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Eragon, also known as Star-Wars-Lord-of-the-Rings-His-Dark-Materials-Narnia-etc is a fantasy toddler novel/movie written by Christopher Paolini, a type of french cheese.
Plot[edit | edit source]
I don't know it. But it's got something to do with an egg. And egg that would make a GREAT omellete. And it might have a dragon in it.
Characters[edit | edit source]
EragonAragorn/Harry Potter/Frodo/Luke Skywalker: The emo hero of the story. Nobody cares about him.
SaphiraAslan/Buckbeak/Iorek Byrnison/Balto/Barney: The hero's furry slave.
BroomGandalf/Dumbledore/Yoda: A magic broom, which is pecked to death by rabid chickens known as "Ra'zec".
AryaLyra/Lucy/Susan/Arwen/Hermione: Do I need to explain?
GalbatorixAsterix/Obelix: A racist steryotype of the french.
Motion Pictures