog stopped posting in 2016.) 
  • "Click here Click here Click here Click here" -- Neeti Kumar. (I clicked but did not receive a free holiday to my house. I requested my click back.) 

Cheers, guys! All 2,000 spam messages from the period 2016-2018 have been deleted. To help prevent future spam, all new comments on posts older than 90 days will now be manually moderated.

Until our next dumpster fire, enjoy your hampork-hybrid lunchmeats. Chow and indeed ciao.
— noreply@blogger.com (Harry Yack) 2019-01-10 13:54:00

Illogicopedia endorses Donald Trump

 My fellow Illogicopedians,

I have long advocated for Illogicopedia to stand above the political fray, and get involved only in issues of vital importance, like establishing a research grant to develop invisible tube socks for astronaut giraffes. Where would we be if giraffes in space had to go bare-hooved, or were forced to appear to other space giraffes like they were not bare-hooved? Either alternative would be intolerable to a humane society.

However, we have faced a decline of the Illogicopedian community recently. We have lost much of what made Illogicopedia Illogicopedia. It seems that no one has their priorities in order. Those poor space giraffes! This will require us to compromise and join the political fray just this once.

On this one day of the year, I believe we should all be able to come together across party lines and nationalities to agree that there is only one candidate who upholds the principles our community stands for.

There is an answer, and that answer is Donald Trump. Donald Trump promises to put a freeze on Goth visitors entering our web site. This will help decrease our depression and angst levels. Also, he has promised to build a wall around our web site and then make Uncyclopedia pay the costs of constructing the wall. Donald Trump's common-sense solutions are exactly what we need to make Illogicopedia great again!

-- Nerd42
— noreply@blogger.com (Nerd42) 2016-03-31 22:06:00

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You are currently reading the English language version of Illogicopedia. Started in 2007, it currently contains 12,433 pieces of junk known as articles. But did you know that Illogicopedia is available in a variety of other languages? Yep, and we're going to list them for you right now.

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Aah no!

It cut of text?


"Omg what is tHaT it's a elbowed banana hat" is an anagram of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Edit Count Countdown : 1 Whatever stop that




When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot but we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together."When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot but we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together."When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot batfuck we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together." When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to talking to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet.When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to talking to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet.When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to batfuck to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet. "stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to this one guy I met a week ago."stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to this one guy I met a week ago."stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to batfuck one guy I met a week ago. The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Tom together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb."The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Tom together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb."The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Bat Fuck together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb." New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her batfuck. 1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word explanation occurs*1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word explanation occurs*1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word batfuck occurs*The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone.

John and Steven are talking.The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone. John and Steven are talking.The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone. John and Steven are batfucking.That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that dress really does make you look fat."That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that dress really does make you look fat."That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that batfuck! really does make you look fat."When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good luck with that.When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good luck with that.When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good batfuck with that.Talking shit, talking smack "He was talking s the other day."Talking shit, talking smack "He was talking s the other day."Talking shit, talking smack "He bat talking s the other fuck.in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to canada! in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to canada! in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to batfuck!Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*sob*Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*sob*Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*batfuck* The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his mouth."The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his mouth."The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his batfuck.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her batfuck.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. Oh.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. Oh.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. batfuck. when two people like each other a lot and have established that they like each other but they aren't technically "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" yet but they don't talk to other people John and I have been talking for months, I wonder when he will ask me out.When some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my friendWhen some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my friendWhen some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my fuckbat.Talking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said BreTalking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said BreTalking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said fuckbat.to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing words"to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing words"to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing batfucking.Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just TALKING!Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just TALKING!Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just BATFUCKING!Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', wink wink."Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', wink wink."Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', Bat fuck.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing serious.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing serious.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing batgoddamnfuck. When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot but we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together."When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot but we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together."When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot batfuck we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together." When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to talking to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet.When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to talking to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet.When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to batfuck to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet. "stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to this one guy I met a week ago."stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to this one guy I met a week ago."stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to batfuck one guy I met a week ago. The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Tom together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb."The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Tom together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb."The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Bat Fuck together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb." New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her batfuck. 1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word explanation occurs*1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word explanation occurs*1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word batfuck occurs*The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone.

John and Steven are talking.The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone. John and Steven are talking.The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone. John and Steven are batfucking.That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that dress really does make you look fat."That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that dress really does make you look fat."That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that batfuck! really does make you look fat."When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good luck with that.When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good luck with that.When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good batfuck with that.Talking shit, talking smack "He was talking s the other day."Talking shit, talking smack "He was talking s the other day."Talking shit, talking smack "He bat talking s the other fuck.in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to canada! in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to canada! in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to batfuck!Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*sob*Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*sob*Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*batfuck* The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his mouth."The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his mouth."The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his batfuck.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her batfuck.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. Oh.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. Oh.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. batfuck. when two people like each other a lot and have established that they like each other but they aren't technically "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" yet but they don't talk to other people John and I have been talking for months, I wonder when he will ask me out.When some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my friendWhen some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my friendWhen some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my fuckbat.Talking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said BreTalking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said BreTalking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said fuckbat.to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing words"to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing words"to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing batfucking.Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just TALKING!Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just TALKING!Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just BATFUCKING!Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', wink wink."Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', wink wink."Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', Bat fuck.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing serious.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing serious.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing batgoddamnfuck. When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot but we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together."When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot but we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together."When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship. "John and I go out a lot batfuck we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together." When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to talking to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet.When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to talking to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet.When two people like eachother and are getting to know each other better,but are still single and not "going out" yet. I've been talking to batfuck to this boy for a few weeks, but hes not my boyfriend yet. "stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to this one guy I met a week ago."stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to this one guy I met a week ago."stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins I'm talking to batfuck one guy I met a week ago. The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Tom together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb."The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Tom together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb."The stage between 'just friends' and 'dating'. Usually ends badly without closure, as there wasn't an actual relationship. Almost never materializes into a real relationship either. Also really stupid. Basically friends with benefits, but both parties have feelings for the other. Really confusing because that should just be dating. There shouldn't be an in between period of awkwardness and 'defining the relationship'. "I see Kim and Bat Fuck together a lot! Are they dating?"

"No, they're talking."

"Oh. That's dumb." New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her batfuck. 1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word explanation occurs*1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word explanation occurs*1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations. Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

  • word batfuck occurs*The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone.

John and Steven are talking.The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone. John and Steven are talking.The verbal form of Texting someone. Often used in the "Old Days" before the cell phone. John and Steven are batfucking.That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that dress really does make you look fat."That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that dress really does make you look fat."That which my pissed-off girlfriend is not doing to me at the moment. "I'm sorry"

death stare

"No really, it came out wrong"

death stare

"OK fine, that batfuck! really does make you look fat."When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good luck with that.When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good luck with that.When you and someone who are both fond of each other are possibly a couple but certainly each other's slam pieces.

A weird state between being fwb or dating. Kyle: Yo how long have you and Susie been dating now?

Billy: Bro we aren't dating we're just "talking."

Kyle: Ahh gotcha, good batfuck with that.Talking shit, talking smack "He was talking s the other day."Talking shit, talking smack "He was talking s the other day."Talking shit, talking smack "He bat talking s the other fuck.in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to canada! in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to canada! in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth. now talking is texting "being textual" among other things SAY WHAT?! yes, you heard me. getting "textual" . Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :( "oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"

  • crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to batfuck!Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*sob*Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*sob*Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom. ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob* shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital" shannon: "im soooo sorry! but...um...weren't yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*batfuck* The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his mouth."The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his mouth."The first thing most people do before you realize they are an idiot. "He looked intelligent until he started to move his batfuck.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them. I have been talking to Mandy for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her batfuck.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. Oh.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. Oh.When two people are between friends with benefits and an exclusive relationship. M:So how are things with Jim? E: I'm not sure, its more than a physical thing, but we're definitely not dating. M:You're totally talking. It's a Michigan thing.

Are they dating? No, they're just talking. batfuck. when two people like each other a lot and have established that they like each other but they aren't technically "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" yet but they don't talk to other people John and I have been talking for months, I wonder when he will ask me out.When some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my friendWhen some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my friendWhen some one uses their voice box to make sound other beings can understand I was talking to my fuckbat.Talking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said BreTalking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said BreTalking is when you like a person,and they like you too, but you are free to mess around with other people, and not have guilt. "Hey i heard you hooked up with Christian Sullivan last night,aren't you talking to Nick Myers?" said my good friend Libby

"Yeah actually i am,but since we are just talking,it doesn't matter! I'm free of guilt! YAY!" said fuckbat.to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing words"to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing words"to speak or dicuss words. Victor-"We're not talking" Jenée-"Ya, we are were discussing batfucking.Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just TALKING!Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just TALKING!Used as a quick cover-up when you sneek away from a party to hook up with a hottie and want to keep it to yourself. I swear guys we were just BATFUCKING!Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', wink wink."Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', wink wink."Used as a code word for making out or pashing. Best used in speech with quotation marks or a few winks. "Yeh, we stayed up all night 'talking', Bat fuck.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing serious.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing serious.when two single people are having sex with each other. Marcus and I are talking, but its nothing batgoddamnfuck. God, Sooooooo much definitions of bat Fuck talking


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gay! gay! gay! gay! gay! gay! gay!

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gay gay gay gay gay gay gay

gay! gay! gay! gay! gay! gay! gay!

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gay gay gay gay gay gay gay

gay! gay! gay! gay! gay! gay! gay!


Another is the interpretation of the Abbey Road album cover as symbolising a funeral procession, where Lennon, dressed in white, symbolises the heavenly figure. Ringo Starr, dressed in black, symbolises the undertaker, George Harrison, in denim, symbolises the gravedigger, and McCartney, barefoot and out of step with the others, symbolises the corpse.


Another is the interpretation of the Abbey Road album cover as symbolising a funeral procession, where Lennon, dressed in white, symbolises the heavenly figure. Ringo Starr, dressed in black, symbolises the undertaker, George Harrison, in denim, symbolises the gravedigger, and McCartney, barefoot and out of step with the others, symbolises the corpse.


Another is the interpretation of the Abbey Road album cover as symbolising a funeral procession, where Lennon, dressed in white, symbolises the heavenly figure. Ringo Starr, dressed in black, symbolises the undertaker, George Harrison, in denim, symbolises the gravedigger, and McCartney, barefoot and out of step with the others, symbolises the corpse.

Quick thing

Quick article edit to beat uxy in article edit count by 1 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
14:21, 29 Arply 2017 (UTC)

I'm just trying to boost my edit count

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