- Did you mean Cataplasm or Theories of Cataplasm?
NB. The author of this article would like you to know that he is considerably richer than yow So hah hah. |
“Forget money, cataplasm is the opiate of the masses. Sweet opium... I mean, er, um...”
Capitalism, not to be confused with cataplasm, is the notion that honey makes the world go round. Invented by a bumblebee, it is a philosophy that essentially states:
You're not having any of my cash, now bog off. |
Of primary concern is the use of capital letters in the correct places, though this particular bee was drunk when he wrote his manifesto.
“Bees can write now?”
What, you never knew that? Get with the times man!
Basic structure of society (distribution of wealth)[edit | edit source]
They have more money than you. Barstools.
Capitalism's evils[edit | edit source]
Its made of rice jello. If that doesn't turn you off capitalism then you must be a dollar symbol.
Or...[edit | edit source]
Capitalism is a religion in which believers believe that capital letters are gods. They always write using them, and consider using lowercase ones as a sin.
Most Famous Capitalist Countries[edit | edit source]
- Untied State of Americano Coffee
- Pratalonia
- Free State of Baguette
- Angle Merkel's pudding basin
- The Capitalist State of Capitalist Capitalists™
See also[edit | edit source]