Deus Ex Machina

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For those who can't handle the real truth, the spinners of fake truth at Wikipedia have a thoroughly boring article on Deus Ex Machina.

Deus Ex Machina, aka God in the Machine, is a vidja game where you play as a god and a machine. As the icing on the proverbial and delicious cake, you play as the god inside the machine, both of which are yourself. So you play yourself inside yourself. It's like being your own proverbial and delicious cake, and eating it too.

Rules of Deus Ex Machina[edit | edit source]

  1. You cannot kill any civilians
  2. You can, however, kill peasants, commonfolk, and ordinary non-harmful people
  3. There is no rule 3
  4. If it exists in the game, you can make a Deus ex Machina out of it
  5. You can't walk on the black tiles because they're lava

Enemies[edit | edit source]